
"4+3+N" product lineup: 2022, Jietu opened the road to impact

If last year was the year of Jietu's brand advancement, then this year is the first year that Jietu really impacted the market.

In mid-2021, at a Jietu Automobile Brand Night event with the theme of "New Jietu New Journey", Jietu advanced from Chery Automobile's Product Sequence to Jietu Automobile, becoming an independent sub-brand of Chery Automobile. Some people say that this is the result of Jietu's excellent market performance, and the differentiated advantages of Jietu Automobile's "travel" are indispensable.

"4+3+N" product lineup: 2022, Jietu opened the road to impact

At the beginning of 2022, Jetway held the first brand night event of the year, and the theme still revolves around "travel".

On January 10th, China's first Travel + Conference & Jietu Automobile Brand Night event was held in Fuzhou. Different from other brands displaying new technologies, smart cockpits, chassis technology, at the event that night, more exhibits were food, camping, RVs and even national chain of playground cooperation projects... It can be seen that in the new round of consumption upgrades, Jietu Automobile takes the difference in product experience as the direction of brand building, and intends to insist on doing it.

At the same time, in this future travel technology show with the theme of "Our New Journey", Jietu Automobile released a new product strategic plan, interpreting the upgraded "Travel +" strategy from the brand, product and marketing dimensions. It is worth noting that at the press conference, the concept car codenamed Jietu T-X was officially unveiled.

Products enter the "travel +" market, and the ecosystem continues to expand

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group, said: "As the innovation pioneer of Chery Group, Jietu Automobile will meet market challenges with continuous brand innovation, product innovation and marketing innovation, and build the 'Travel +' ecosystem into a new benchmark for user experience in the automotive industry." ”

"4+3+N" product lineup: 2022, Jietu opened the road to impact

With the diversification and upgrading of user needs, user-centered continuous innovation has become the core competitiveness of automobile enterprises. In this context, in order to achieve differentiated brand positioning, Jietu Automobile put forward the "travel +" strategy, and through the ecological layout of the whole travel industry chain combining people, vehicles and scenes, to meet the ever-increasing travel needs of users.

We saw that Jietu Automobile officially released the layout of X, T, P and V product sequences at this brand night, focusing on SUVs, hardcore off-road, hardcore pickup trucks, and MPV models.

With the release of the new "Travel +" product strategic planning, Jietu Automobile officially opened the "4+3+N product matrix" era, namely SUV series (Jietu X-1, Jietu X-2, Jietu X70, Jietu X90), cross-border series (Jietu hard-core off-road, Jietu hard-core pickup truck, Jietu MPV), hybrid series (all series of products synchronous planning hybrid and living space series).

"4+3+N" product lineup: 2022, Jietu opened the road to impact

At the press conference, the T-X concept car codenamed Jietu was officially unveiled. The T product sequence aims to broaden the boundaries of travel, combined with the user's functional and scenario-based experience during the travel process, to create an off-road "solution" that is extremely safe to protect and release driving pleasure.

It is reported that in the future, the product sequence will launch a variety of models such as hardcore off-road, intelligent off-road, luxury off-road, etc., with vehicle lengths ranging from 4.6-5.1 meters, covering a price range of 150,000-300,000 yuan to meet the off-road travel needs of different consumers.

T product series in terms of power will include 1.0T, 2.0T, 3.0T fuel version and hybrid, pure electric and other options, at the same time, the use of a differential lock with four-wheel drive system, including mechanical four-wheel drive and electric four-wheel drive version, the body also includes load-bearing or non-load-bearing two body structures. According to the plan, the first model of the T product series, the T-1, will be launched in 2023. Based on the strong extensibility of the intelligent architecture of the T product sequence, the same platform pickup truck models will also be launched in the future.

While fully entering the "Travel +" segment, Jietu Automobile's "Travel +" ecosystem will continue to expand.

It is understood that Jietu Automobile is actively integrating the resources of the well-known domestic tourism industry, and through cooperation with enterprises or scenic spots such as Tuju Camping, Qunar.

At the event site, the cross-border display created by Jietu Automobile and Fangte, Qiuyedi and other "Travel +" ecosystem alliance partners showed the diversified and personalized scene experience of future travel. At present, Jietu Automobile has built 80 "Travel +" ecological alliance units, and according to the plan, it will be expanded to 100+ in 2022.

In 2026, how will Jietu achieve annual sales of one million?

"400,000 sales in three years", born in 2018, Jietu Automobile has grown rapidly.

