
【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume

【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume

【Poetry Yearbook】

Zi Yu Xin ugly poetry selection

【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume

About the Author

Zi Yu, formerly known as He Chunying, was born in the northeast and settled in Yuyao City, Ningbo. Deputy moderator and moderator management specialist of the Chinese Poetry Forum. Founder of the Savage Tribal Poets Society. Don't ask for it, just do it.

【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume

【Poetry Almanac】Zi Yi Volume

Five absolute

lunar eclipse

Youfa WeChat said that the moon outside the window was red as blood, but Jiangnan was drizzling.


Di Li was staring, and the lone wheel was red and victorious.

Jiangnan spreads silk, and there is no decay.


There are flowers and stone curves, and the red is small and unknown.

The wind from the end of the southern clouds, the silk fragrance is clear.

sweet osmanthus

The wind moves a city in autumn, and the light fragrance comes to lightly.

Unconsciously, I turned my head to look at it, and there were small flowers.

A light garden of flowers, silent incense.

Melt who thinks a hundred times, scattered in the autumn wind.

Xiaomei four chapters

There are flowers on the side of the stream, and it is still as good as last year,

There is no dust in the leaning place, and the wind often sweeps itself.

The red pink gradually grows evenly, and the broken branches cannot be sent,

Afraid of the cold wind blowing, afraid of your sleeplessness.


The bricks fell and fell, and the wind came intermittently in the evening.

Look at the flowers of the world, only you or the medical customs.


The flavor recalls that year, and the pieces are pitiful.

What is ruthless to look at? Don't get more worried about the new knot.

Listen to Tingting Guzheng's "Funeral Flower Yin"

Urge the sharp swirling pharynx, mourn out of the string.

Fingers can not be forbidden, zero fell to the side of sorrow.

【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume

Seven absolutes


The boat crosses the Autumn River, and a bridge carries the slanting sun.

The dog slept on the side of the street, and there was a windy dream.


He Lao read too much, and the vows were like drunken words.

Lately, I have avoided the autumn wind, just to worry less.

Hand frostbite

Bone old every winter is difficult to straighten up, Pengmen day cover yuan an.

The article can't bear to read in front of the lamp, and the frozen hand is red like a plum calyx to see.

Year of the Ox

The four wild breezes are gradually thickening green, and the iron plough is new to the barren stream.

The whip sound broke through the spring mountain rain, and a raid on the two cattle was carried out.

plum blossom

A petal fence opens small, and the tender cold lock is sunny on a sunny day.

Qin people taste like the beginning, scattered into the air level wind does not sweep.

Small Jai

Xiao Zhai Zen quiet door hidden, singing bamboo wind to suddenly count the points,

Mei Xiang could not be swept away under the masonry, and the spring wave was half dyed by the oblique sun.

On the First Yuan Festival, there are sends every rain

Shangyuan lack of moon rain light, the eaves of the wind wet my clothes.

Do not make more hope in front of the stream, drunken sleep may be rare.

Cicheng gave Chen Di's eldest sister

Half an acre of clear lotus has risen the pool, and the vines are covered with green weeping silk.

The street gradually felt that there were few pedestrians, and there was a south wind waving a wine flag.

Sit alone

For several years, like a dream, how many smoke clouds have been deleted.

The spring under the eyes is cleaned up, and the wind sits with the wind and waits for the sunset to return.


The green appearance is getting older and more flowerless, and the bottom of the leaves is beginning to sprout three or five melons.

The wind is soft between the vines, and the clear light sways obliquely.


Hundreds of acres of sparkling light meet the biwu, and the idle garden is obliquely opposite a peak.

A few good dreams returned to the mist, and half a pot of wine remained on the stone.


The heavy afternoon dream gradually became a sound, and the raindrops and the wind from the window came from the south.

New to open a few pages with the garden, idle by the pillow to explore before bed.

North back to yuwen yuyao big water, yuyao strong

The dream of Guan Shan gradually faded, and the evil wind and rain blew through Yuyao.

The small village is scattered in the waves, and three or two people are out of the tide.

Begonias in the Old Garden

The West Garden also encountered begonia red, which was also about the same as that year.

It's just that the heart is quite old, and everything is planned to be cut.


How many times to look back and sink for a long time, the warmth and coldness do not knock on the hearts of the people.

The rain in the window is like a ruthless net, so as not to remember the meteor too deeply.

Sun Valley Winery

The chrysanthemum fragrance is not swept away, and the smoke in the valley is just right.

Sheng Peng is a wide wine glass, and it is easy to age when you put it streamer.

Idle october

Mo Xiao Qiu Rong did not remember deeply, and his eyes were blind to cover Qiu Xin.

Lonely to block the wind first sleep, small fans from time to time shake a few rounds.

Yandang Mountain

The remnant sun has no two peaks idle, and the egret chases the grass and the wilderness.

The ground is full of osmanthus flowers in autumn, and the small nunnery is deeply closed in front of the passers-by.

South Yandang Bixi Ferry

Several stacks of autumn winds and blue waves, bamboo rows carry the sunset.

A pen boundary breaks the blue peak color, and the mountain shadow clings to the far side.

