
Food recommendation: loofah carved chicken, stone pot beef fried rice tofu, steamed loach production method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: loofah carved chicken, stone pot beef fried rice tofu, steamed loach production method

Loofah carved chicken


Chicken thighs.


Loofah, carrot, peanuts, ginger, garlic.


Salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, sugar, Huadiao wine.


1. Remove the bones of the chicken thighs and cut them into pieces, add salt, sugar, pepper, Huadiao wine and cornstarch, mix well and marinate for 5 minutes;

2. Heat the pot and add a little oil, add the ginger and garlic until fragrant, add the chicken, fry until one side changes color, then add the loofah, pour into the boiling water and cook slightly, remove and set aside;

3. Add a little oil to the pot, add carrot slices and stir until fragrant, pour an appropriate amount of water, add peanuts, chicken, and loofah, skim off the foam after boiling, add Huadiao wine and simmer for 5 minutes, add salt, sugar, and monosodium glutamate to taste.


1. When making chicken dishes, marinating with Huadiao wine can increase its fragrance and remove greasy;

2. When stewing fatty meat, be sure to let go of the water, so that the oil in the meat can be analyzed.

Food recommendation: loofah carved chicken, stone pot beef fried rice tofu, steamed loach production method

Fried rice tofu with beef in a stone pot


The sauce is fragrant, and the rice tofu is soft and flavorful.

Origin of the idea:

Rice tofu is a local specialty of Hubei, slightly harder than tofu, our store used to do cold dressing, once I went out to eat and ordered a "sizzling Japanese tofu", the shape is very good, but also quite atmosphere, I thought of taking rice tofu to make a hot dish to try it, and I used some seasoning at hand to come up with this new taste.

Raw material:

500 grams of rice tofu, 50 grams of braised minced beef, 5 grams of seaweed, 50 grams of shredded onion, 100 grams of broth, 10 grams of red pepper rice.


10 grams of Pixian bean paste, 5 grams of extremely fresh, 5 grams of lantern pickled pepper, 1 gram of pepper, 2 grams of thirteen spices, 5 grams of minced ginger and garlic, 5 grams of chopped green onion, 10 grams of Guangdong rice wine, 1 gram of sesame oil, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of chicken essence.


1. Change the rice tofu into pieces 4 cm long, 3 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick.

2. Put the wok on the fire, fry the rice tofu until golden brown on both sides, pour it into a colander and set aside, put oil in another pot, stir-fry ginger and garlic rice, fry the minced beef, Pixian bean paste, lantern pickled pepper and stir-fry until fragrant, cook in Guangdong rice wine, add the broth to boil, put the rice tofu in the pot, add monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, thirteen spices, pepper, and burn until the soup is slightly dry, add the seaweed, and boil for 1 minute to collect the juice.

3. Heat the tin foil in the stone pot on the clay pot stove, spread the shredded onion, then put the rice tofu in the stone pot, sprinkle with chopped green onions, minced red pepper and sesame oil.

Technical keys:

1. Rice tofu is made by handmade small grinding.

2. The rice tofu should not be thickened when collecting the juice, otherwise it will be too thick and easy to cover the original flavor of the rice tofu, and the burning time should not be too long, so as not to turn the rice tofu into slag, about 3 minutes.

Food recommendation: loofah carved chicken, stone pot beef fried rice tofu, steamed loach production method

Steamed loaches

Raw material:

400 grams of loach, 150 grams of gluten-free beans, 150 grams of steamed meat powder, 5 grams of ginger rice, 5 grams of garlic rice, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, and flavor powder, 20 ml of aged vinegar, 10 ml of red oil, 5 grams of oil chili, 10 grams of chopped green onion, 5 ml of light soy sauce, 5 ml of sesame oil, 5 ml of rattan pepper oil, and an appropriate amount of vegetable oil.


1. Put the loach into a basin of water with a little vegetable oil for a period of time, and wait for it to spit out the dirt in the abdomen and cure it. Then add steamed meat powder to a basin and mix well and set aside.

2. Mix gluten-free beans with steamed meat powder and put them in a steamer basket to make a base. Put the loach on top of the gluten-free beans, steam for about a quarter of an hour until the ingredients are cooked, take them out and set aside.

3. Put ginger rice, garlic rice, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, flavor powder, aged vinegar, red oil, oil chili, chopped green onion, light soy sauce, sesame oil, rattan pepper oil into the net basin and mix well, pour on the loach, sprinkle some chopped green onions, and you can.

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