
【Red Memory】The sun shines on the shore of the patio lake‖ Liu Gan

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【Red Memory】The sun shines on the shore of the patio lake‖ Liu Gan

The sun shines on the shores of the patio lake

Liu Gan

Patio Lake is not only a lake with a story in the Five Rivers, but also an old revolutionary base area in the Five Rivers. In July 1930, the famous armed rebellion of peasants in northeast Anhui led by the Communist Party of China took place here. Wang Yazhen, Wang Ziyu, Wei Zhengbin, Gu Jingxin and other leaders of the rebellion, sacrificed their lives and forgot their deaths, and their great righteousness was awe-inspiring, and their heroic deeds were praised by Qingshi and also made the unknown Tingting Lake a household name.

【Red Memory】The sun shines on the shore of the patio lake‖ Liu Gan

Patio Lake, Five Rivers County

Secretly establish party organizations

Under the rule of the Kuomintang, the vast number of peasants on both sides of the Shiliang River, on the north bank of Tingting Lake and its upstream tributary, were oppressed and exploited by the local tycoons and inferior gentry and the landlord class. At this time, the peasants prayed for the emergence of an enlightened organization to save them, to lead them to overthrow the old regime, to get rid of exploitation and oppression, and to stand up and live an upright life.

In the summer of 1926, under the influence of the Northern Expedition, the progressive students on the north bank of Tinghu Lake, represented by Wang Yazhen and Wang Ziyu, who had joined the Communist Party of China during their studies in other places, secretly established the Provisional Branch of the CPC Si County (according to research, this was the earliest party branch in northeast Anhui and the first CPC branch in Wuhe County) in the name of the "Overseas Student Union" in their hometown Jiegou (now Jiegou Village, Wuhe County, Anhui), echoing the wishes of the peasants, who were determined to save the peasants from the depths of the water.

In the autumn of 1927, on the basis of the provisional party branch, the provisional county committee of Si County of the Communist Party of China was expanded. In the following year, Jiegou established the CPC District Committee (which has jurisdiction over the three party branches of Jiegou, Dawei and Tonghu on the north bank of Tingting Lake), which is under the leadership of the Xuhai beng Special Committee and the SiXian Special Branch of the CPC, With Wei Zhengbin as the secretary of the district party committee, Wang Yazhen, a temporary member of the Sixian County CPC Committee, concurrently serving as a member of the propaganda committee of the Jiegou District Committee, and Gu Jingxin as a member of the organization committee of the district committee. Subsequently, under the cover of being a teacher at Jiegou Primary School, they went to class during the day and into private houses at night to secretly carry out party propaganda activities. Because of the Kuomintang's arbitrary and arbitrary old system, the whole society was smoked and miasma, causing strong dissatisfaction among the peasants, and contradictions gradually intensified, and a torrent of revolution was already brewing in the hearts of the people, like dry firewood, burning as soon as it was burned.

【Red Memory】The sun shines on the shore of the patio lake‖ Liu Gan

Preparation for struggle

In order to further enhance the peasants' ideological consciousness, the Xu Haiben Special Committee of the CPC and the Special Branch of Sixian County assigned Wang Yazhen, Wang Ziyu, Wei Zhengbin, and others to go deeper among the peasants, enlighten the people's wisdom, organize the peasants to help each other, explain the root causes of the peasants' suffering, call on the peasants to unite, wage a resolute struggle against the local tycoons and gentry, overthrow the old regime ruled by the Kuomintang, and establish a new political power under the leadership of the Communist Party. The arrival of the secret of the party organization is like a ray of sunshine shining on the hearts of the peasants on the shore of the patio lake, so that the peasants can see the light, see the hope, and have the hope of living a new life.

Since August 1928, various associations spontaneously established by farmers, such as the "Red Gun Society", "Minotaur Society", "Light Egg Society", "Flat Shoulder Society", "Stick Head Society", and "Long Trade Union", have sprung up in the area around Tingting Lake and on both sides of the Shiliang River. These associations have systematically carried out legal struggles against rent, taxes, and donations, and put forward slogans such as "If you want grain without a grain, you must have a life, you must have a grain, and you will not work without processing money," forcing the landlord class to increase its wages from the original 20 to 30 hangings, dealing a blow to the prestige of the feudal landlord class, initially showing the powerful strength and influence of the peasant organizations, and also educating the peasants to realize that only under the leadership of the Communist Party can they embody their own value and status, and have strengthened their determination and confidence to always follow the Communist Party.

In 1929, the wave of party-led small-scale urban strikes, student strikes, and wage wage increases was higher than a wave, which greatly promoted the rapid development of the rural revolutionary situation in a good direction, and the revolutionary forces were also expanding in the tide.

