
How to find the right way in 2022? Exposing data is more reliable than intuition

The sadness and joy of the individual always bear the imprint of the times. At that time, the light flowed through 2021, and this brand was magnified.

In the last few days of 2021, Nie Huihua, a professor at the School of Economics at Chinese University, briefly summarized the past year with the keywords of "great transformation" and "uncertainty". The pain of transformation and the risks of uncertainty exacerbate the division of individuals in the times, and even with the same effort, individual choices and positions are more decisive than ever.

Those who go with the trend do more with less, and those who sail against the current are struggling. For the times, this is the trend of the times, the flow of the tide; but for every individual under the shroud of the times, it is inevitable to have a sense of fatalism and powerlessness.

Stepping into 2022, every ordinary person who wants to control his destiny is trying harder to see the direction of the tide, and to peel back the cocoon under the appearance of disturbance and see the way forward, the data may be more reliable than intuition.

Fortunately, this era allows ordinary people to use certain data and interpretation of data to eliminate information differences, find a sense of solidity and direction, and make the right choice.

See the light overhead in systemic risk

The dust of the times fell, it could be a mountain, or it could be a gust of wind.

The hardships of the real estate industry, the recurrence of the epidemic... It is an unpredictable "systemic risk" for ordinary people.

Good winds rely on strength, and lucky people ride on the wind; when pressure strikes, some people may be trapped for a while. Some netizens joked that the most miserable family in 2021 is: the husband does real estate, the wife is in the education and training industry, and the two bought Evergrande off-plan houses.

The ups and downs of an individual's fate are always constrained by the times. Because of this, even in the whirlpool of systemic risk, we must see the light of the big times.

First of all, the basic plan for the steady progress of the national economy is the greatest sense of security for every citizen to live and work in peace and contentment. According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first three quarters of 2021, China's GDP reached 82.31 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.8% year-on-year, higher than the expected target of more than 6%, and also higher than the global average growth rate and the growth rate of major economies. The latest forecasts of the International Monetary Fund show that China's economic growth rate will reach 8.0% in 2021, ranking among the top major economies.

In the process of China's overall economic form "transformation from traditional economy to digital economy", as Professor Nie Huihua said, "resilience is reflected in the transformation, and vitality is bred in uncertainty." "Digital industrialization is cultivating a new digital engine for enterprise growth, and industrial digitalization is penetrating into all walks of life, bringing new scenarios of digital integration and innovation, and also bringing more space and opportunities for ordinary people."

Economic development is also accompanied by the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals and the improvement of the level of national welfare.

A few years ago, the 2021 annual industrial insight report "Times Shimmering Great Country Meteorology" released by Tianyancha showed that in order to reduce carbon emissions, in 2021, china added more than 89,000 photovoltaic-related enterprises, an increase of 71.4% year-on-year, and more than 5,400 annual layout patents; more than 10,000 new wind power-related enterprises, an increase of 61.5% year-on-year, and more than 30% of the registered capital was more than 10 million. The goal of "carbon peaking, carbon neutrality" has also driven the development of chips, energy storage and other related fields.

Under the guidance of policies, not only the level of social welfare has been improved, but also the fields related to people's livelihood and well-being have also developed rapidly.

In the last month of 2021, medical representatives staged a "soul bargain", 700,000 life-saving drugs were included in medical insurance, and 74 drugs were added to the 2021 national medical insurance drug list.

According to the report of Tianyancha, in the medical and health track, 52 companies ranked among the top 500 global unicorn companies, of which 23 were new companies, with an update rate of 44% and a total valuation of 217.68 billion US dollars, with a year-on-year growth rate of nearly 44%. In 2021, more than 95,000 smart medical-related enterprises will be added, and thousands of patents will be laid out.

How to find the right way in 2022? Exposing data is more reliable than intuition

Data source: Tianyancha 2021 annual industry insight report "Times Shimmer, Big Country Meteorology"

In such an era, even if you stand at the bottom of the valley, there is still sunlight overhead. Real data can help ordinary people temporarily jump out of the small circle of life and see the great opportunities of the times, and with the help of a query platform such as Tianyancha, individuals can obtain a data window to observe the world, and then remove the fog, gain confidence, and make reliable decisions for the future.

Turn around confidently, there is a glimmer everywhere

On December 28, 2021, Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, opened the first live broadcast of helping farmers. The debut performance is not ideal, and the performance of more than 3 hours of live broadcasting is less than 5 million, but from donating tables and chairs to helping farmers live, Yu Minhong has become a spiritual sample of this era of transformation.

If "great transformation" and "uncertainty" have been the keywords of the macro level in the past year, then "farewell" may be one of the key words at the micro level.

