
Mi Fu did not succeed in three years, why can he use three days to learn!

Mi Fu did not succeed in three years, why can he use three days to learn!

The calligraphy and paintings of the Song Dynasty have been passed down through the ages and are famous all over the world. But before he became famous, he experienced a three-year period of silence. During these three years, he insisted on practicing calligraphy every day, but the results were minimal. Just when Mi Fu was slightly discouraged, something happened.

One day, a Xiucai passed by the village, and Mi Fu heard that xiucai had a good handwriting, so he ran to ask for advice.

Xiucai said to Mi Fu, "You can learn to write with me, but you have to buy my paper." Five or two pieces of silver a piece. Mi Fu gritted her teeth and agreed. Xiucai is limited to three days of practicing words. After returning home, Mi Fu looked left and right, never daring to write, and often fell into contemplation.

Mi Fu did not succeed in three years, why can he use three days to learn!

Three days later, the show came. He saw Mifu sitting there, not writing a word. So he walked over and pretended to be surprised and asked, "Why haven't you written it yet?" Mi Fu said shyly, "I'm afraid of ruining the paper." Xiucai laughed and said, "Well, you've been thinking about it for three days, write a word for me to see." Mi Fu wrote a word. Xiu cai took it over to take a closer look, and sure enough, there was a lot of progress. When Mi Fu looked at it herself, she was also surprised and delighted.

Xiucai then asked, "Do you know why you can't write well in three years, but you can write well in three days?" Mi Fu replied carefully: "Because this piece of paper is expensive, I don't dare to write it in letter and pen like before, but I first think through the words with my heart..." Xiucai said: "Learning to write is not only about writing, but also about moving your heart and understanding it in order to write well." ”

The reason why Mi Fu could learn calligraphy in three years was why he could learn it in three days: when he was faced with an expensive piece of paper, he did not dare to write easily, which forced him to think hard. It is precisely because of his hard thinking that he has realized the essence of calligraphy and also let him understand the creative skills of calligraphy.

Mi Fu did not succeed in three years, why can he use three days to learn!

In real life, we are often like Mi Fu, often taking a thing very seriously, and practicing it diligently and repeatedly, but we just don't see the effect, because of the lack of thinking.

Moving your brain more before doing things, drawing up more plans before acting, and setting up more ideas before practicing them will often have the effect of doing more with less, after all, no one wants to waste three years of time on useless work.

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