【Red Memory】The sun shines on the shore of the patio lake‖ Liu Gan

Portrait of martyr Wang Yazhen

The first battle was won

In July 1930, the Cpc Xu Haiben Special Committee and the SiXian Special Branch, seeing that the situation was favorable to our Party and that the time was basically ripe, instructed the Provisional Sixian County Cpc Committee of the CPC to hold an armed peasant rebellion and set up a peasant armed insurrection action committee, and Wang Yazhen, Wang Ziyu, and Wei Zhengbin were all backbone members of the committee. The slogans of action were: "Down with the Kuomintang, overthrow the old regime, and establish a workers' and peasants' power; overthrow the local tycoons and gentry, oppose the harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes; and overthrow the bully landlords and divide the land, grain, and clothes." ”

In view of the fact that the party's mass base on the shore of Tingting Lake is relatively good, and it is located in a remote area at the junction of 3 counties (Wuhe County, Si County, and Sihong County), the Kuomintang rule is relatively weak, so it is a correct decision to take this place as the first stop of the armed rebellion and fire the first shot of the armed riot. By the end of July 1930, the peasant rebellion had grown to more than 500 people, and concentrated in Daweizhuang and Xiaoweizhuang on the east bank of the Shiliang River, and publicly declared an armed uprising.

When the Kuomintang Si County Government learned the news, it was very frightened, and colluded with The Qiugang of Sihong County to bully the idea that Jifang send troops to suppress it, raise a butcher's knife to the peasants, and wantonly slaughter the peasant brothers who resisted. Wang Yazhen, Wang Ziyu, and Wei Zhengbin ordered the team to assemble and fight hard. The indignant peasants, armed with guns and guns, and without guns, armed with large knives, spears, axes, grappling hooks, iron forks and other instruments and agricultural tools, bravely rushed toward the enemy. Soon after the battle, the Kuomintang military and police and the Kuomintang regiment practiced chaos, scattered birds and beasts, and fled in a big defeat. The rioting peasants, in a fit of rage, took out the Kuomintang Regiment Training Bureau in Shangtang District, Sihong County, seized 35 rifles and more than 500 rounds of ammunition, confiscated the grain, agricultural tools, and clothing of the Successor Family, and distributed them to the poor peasants in a timely manner. Because of the intimidation of the riots, landlords and local tycoons and inferior gentry in Wuhe County, Chen Lu, Zhu Wei, Jiegou and other villages on the north bank of Tingting Lake also voluntarily handed over their guns and ammunition. Although this riot sacrificed some peasant brothers, it created the momentum of the peasants' vigorous resistance, struck a blow at the arrogance of the feudal landlord class, and attracted a positive response from young peasants in other villages on the shore of the patio lake.

【Red Memory】The sun shines on the shore of the patio lake‖ Liu Gan


At the end of July 1930, Wang Yazhen, Wang Ziyu, Wei Zhengbin, and other party leaders convened a meeting of the responsible persons of the peasant self-defense forces in various villages on both sides of the Shiliang River at Chen Luzhuang on the north bank of Tingting Lake to sum up the experience of victory in the initial battle, point out that there were problems, further tighten discipline, rest and expand the contingent, and prepare for greater development. Local farmers, students and people from all walks of life heard the news, echoed each other from afar, actively participated, and grew to more than a thousand overnight.

On 1 August, at the threshing ground in the south of Zhuxu Village, Wuhe County, a meeting for the reorganization of a thousand people was held again, and Wang Yazhen and Wei Zhengbin announced the formal establishment of an independent division of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Second Army, with He Fengchi as the division commander, Ding Maoxiu as the deputy division commander, Wei Zhengbin in charge of military command, and Wang Yazhen in charge of propaganda and mobilization, continuing to recruit troops, buy horses, expanding the ranks, and turning the Tingting Lake into a red revolutionary base area under the leadership of the Communist Party.

On August 2, Wei Shangshu, one of the leaders of the riots, led more than 20 rioters to collect 12 guns and some grain and clothing from the landlords in the two villages of DengWan and Dengxu in Si County. Wei Shangshu immediately decided to attack the county magistrate's car and catch him off guard. The rioting peasants fired all their guns, but the car ran too fast to hit. But Zhang Haizhou was so frightened that he farted and urinated, and he hid in the county town, like a bird with a frightened bow, and he did not dare to show his face.

