
Obstetrics: Standing and sitting postures to relieve labor pains

Relieves the pain of standing and sitting

1. Correct standing posture to relieve pain

Relaxed posture

Relax legs, shoulders and neck. At this point, the spine must be straightened.

Tense posture

If the correct breathing method is repeatedly trained according to the difference between tension and relaxation, the pain during childbirth can be alleviated. Straighten your legs firmly while standing, then strain your shoulders and neck.

Obstetrics: Standing and sitting postures to relieve labor pains

2. True sitting posture to relieve pain

Correct posture

Even if you take a short break, you should straighten your back and relax your shoulders. In the case of going to work, pay special attention to the sitting posture, so as to reduce physical stress.

Wrong posture

Obstetrics: Standing and sitting postures to relieve labor pains

If you tilt your back, it is easy to cause low back pain. Pregnant women sit on the chair in an oblique position, which will only increase the burden on the body.

Aesthetic prenatal education

By this month, the initial consciousness of the fetus has been established, so the training of the fetal mental development can be more abstract and three-dimensional aesthetic fertility teaching method. Aesthetic prenatal education requires pregnant mothers to see, hear and experience all the beautiful things in life, and to transmit their feelings of beauty to the fetus through nerve conduction.

Looking, mainly refers to reading some excellent works and appreciating beautiful pictures. Pregnant mothers must read and think while reading these literary works, and strengthen their feelings about beauty, so that the fetus can benefit.

Obstetrics: Standing and sitting postures to relieve labor pains

Listening, mainly refers to listening to music, at this time, when the pregnant mother appreciates music, she can choose some works with distinct themes and full of artistic conception, which can promote the surge of people's beautiful feelings and is also conducive to the mental growth of the fetus.

Experience refers to all feelings and understandings that run through the activities of seeing and listening. Pregnant mothers should also move around moderately at this stage, can go to the nature with better air quality to enjoy the beauty of nature, pregnant mothers can also get beautiful feelings by appreciating the beautiful scenery, which can also make the fetus get a beautiful feeling, which is also a good prenatal education.

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