After the "double reduction" policy landed, hundreds of thousands of education and training-related practitioners across the country entered a collective farewell. The same melody also sounded in the Internet factory, ByteDance, iQiyi, Kuaishou... Under the wave of layoffs in large factories, the workers who once had the "pride of the badge" had to face the cruelty of competition. The aura of the big factory has faded, and many young people have begun to question the prospects. Young people who leave their hometowns to work alone in big cities may be even more confused between staying.

In November last year, at an internal meeting marking the 28th anniversary of New Oriental's founding, Yu Minhong, who was nearly 60 years old, said, "Today I really need to start all over again." After the comprehensive termination of the K9 business, the newly launched live broadcast platform for agricultural products "Oriental Selection" has become the key direction of New Oriental.

With the in-depth advancement of the rural revitalization strategy, China's agricultural economy is "alive" and "on fire". The report "Times Shimmering Great Country Meteorology" pointed out that in 2021, China will add 536,000 new agriculture-related enterprises, an increase of 16.2% year-on-year. Especially with the prosperity and development of rural e-commerce, a small incision has leveraged the transformation and upgrading of the entire rural planting industry, cold chain logistics industry and other industries. In the past year, more than 1.24 million rural e-commerce-related enterprises have been added in China.

Education and training faded out, and rural e-commerce is booming, so that the transformation of New Oriental quickly found the next light. From the perspective of the industry, there is far more than one such light.

For example, driven by the Beijing Winter Olympics, China's ice and snow industry has developed rapidly. According to the report of Tianyancha, from the successful bid for the 2015 Winter Olympics to the present, the compound annual growth rate of ice and snow sports-related enterprises has reached 5.6%. In 2021, China added more than 1,300 new ice and snow sports-related enterprises, 41.4% of which are distributed in the culture, sports and entertainment industries.

It is worth mentioning that nearly 50% of the newly added ice and snow sports related enterprises have a registered capital of less than 1 million. "Among the new market entities in Our country, a considerable number of them are small, medium, and small enterprises, and it is these enterprises that support our country's very important employment and absorb a large number of laborers." Cao Guangyu, a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University's Center for Contemporary China Studies, said. He believes that when the economy is in a state of flux, small enterprises can show their flexibility.

The light of the booming industry and the starlight of small and medium-sized micro enterprises are illuminating the way forward in 2022. There are also many companies like Tianyancha, behind every ordinary person and small and medium-sized micro enterprises who are struggling, silently support them to make good decisions and judgments, and ignite the light of hope.

Although this is an era of transformation full of uncertainty, the glimmer everywhere is enough to make every ordinary person forced to leave the scene in 2021, leaving a confident turn of the back.

The times change the individual, and the individual makes the times

Against the background of the big times, everyone seems to be a small grain of sand, but the sand can be gathered into a tower, and everyone is the shaper of the times.

E-sports, for example. On November 7, 2021, EDG won the championship in the "League of Legends" global finals, setting off a carnival of hundreds of millions of people, and the number of Weibo hot searches on the list on the day was as many as 80. And 20 years ago, this was a business that was denounced as "not doing the right thing.".

With the efforts and perseverance of countless people, e-sports has gradually de-stigmatized, and has won the recognition of the public little by little, ushering in the support of policies. In June 2021, the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Cultural Industry specifically mentioned the need to promote e-sports and encourage the development of immersive entertainment experience products.

According to the 2021 annual industry insight report released by Tianyancha, there are currently more than 28,000 e-sports-related enterprises in China, and nearly 15,000 new ones will be added in 2021, an increase of 302% year-on-year. As of November last year, China's e-sports field has obtained more than 430 financings that year, with a total financing of nearly 10 billion.

The "China Professional E-sports Talent Development Report" predicts that the overall market size of China's e-sports will reach 215.7 billion yuan in 2022. The love of generations has finally made the spring of the esports industry of 100 billion.

Individual changes to the times and industries happen all the time, and the cycle of change may be 20 years, 10 years, or one or two years.

In this way, the times change the individual, the individual shapes the era, in the cyclical interaction between the times and the individual, ordinary people rely on limited information and resources, do they have the ability to understand the direction of the times? And how to delineate the coordinates of the individual and plan the future route?

In the midst of change, data is the most real clue, from points and lines, from lines and surfaces, hidden in countless public data rules and trends are thus presented. And when ordinary people can also use platforms such as Tianyancha to obtain comprehensive data and interpretation of data, they also have the confidence to make choices with confidence.

At present, Tianyancha has included nearly 280 million social entity information and more than 300 data dimensions across the country, and the information is being updated in a timely manner. This open platform helps people judge the direction of the tide and see the future trend by eliminating information gaps, thereby reducing decision-making risks and making reasonable choices.

For ordinary people, it is not easy to go with the flow but not be bound by the times, and to insist on their love but not blindly stick to it. Life has light and dark ups and downs, preparing for rain on sunny days, and seeing the glimmer everywhere in the dim, which may be the true meaning of "seeing the world clearly".

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