On August 3, the rioting peasants continued to advance to Ping shan and Machang in Si County. Xu Huating, the bully landlord, is the chairman of the local regiment training bureau, and he lives in Baimiao Village, Pingshan Township, where he is doing a happy event and marrying his daughter-in-law, and the guests are like clouds. Wang Yazhen and Wang Ziyu decided to pull out the nail and disguise themselves into the Hexi crowd. As a result, without firing a single shot, he outwitted the White Temple, and Xu Huating took advantage of the chaos. The riot team successfully arrived at its destination, met with the Ping Shan riot peasants victoriously, and won the initial battle.

Sow the seeds of revolution

After that, the independent division of the Red Second Army marched eastward, preparing to join the peasant armed forces organized by wang ziyu, the county action committee, in Suqian, Jiangsu Province, to expand the red second army. As soon as he arrived in Tanggou, he was surrounded by more than 1,300 people from the Kuomintang Si County Garrison and the regimental training team of 3 districts. The fighting lasted from morning to dusk, the bullets ran out, and the peasant armed forces were forced to divide into long gun teams, large knife teams, and shuttle dart teams, and disperse the breakthrough. Due to the strength of the enemy and the weakness of the enemy, coupled with the lack of experience in military struggle, the rebel team was beaten to pieces, and Wang Ziyu and Wei Zhengbin died heroically in the battle. In a hurry, He Fengchi, Wei Shangshu, Tao Shixun, Zhao Haitao, and other leaders of the riot, as well as more than 100 rioting peasants, were unfortunately captured, and the leaders of the riot were imprisoned as key criminals in the Kuomintang prison in Sixian County. Five days later, the leader of the riot was brutally killed by the Kuomintang. Ding Maoxiu and Wang Yazhen were injured during the breakout and were forced to sneak into the home of bai Yisheng, a classmate of Dabaixu Village, to secretly treat their wounds, and survived. However, after the failure of the peasant uprising, the Kuomintang Anhui Provincial Government did not give up and ordered the Kuomintang Si County Government to order the hunt down of all those who participated in the armed uprising, especially the leaders of Ding Maoxiu and Wang Yazhen, who had slipped through the net. After hearing the news, Ding Maoxiu, Wang Yazhen, and other leaders of the riots and some of the rioting peasants immediately disbanded, hid in the villages, and worked secretly while waiting for the liberation of the whole country under the leadership of the Communist Party.

Shortly after recovering from his injuries, Wang Yazhen organized arrangements to infiltrate the new 20th Division of the Kuomintang to carry out military movement work, but in fact secretly collected Kuomintang intelligence. Soon, the 20th Division "Qing Communists" secretly slaughtered the Communists in the procession, and Wang Yazhen was forced to leave the Kuomintang army. What Wang Yazhen did not expect was that when passing through Linhuai Pass in Fengyang County, when he was at the junction of the underground traffic station "Yi Pin Xiu" Hotel, he was arrested for informing traitors and imprisoned in the Nanjing Kuomintang Army Prison. After the "July 7" incident, the Kuomintang and the Communists cooperated, and Wang Yazhen was rescued from prison and joined the local anti-Japanese guerrillas. In the winter of 1946, the main force of the New Fourth Army withdrew to Shandong, and Wang Yazhen, who was then the county magistrate of Wuhe County, led some armed cover troops to retreat north, and was suddenly surrounded by heavy Kuomintang troops on the shore of Hongze Lake. Wang Yazhen was not afraid of danger, calmly commanded the battle, but finally because he was outnumbered, he died heroically at the muzzle of the enemy's guns, at the age of 43.

Although the revolutionary armed rebellion of the peasants on the shore of the patio lake failed, the revolutionary flame sown by the heroic martyrs with their blood ignited the flame of the people's revolutionary struggle on the shore of the patio lake, made the revolutionary struggle here more vigorous, laid the mass foundation for the future revolutionary struggle and the victory of the revolution, and wrote a glorious chapter in the history of the revolutionary struggle in northeast Anhui and Anhui.

Today, under the leadership of the party, the vast rural areas on the shores of the patio lake have guarded the roots of local red culture, continued to carry forward the revolutionary spirit of arduous struggle in the old areas, unremittingly pursued a happy life, gradually got rid of poverty, and built a new socialist countryside with prosperous people.

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, we must not forget the old Communist Party members who threw their heads and spilled their blood on this land. Just this article, to comfort those underground heroes, you are a monument in the minds of future generations, we will always miss you! Rest in peace, martyrs!

Source: Sichuan Provincial Local History Work Office

Author:Liu Gan(Jiangsu Yangzhong Jinshan Vocational and Technical College)

Pictured: Fang Zhi Sichuan

Some of Fangzhi Sichuan's pictures, audio and video come from the Internet, only to disseminate more information. The copyright of the pictures, audio and video contained in the article belongs to the original author or media.

【Red Memory】The sun shines on the shore of the patio lake‖ Liu Gan

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