
Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

Today, the eighth day of the first lunar month

We usher in the first festival of the Waxing Moon

Traditional Chinese "Lapa Festival"

Commonly known as "Lapa Ba"

Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

The end of the year is "Wax"

"Waxer, pick up also"

It means alternating between the old and the new, leaving the old and welcoming the new

And there are "waxers hunting together"

In ancient times, people sacrificed their ancestors with prey

Praying for a good harvest means auspiciousness

"Waxers, usher in the spring by epidemic"

Eliminate disasters and welcome the new year.

Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

Lapa Ba kicked off the prelude to the Spring Festival

In bowls of sweet glutinous porridge

The flavor of the year is also getting stronger and stronger

The origin of Lapa Ba

Lapa Festival has a long history as a traditional folk festival. In ancient China, there was a custom of "wax sacrifice" at the end of the year very early. The day on which winter ceremonies are held is also known as the "Day of Lap", in which ancestors and gods are sacrificed to pray for the abundance of grain and the peace of the family.

Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

For a long time, there was no fixed date for the day. During the Han Dynasty, the Day of La was determined to be the third "Day of Shu" after the winter solstice. Zong Yi's "Chronicle of the Jingchu Years" already has a record that "December 8 is the day of Lap". During the Wei and Jin dynasties, Pei Xiu's "Da La" wrote, "When the years are completed, the eight laps report to the duty." Iho, Nian Feng Wu Fu", describing the scene of the worship of the hundred gods during the ancient Lashi Festival.

Lapa Eight Customs

China's history of drinking Laba porridge has been more than a thousand years

People often start busy from the previous night

It was done early in the morning

Or eat together, or give to the neighborhood

Warm porridge between sending

It is a continuous transmission of warmth

Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

Lily means "harmony of all things"

Guiyuan metaphor "rich and noble reunion"

Chestnut symbolizes "great luck"

Walnuts represent "family happiness"

There are also glutinous rice, red beans, sweet dates, peanuts and so on

Lapa porridge is rich in ingredients

It is people's yearning for a better life

Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

Eight garlic is a custom in the north, especially in north China. The garlic soaked in vinegar will become turquoise throughout, like emerald jasper.

Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

"Laba tofu" is a folk flavor specialty of Yixian County, Anhui Province, every household takes tofu into pieces, smears it with salt water and digs a small hole in the middle, and makes "Lapa Eight Tofu" in the sun.

Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

In some places in northern China that do not produce or produce less rice, the people do not eat Laba porridge, but eat Laba noodles.

Today, the eighth | I wish you all things "porridge"

After entering the Waxing Moon, the footsteps of the Lunar New Year are getting closer and closer, and the LapPa sends a signal to people to enter the "New Year Pass", indicating the coming of the Spring Festival. Our people have a proverb that "Lap Seven Lap Eight, Freeze off the Chin", before and after Lapa Eight, we must pay attention to cold protection and warmth, and insist on doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control.

No matter where you are, there will always be someone

Thinking of you cold and warm, thinking of your bitterness

Today Lapa Viii

May you be all the best

Source/Cloud Corps client

Cartography/Zhang Qi

Editor/Han Jian Editor/He Zizi Producer/Wang Zhiming

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