
When Jia Baoyu was beaten, Jia Zheng saw Madame Wang, why did the board hit faster and harder?

Although the Jia Fu in "Dream of the Red Chamber" is a "family of poetry and etiquette", they have adopted a "stick" strategy in the way they educate their children and grandchildren.

When Jia Baoyu was beaten, Jia Zheng saw Madame Wang, why did the board hit faster and harder?

Grandma Lai, the most qualified slave in the Jia family, once counted the ways in which the Jia family had educated her children for generations in front of everyone, "When the old master was beaten by your grandfather when he was a child, who didn't see it?" When you are young, why are you not afraid of heaven and earth like you? And that big old man, although naughty, he didn't have the same way he did with a nest like you, he also fought every day, and your grandfather in the East Mansion, that was the character who added fuel to the fire, said annoyed, what son, it was a thief..."

This kind of "stick education" actually did not play any good effect in Jia Fu, and the descendants of Jia Fu probably exercised "stick resistance", no matter how the elders fight, they just don't grow, they should do something wrong, and the loser is still a loser.

Obviously, the men of Jia Fu did not seriously think about it, this way of education is not appropriate, but insisted on passing it on.

Until that time, Jia Baoyu was beaten and set off an uproar in Jia Province.

When Jia Baoyu was beaten, Jia Zheng saw Madame Wang, why did the board hit faster and harder?

As Jia Mu's most beloved grandson, Jia Baoyu was under the protection of his old grandmother and had the fewest plans. But this time Jia Baoyu was beaten, and to the extent, it was only the most serious one ever in Jia Province's history. If Madame Wang hadn't gotten the news and hurried over to save her son, she was afraid that Jia Baoyu's life would be in danger.

Jia Zheng and Madame Wang have been husband and wife for more than twenty years. "One day husband and wife hundred days of grace, a hundred days of husband and wife like the depth of the sea", Jia Zheng saw his wife sneaking in to save his son, from the point of view, should give his wife some face, but also give yourself a step, so stop. But in fact, this is not the case -

As soon as Madame Wang entered the room, Jia Zheng was even more like adding fuel to the fire, and the board went down more and more fiercely and faster. According to Baoyu's two little squatters, he let go of his hand and walked away, and Baoyu was already unable to move.

Why did Jia Zheng see his wife, not only did not extinguish the fire, but poured oil on the fire, beating Jia Baoyu faster and more fiercely? Of course, Jia Zheng's reaction was first related to the reason why Jia Baoyu was beaten this time.

Jia Baoyu was beaten for two reasons, one was because of Qi Guan's departure, and the Changshi Official of the Zhongshun Palace came to the door, the nose was not the nose, the face was not the face, and jia Zheng was given a bad meal; the other was because of Jin Jun'er's death.

When Jia Baoyu was beaten, Jia Zheng saw Madame Wang, why did the board hit faster and harder?

The matter of Qi Guan has nothing to do with Lady Wang, but Jin Jun'er was originally Lady Wang's handmaiden, and Jia Baoyu dared to use her hands and feet on Jin Jun'er in her mother's room (Jia Huan's false accusation), and Jia Zheng determined that this matter was related to Lady Wang's excessive protection of Jia Baoyu. Therefore, when he saw Madame Wang walk in, he became more and more angry, and when he hit Jia Baoyu, the board couldn't help but be faster and more fierce.

Secondly, Jia Zheng saw Madame Wang, like adding fuel to the fire, and there was a more important reason - his contradiction with Madame Wang had a long history.

Jia Zheng and Madame Wang are really not the same kind of people. Jia Zheng was also once a "person who was born with poetry and wine", loved to read and write, read books and chess when he had nothing to do, and did not pay much attention to housework. In other words, he has a dashing nature and doesn't like to be caught up in mundane things.

And Madame Wang? Madame Wang is the most vulgar woman. As Miss Qianjin of the Jinling Royal Family, Lady Wang obviously did not know any words, for example, when Jia Mu laid out a banquet in the Grand View Garden, Lady Wang could not say it at all, and could only be said by Mandarin Duck on her behalf. From this point of view, Madame Wang and Jia Zheng hardly have any common language.

Moreover, Madame Wang is very greedy for power, and is not like Jia Zheng's freedom and dislikes mundane affairs. Although there is a mother-in-law on the top and a niece and daughter-in-law on the bottom to help, but there are things in jia province, Mrs. Wang still has to personally ask questions, as small as every monthly money distribution, who has a little less monthly money, to Lin Daiyu taking medicine, Jia Fuzhong ginseng management, she has to ask. To put it bluntly, Madame Wang wanted to expand her power in Jia Province by mastering these things.

Therefore, although the couple has been more than twenty years old, they are actually inseparable. Jia Zheng's dislike and dissatisfaction with Madame Wang has long been backlogged.

Therefore, when he saw Madame Wang come in, he would attack Jia Baoyu faster and more fiercely.

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