
Every year is the eighth year of the "porridge" of all things

Every year is the eighth year of the "porridge" of all things

Stepping into the threshold of the Waxing Moon, the taste of the year will gradually become stronger.

Lapa Festival is an important festival a year ago. The eighth day of the first lunar month is also the day of Buddha's enlightenment. On this day, the monastery set up a porridge shack and gave porridge to believers and civilians. On the eighth day of the eighth month of the Month of Liang and Song Dynasties, the family passed on the porridge of the monks. After the folk followed suit, they also cooked porridge on this day.

Laba porridge must be the more nuts the better, with the meaning of five grains and abundance. When I was a child, I thought that I must gather eight kinds of rice beans, and I was very serious about counting the rice beans in the bowl as a sacred and solemn thing.

Autumn grain into the warehouse, the winter when agricultural affairs are reduced, a bowl of mixed grains and porridge, all kinds of rice, all kinds of beans, red dates, peanuts gather together, rejoice, and accept the farmers' review. This is also the most pleasant time for farmers. Neighbors in the countryside always have to hold their own porridge and go to the neighbor's house to chat, talk about farming and family affairs. Waxing moon is the harvest of a year's agricultural work, and people can rest and wait for the New Year.

The Lapa Festival, which has been passed down to this day, can also be seen as a tribute to the harvest and a devotion to farming culture. Modern people often say that life needs a sense of ritual, in fact, the ancients have long practiced.

"December 8th Step to West Village"

Song Lu you

The wind of the waxing moon and the intention have been spring, and the time has been scattered by my neighbors.

In the grass smoke desert firewood gate, cattle trails are on the wild waterfront.

The only thing necessary for many diseases is medicine, and the poor department is idle.

Nowadays, the Buddhist porridge is more reciprocal, and it is more aware of the new festivals in Jiangcun.

On the day of the Eighth Festival of Lapa, Lu You, a poet who had resigned from his official and lived idly in the countryside, passed by the neighbor's house with a cane. The wind of the waxing moon is warm and warm, and there is a faint smell of spring. The smoke from the farmhouse door is thick with smoke, and the hoof prints of the cattle cultivated by the small river in the countryside are clearly recognizable.

Riverside countryside, early spring is coming. When will the spring of the poet's land tour come? How could he have been a sick medicine jar, an idle man without taxes and servitude.

The neighbor gave Lapa porridge, which warmed the stomach and warmed the poet's heart. The phenological solar terms change over and over again, giving years and life an endless breath of vividness.

Every year is the eighth year of the "porridge" of all things

In the Eighth Festival, there is also another way of passing in style.

"Xingxiangzi La Eight Days and Hong Zhongjian Creek Walking His Night Snow Work"

Song Wang Xin

Wild shop in the winter. Green wine spring strong.

Thinking of the present, who agrees with this meaning. The stream is endless, and the mountains are endless.

There are a few plums, a few poles of bamboo, a few pines.

Basket public opinion, thin twilight bell.

Looking at the isolated village, the sun is hurried. Night window snow shower, Xiao Pillow Cloud Peak.

He embraced the fishing stalks, topped the fishing knuckles, and became a fisherman.

The poet and friend's Lapa Festival, wandering leisurely. In the small shop and friends to talk about wine, wine full of cups, winter will end, the breath of spring has quietly filled. Wandering between the mountains and rivers, the streams are beautiful, the mountains are verdant, and the journey is accompanied by a journey and a journey of landscapes. A few cold plum trees, a bunch of bamboo, and a few pine trees add a little elegance to the mountain forest.

Take a bamboo palanquin to have fun, but you don't feel that it is already dusk. Only the twilight bells could be heard, and the sunset was hidden in the small village. At night, a snow crept in, drifting and spilling, piling up on the windows. When I woke up in the morning, the mountains outside the window were undulating, and the clouds were swirling around the mountains, and I only felt like I was pillowing this mountain, this cloud. Isn't it beautiful to be so relaxed and happy, to put on a coat, to put on a hatchet, to hold a fishing rod, to be a fisherman, and to fish in the mountains and rivers?

Such a leisurely Lapa Festival really makes today's people yearn for it.

Every year is the eighth year of the "porridge" of all things

During the Zhou Dynasty, the Waxing Moon was a day of worship for the hundred gods. The poet depicts wax days, plum blossoms blooming, winds and warm sunshine.

Wax Day

Jin Tao Yuanming

Wind and snow send the rest of the luck, no harm when the time has been reconciled.

Plum willow sandwich door plant, one has a good flower.

I sing well, how much wine there is!

Not much is known, Zhang Shan has a strange song.

The coldest days of the year are coming to an end. The cold wind and snow are getting far away, and the weather has gradually warmed up. On both sides of the front of the house, a row of willow trees and a row of plum trees were planted. Plum blossoms bloom one by one, and clusters bloom on the side of the road. On wax day, the poet drinks and admires plums, sings with no emotion, and the listener calls out that it is really rare. How much joy there is in drinking fine wine, I don't understand how much, I only know that the beautiful scenery of Zhangshan has heard many wonderful and beautiful songs.

Every year is the eighth year of the "porridge" of all things

Nowadays, in the rush and bustle of modern life, people are not idle for a moment. At the end of the year, there is no time to stop. Fortunately, several festivals in a year can make people calm down, slow down, and have to float for half a day, give themselves a holiday, and taste the festival inheritance inherited in this long time, which is a wonderful and solemn gift of time.

If you can't be like the ancients, watch the landscape, drink and appreciate the plums, and live an elegant Lapa Festival, then slowly boil lapa porridge, taste the aroma of grains, and also taste the income of a year. Pyrotechnic lapa knots, flat and warm.

Every year is the eighth year of the "porridge" of all things

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Good luck to all

Happy Rakshasa

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