
Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

The thirty-third time in "Dream of the Red Chamber", Jia Zheng beat Baoyu for many reasons, although in the original text there are many side descriptions of the relationship between Jia Zheng and Jia Baoyu between father and son, and Baoyu has also been beaten many times, but most of them have been taken in one stroke, and this time it was extremely bad, not only alarmed Jia Mu, Madame Wang and others, but even Jia Zheng's protégé Fu Zhenjia also heard the news and came to visit. So, to what extent did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu this time? And look at the original text.

Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

Baoyu... Only to see Jia Zheng's little squatter coming and forcing him out. When Jia Zheng saw it, his eyes were red and purple... Only drink ling: "Shut up, really kill!" "The little guys... I had to press the jade on the stool, lift the big board, and hit it ten times. Jia Zhengyu felt that the blow was light, kicked the palm plate, grabbed it himself, and gritted his teeth and covered it thirty or forty times. The doormen saw that the fight was ominous and rushed up to persuade them. From this description, it can be seen that when Jia Zheng saw Baoyu, he was so angry that he was red, and ordered Xiao Wei to block Baoyu, not to shout, and beat him to death. Jia Zheng's drinking order was of course a momentary angry, but the small squatters hit ten times, Jia Zheng was not enough, after kicking the small squatter on the palm board away, he gritted his teeth and covered it with thirty or forty times. Jia Zheng's study raised a lot of pilgrims, and these doormen saw that they had "beaten ominously" before they came up to persuade them. If the usual father educates and beats the son, the doorman knows that this father is angry, and may not all come to persuade each other, but at this time, the meaning of "fighting is not detailed", which means that if you continue to fight, it will inevitably be killed and you have to persuade. A father hit his son on the head of anger, almost killing people, which shows how resentful Jia Zheng was in his heart at that time!

Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

Look at the following paragraphs: As soon as Madame Wang entered the room, Jia Zheng was more like adding fuel to the fire, and the board went down more and more fiercely and faster... Baoyu has long been unable to move... Madame Wang cried, "... Killing Baoyu is a small matter, if the old lady is uncomfortable for a while, it is not a big deal! Jia Zheng sneered, "Hugh mentioned this." I have raised this unworthy sin and I am no longer filial piety! Teach him a lesson, and with the support of many, it is better to take advantage of today's strangulation to death, so as to avoid future troubles! "Saying that, he asked for a rope to strangle him. Madame Wang hugged Baoyu, only to see that his face was white and weak, and the green veil he wore underneath was all blood stains, and she couldn't help but take off the sweat towel to look at it, from the arm to the shin, or blue or purple, or whole or broken, and there was no benefit at all.... At that time, Jia Zheng saw that Jia's mother's anger had not completely subsided, and he did not dare to take matters into his own hands, so he had to follow in. Look at Baoyu, it really hit hard. Attacking people... Take off your shirt. Bao Yu moved slightly, then gritted his teeth and shouted "Bel yo", and the attacker quickly stopped his hand, so that it faded three or four times. When the attacker looked, he saw that the upper half of his legs were bruised, and there were four finger-wide stiff marks that were raised. The attacker gritted his teeth and said, "My mother, how can you make such a cruel hand!" ...... Fortunately, I didn't move my bones, if I had a disability, how could I call people! From these descriptions, it can be seen that Jia Zheng really hit Baoyu very hard this time, and as for the reason, it was because he thought that Baoyu might cause the disaster of "killing the king and killing his father" in the future, which would bring the disaster of destroying the family and destroying the family.

Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

It is still possible to say that Baoyu will cause trouble to the family, but to say that he will kill the king and kill his father, it will never be. But people who are angry will think about things worse, not to mention that Bao Yu is a deviant youth, and there are many contradictions between Jia Zheng and him, in today's words, called the generation gap. Moreover, this time there were more things, and aunt Zhao, Jia Huan and others added oil and vinegar to stir up dissension, Jia Zhengxin thought it was true, imagined Baoyu even worse, and only then did he have the idea of beating him to death. Look closely at the reasons why Jia Zheng beat Baoyu, one is to punish him, and the other is to feel desperate. Let's analyze it from the perspective of a face-to-face parent. Regarding the punishment, he felt that he had just passed the treasure meeting of the rain village, and his mental state was very wrong. In front of these officials, they also looked listless, completely a prodigal prince image that did not show up, and looked at Jia Zheng's words: "Good manners, what are you doing when you are downcast?" Fang Cai Yu Village came to see you and told you to come out in the half day; even if you came out, there was no generosity at all, and it was still a humble man. I see a look of longing and sullenness on your face, and this will make you cough and sigh again. Are you not comfortable with those who are not enough? Why is this so for no reason? "From this father's point of view, the son will meet the guests, and come out very late, which is a loss of courtesy in front of the guests. Meeting with the guests, talking and coping inappropriately, the spirit is not right, another sighing, melancholy and distressed look, he does not know that with the status of Jia Fu, the degree of Baoyu's favor in the family, there can still be those dissatisfaction and those in.

Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

As Baoyu's identity, pampering and pampering, it is reasonable to say that life should be very rich and carefree, which is also the reason why Jia Zheng scolded Baoyu for asking Baoyu what dissatisfaction there was. But behind this wealth, it also carries the family's expectations of him. But Baoyu obviously can't bear this expectation, only because he is still young, and Jia Zheng will be stopped by Jia's mother every time he wants to discipline him, so Jia Zheng does not have expectations for Baoyu for the time being, which is also the main reason why the relationship between father and son is not very harmonious, and this expectation, as a father, Jia Zheng actually has the responsibility to teach and assist him to complete. However, the situation of the Jia family at that time first had a tendency for the family to fall. In the whole Jia family, only Jia Zheng basically has official duties, and although Jia Zhen has attacked the knighthood or official position, it is basically an idle post, or "it is not good to be an official", which is what Jia Mu sees in her eyes, and she counts jia amnesty in front of her daughters-in-law and granddaughters-in-law every day. Although Jia Zheng loved to read, he was not born from Keju, but his father was a superintendent on his deathbed, and the emperor ordered an additional official. Although the eldest son, Jia Zhu, entered school early, he was originally pinned high hopes on by Jia Zheng and his wife, but he died of illness. After the hope was disappointed, the precious jade with jade naturally became Jia Zheng's expectation, and it was also the expectation of the whole family, which was beyond reproach. However, Baoyu is not a material for reading and improving. Not only did he not read books, but he also satirized those who were keen on reading books to become officials and economics as "Lu Beetles", how could Jia Zheng not be angry?

Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and Jia Zheng repeatedly gave hope to Baoyu but finally ended in disappointment. He pinned his hopes for the revival of the entire family on Baoyu, but when Baoyu could not meet his expectations, Jia Zheng, as a father, was naturally annoyed. In life, some father-son relationships are very tense, and it is very common to have such a type of father-son relationship, in fact, the father projects his expectations and emotions and emotions onto his son. For example, many fathers are disappointed in themselves, feel powerless in life, and if they see their son making a small mistake one day, they will often hold on to it, and even insult and scold their son and punch and kick. This is actually projecting his disappointment in himself, his anger at reality, onto his son. Many parents are like this, children become their own anger or powerless disappointment of the adult feel powerless or ignorant, do not just cry casually, especially men, but they often do not randomly anger colleagues or friends and strangers, because the consequences of doing so, they are uncontrollable. But there is a relationship in which the father is born with authority and superiority, and that is the father-son relationship. The ancients said that kings and subjects are fathers and sons, this is the truth. However, many fathers abuse this authority, and eventually they easily lose their son's trust and respect, and the relationship between father and son deteriorates.

Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

From the perspective of Jia Zheng and Bao Yu's father and son, Bao Yu enjoys the most glory and wealth in Jia Province, as a descendant of the Jia family, he should also contribute to the prosperity of the family, but Bao Yu has no intention of this, only caring about his own greed for pleasure, so "Dream of the Red Chamber" has two "Xi Jiang Yue" words, criticizing Bao Yu as "ancient and modern is not unparalleled", "there is no hope in the country and at home". When the men of the Jia family became more and more useless, and Jia Zhengshi did not see any improvement in his career, he became more and more anxious, but this anxiety gradually developed into seeing Baoyu more and more unpleasant, often beating and scolding, rather than personally and patiently teaching Baoyu. Looking at Jia Zheng's insults to Baoyu's words: "a beast who has done evil", "fork out", "stand dirty on my ground", etc., it is not difficult to imagine how disgusted and despised his son as a father.

Why did Jia Zheng beat Bao Yu badly? There has been this unavoidable problem between father and son throughout the ages

Jia Zheng could not control the shaky situation of the Jia family, nor could he persuade the men in the clan to make progress in their careers, but as a father, he could control Baoyu, which was the authority between father and son. Even though he was a foreign official, he was useless in the eyes of his colleagues and had not been promoted for many years, but in front of Baoyu, he always had a majesty, which was the majesty of his father, but he abused this majesty and power, and casually vented and scolded, and because of this, he was never able to speak equally with Baoyu, and the gap between the two deepened. In the end, In order to thank him for his nurturing grace, Bao Yu would rather kowtow to him three times in the snow than go up to him and say goodbye to him, which is the sadness of the Chinese patriarchy. References: "Dream of the Red Chamber Fat Collection", by Cao Xueqin, Comments on Fat Yan Zhai, Yuelu Book Club.

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