In 2021, Jetway Automobile sold 154077 vehicles in the whole year, an increase of 17.9% year-on-year, and sold more than 10,000 units for 12 consecutive months. As of the end of December 2021, cumulative sales have reached 463814 units.

2022 is the first year of the "4+3+N product matrix" era, according to the plan, new products such as Jietu X-1 will be listed this year. With the development of new media channels such as e-commerce, it is expected to reach sales of 200,000 vehicles in 2022.

On this basis, Jietu Automobile has put forward a higher sales target, and by 2026, Jietu will strive to cross the annual sales mark of 1 million vehicles, including 700,000 vehicles in China and 300,000 vehicles exported.

"4+3+N" product lineup: 2022, Jietu opened the road to impact

"Jetway auto achieved sales of 400,000 units in three years. The core priority is the product. In the view of Li Xueyong, deputy general manager of Jietu Automobile and general manager of the marketing center, jietu's achievements in the past and future goals depend on the "travel +" ecology that is higher than the same level of product strength, cost performance and differentiation, Li Xueyong said: "Jietu focuses on the "travel +" market segment and creates a travel ecosystem. We have made great efforts to build this ecosystem. ”

In terms of user experience in the "Travel +" ecosystem, up to now, the number of Jietu APP users has reached 340,000, nearly 200 travel peripheral products, sales of 1 million + pieces, a total of 1800+ travel experience activities, more than 100,000 + people experience, covering more than 20 provinces, more than 100 cities, through novel and interesting activities, so that "Jietu users" become "users of Jietu".

Among them, "Peer- Damei China" upgrades the one-time car purchase of the traditional automotive industry to an in-depth travel experience, and innovates the "Lushu Co-creation Plan" to create the first brand of self-driving tour with users.

Entering a new stage of development, Li Xueyong said that the "travel +" ecosystem will fully enter the 2.0 stage, from building a travel unit combination to building a travel ecological combination. Construct a "travel +" travel ecology in the three directions of people, vehicles and scenes, interact with each other, define each other, and realize continuous optimization iteration and virtuous circle.

"4+3+N" product lineup: 2022, Jietu opened the road to impact

"Jietu Auto will continue to uphold the user-centered 'three most' marketing concept, understand users at the level of brand co-creation, product co-creation, and ecological co-creation, get close to users at the online and offline levels, and delight users at the pre-sales and after-sales levels; establish a user operation communication mechanism by 100% directly facing users, 100% direct users, and 100% user direct evaluation; and create a branded, organized, positioned, and contented user operation pattern around new media platforms such as Jietu Auto APP, Douyin, Official Micro, and Guanbo."

Jietu Automobile was born in the context of the "new four modernizations" of automobiles, user needs, technological innovation is the brand's innovative source code, in the face of the trend of youthful, diversified, personalized trend of automobile consumption structure upgrades, and actively embrace the rise of young user groups in the new round of consumption revolution, with continuous innovation and research and development to deconstruct and reshape the new generation of travel scenarios.

With the upgrading of product strategy, the "travel +" travel ecology is about to open a smarter and healthier era of all-scenario travel. With continuous brand innovation, product innovation and marketing innovation, Jietu Automobile will meet market challenges and work with users and partners to create an ecological co-creation platform of user co-creation, ecological sharing and win-win cooperation.

Che Yun Summary:

In the past, relying on the X70 and X90 series of products, Jietu not only gained nearly 500,000 sales, but also completed the leap from chery Holdings product series to independent brands. The analysis believes that as a brand that has only been "born" for three years, the development speed of Jietu, in addition to the product strength is "hard enough", has a great relationship with its differentiated market positioning.

Since the establishment of the brand, Jietu Automobile has successfully shaped the two star product series of X70 and X90 with the three advantages of space, sexual superiority and brand endorsement, and its product price range has also entered the mainstream "battlefield" of 110,000 yuan from about 90,000 yuan. At present, Jietu began to continue to grow the product lineup, Jietu X90 began to enter the medium-sized SUV market with a posture of 150,000 yuan, breaking through the boundaries of its own brand market segment, and Jietu is also achieving a breakthrough of self-"upward".

Che Yunmei believes that the current achievements of Jietu lie in the product configuration and cost-effective advantages of the leapfrog level, as for the "travel +" brand strategy may produce in the future to promote the effect, Jietu may also further explore the relationship between products and travel, such as the same long-distance self-driving tour, how to reflect the advantages of Jietu? Where should consumers experience it? Perhaps only by answering these questions well can we better form brand labels and achieve circle breaking.

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