
How to prevent the New Coronavirus Omiljung variant? Authoritative answers from Jiangsu disease control experts

Recently, some parts of China have successively seen confirmed cases imported from abroad and locally confirmed cases of the new coronavirus Olmi Kerong variant, and there have also been local clusters of epidemics in some areas. How to prevent "Omikejong"? The reporter interviewed Bao Xianjun, an expert of the New Crown Pneumonia Prevention and Control Expert Group (Public Health) of the Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission, director and chief physician of the Institute for the Prevention and Control of Acute Infectious Diseases of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

How to prevent the New Coronavirus Omiljung variant? Authoritative answers from Jiangsu disease control experts

Q: What is the recent international and domestic epidemic situation?

A: As of January 8, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world has exceeded 300 million, and in the past week, the average daily number of new confirmed cases has reached nearly 1.9 million, more than twice the peak of the previous wave of the epidemic, and the pressure on China's foreign defense has further increased. In particular, the recent new coronavirus Semi-Kerong variant has been found in many countries and regions around the world, and China has also found a number of imported and locally confirmed cases infected with the Semikron variant.

Q: What are the new features of the New Coronavirus Semikron mutation?

A: Compared with the Delta mutant, the Aumechjung mutant is more experiential and stealthy.

From the perspective of transmission power, this mutant strain spreads relatively faster, which will lead to a wider range of transmission, easy to spread at multiple points or concentrated outbreaks, and it is more likely to develop into a local cluster epidemic in a short period of time. Some data show that compared with the previous Delta variant, the infectivity has increased by 20-30%, and the number of new cases abroad every day and week has exceeded the historical peak, bringing new challenges to precise prevention and control.

After infection with the Aomi Kerong variant, the symptoms were relatively mild. The symptoms are mild, on the one hand, because the T cell immune function produced by the new crown virus vaccine or natural infection can still play a role, on the other hand, the Omilkerong variant itself has a weak pathogenic rate, and the main symptoms are fever, dry cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, nasal congestion, etc.

There is a debatable argument that the new crown pneumonia caused by the Aomi Kerong mutation can be regarded as a "big flu". For most immunocompetent people, it may be right, but for immunocompromised people, the elderly, special populations with chronic underlying diseases, etc., the risk of severe illness or even death after infection is higher.

The spread of this variant strain is more insidious, and most of the infections have mild symptoms or even asymptomatic infections, resulting in infected people not being easily detected in time, and infected people often do not know where to get infected. At present, the local cluster epidemic caused by the Omicron variant in other provinces and cities has not yet been confirmed, that is to say, the source is not clear, which also brings great challenges to the speed and accuracy of large-scale screening.

Therefore, for the new coronavirus Omilton variant, whether from the perspective of prevention and control, or treatment, it should not be taken lightly.

Q: How to prevent the Aumechjong mutation?

A: These practices and measures are still effective against the Omiljunn variant of the new coronavirus:

One is that good personal hygiene practices are still effective. Including paying attention to hand hygiene, scientific wearing of masks, often ventilating, less gathering (especially to avoid poor ventilation or crowded places), always paying attention to maintaining "one-meter line" social distancing in public places, coughing and sneezing with tissues or elbow sleeves, etc., these good habits are still effective ways to block the spread of the virus, and the same applies to the Omicron variant.

Second, timely vaccination is still effective. Data at home and abroad show that vaccination against COVID-19 is the most effective way to prevent COVID-19, especially for reducing severe illness and death.

Third, improving autoimmunity is still effective. This is a powerful weapon against various viruses, including the new crown virus. Daily attention should be paid to reasonable diet, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, especially not staying up late. Sleeping after 12 o'clock reduces autoimmunity.

Fourth, the current epidemic prevention and control strategies and measures are still effective. The whole society should increase its vigilance against the new crown virus, especially the Aomi Kerong mutation strain, continue to adhere to the "external prevention of imports, internal prevention and rebound", and jointly build a social defense line for epidemic prevention and control. Key departments and key units should strengthen the investigation and control of risk personnel.

Q: The Spring Festival is coming, the flow of people is increasing, what are the precautions in terms of travel, especially when taking public transportation?

A: Everyone is the first person responsible for their own health. As the Spring Festival approaches, the public should continue to do a good job in health protection, insist on non-essential travel, that is, do not leave the country, do not go to medium- and high-risk areas, especially in areas where the epidemic has occurred, and reduce inter-provincial and cross-regional flows. Where it is necessary to move across provinces and regions, it is necessary to understand the epidemic prevention requirements of the destination in advance and achieve safe and orderly flow. If you have respiratory symptoms such as fever, you must wait for your body temperature to be normal and the symptoms to disappear before you can go. After returning, take the initiative to report to the unit and community as soon as possible, and cooperate with various prevention and control measures such as health monitoring and nucleic acid testing.

During the trip, it is necessary to prepare masks, hand consumption and other epidemic prevention supplies, pay attention to strengthening personal protection, and wear masks that meet the requirements throughout the process. After using toilets and touching public environments that may be contaminated, be sure to wash your hands in a timely manner to reduce the risk of contracting the new crown virus.

When traveling on public transport, wear a mask that meets the requirements at all times, try to avoid contact with public parts that may be contaminated, wash your hands immediately after contact, or disinfect your hands. When there is no condition to wash your hands or disinfect your hands, do not touch areas such as eyes, mouth, and nose with your hands. If respiratory symptoms such as fever occur, the flight attendant should be notified as soon as possible and the staff should be arranged.

Q: What should I do if I have symptoms of suspected COVID-19?

A: Once there are symptoms of suspected new crown pneumonia, such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, decreased sense of smell and taste, conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea, under the premise of personal protection, it is necessary to promptly follow the standardized procedures to seek medical treatment, inform the receiving medical staff of their recent travel history, and contact history with overseas personnel and goods (especially cold chain goods), if there is contact with the published positive case, or the trajectory is crossed, it must not be concealed.

Once again, I call on everyone: once suspicious symptoms appear, we must regulate medical treatment in a timely manner, and do not be careless or take chances. Only when you and I work together can we ensure the health and safety of the social environment.

Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Yang Yan

Filmed by Yang Zehua

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