Late homecoming

Bixidu's night companions did not return, and the bracists had to wait

The autumn slugs are faintly rising at night, and the lights are sparse in the village.

The Wild Ferry Hakka wanted to return late, and the people had no choice but to listen to the sound of the beach.

Pingyang visits Xie's Manor

Xiao Lou sat idly by and listened to the wind, and the courtyard was half hidden in warm incense.

The red carp does not know that autumn wants to grow old, and the west of the bridge is gradually stopped and the east of the bridge is gone.


It is gradually difficult to cover the hair of the number dye, and it is noble to be old and have nothing to do.

The mountain treated me like a returner, idle to the clouds and deep in the air.

With his disciple Jia Lin, the Hamming Mountain Pavilion overlooks Siming Lake

Sit and watch the wind of the pavilion, and the red leaves of the sand head send more autumn.

Bishan does not return to the cloud lord, and chaotically fights for the middle of the lake to cross the waves.

The small window stays in the day to relieve the pleasant feelings, and temporarily releases the flow of the year to work hard.

The soul still does not know the old age, and the mountains and rivers between the pillows are a journey.

At the invitation of Sister Du, he wrote the first Gong Zizhen

Eyes full of rivers and mountains are slanderous, and the west wind is not warm and sober.

The remnants of the sun are red like the blood of a boy, and it is difficult to donate to the lonely and loyal.

【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume

Five laws

Gift to Zhang Chi

Ten years of knowing is too long, and the white hair is in competition.

Every time the wind breaks, the hooves are more fierce.

Bone decay is still there, if the spirit is passed on?

Lu Shu frequently looks forward to welcoming the relocation.

Meng Chuncai invited you to travel to Chicheng Mountain to rhyme with the word "Yue" and compose a song of the five laws of rhyme

The drizzle is scattered like silk, following the steps of Lingyue.

The wind moved to the surface of the water, and the tower old eaves pecked.

The moss tree only craved to see, and the twilight bell was unconscious.

Shuang Ling flew from the old place, and entered the smoke Lan Miao.

The Dragon Boat Festival

Grasshoppers chirp at night, idle outside the south wind window.

After ten years of prosperity and withering, old diseases and frosty faces.

The door is not hanging incense leaves, but the heart is more but the wine room.

Deep eyes can not be, passing through the ten thousand heavy mountains.

Two days after the autumn, he wanted to return to Zhejiang in the south

Autumn in the north is rewarding, and the sky is high and the clouds are rare.

Listen to the fruit fall in the wind, and see insects flying outside the fence.

The color of grass invaded the plains, and the village smoke whisked thin clothes.

Nanhong deviated from this and insisted on urging people to return.

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

The lodge has less moss and no guests.

Tonight only the full moon, thousands of miles to release the cold.

The wine is exhausted, and the flowers are cloudy.

The sycamore shadow is chaotic, and the wind caresses the railing.

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

The moon is clear every day, and the autumn is a few degrees.

The vast sea is dusty, and the desert grass is exposed.

There is not much to remember, but the king is less to live.

Look at yourself when you're bored. Unintentional.

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

Everything in the world can be small, and it is unintentional.

Tonight by the full moon, enjoy the breeze on the river.

The leaves fall in autumn, and the insects chirp in the night.

If there is a waiting in the end of the world, send a maple red from afar.

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

The West MountainOus Moon, The Rising Spirited High Autumn.

The guest thinks in the middle of the night, and the fishing lamp floats in the distance.

It is unbearable to smell the jade flute, like a spinning frost head.

A leaf swirls into a butterfly, and the acid wind shoots into the eyes.

【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume

Seven laws

Send your birthday by yourself, and send it to Qingyang

Half a hundred careers are like dreams, fish and insects are good at work.

It is really not easy to resign the children of the family, and you have more than enough to read about the mountain.

Spring grass lurks from the bottom of the heart to live, and the old man lives by the sea.

What is the cold here, and the wind and frost in the north and south are feasted.

Jiang Mei

Nian Mei thought for no reason, pulled the sideburns breeze and turned her head.

A few petals are far away with the Qing jade flute, and a branch reclines on the old river tower.

The jaggedness is less, and the red pink takes the second tour in the same year.

The underside of the eyes has not changed, and only Qing Qing has lied up with Tingzhou.

The old country plum has been issued, and it is planned to return to the north

Yesterday, I smelled the cold branches of the frozen buds, and it was expected that Nanhong would return to the period.

A petal of the eaves opens into silence, and several buds are late in waking up.

The rugged road is looking at each other, and the vast nostalgia is tired.

He idly sat down on the ice bones every day, and the qingbiao could especially comfort his eyebrows.

Untitled (new rhyme)

Half-dazed concentration is already unbearable, and several heavy acids are particularly difficult to suppress.

Self-deception has decreased year by year, and there is nowhere to go away from the heart.

The old land is deserted with the grass, and the wild wind is happy when it is old.

Even if you know why you have to wake up in your dreams, you can bear to clear your fingers.

Ten years of reunion to give the green shirt to the guest teacher

Jiangnan dust is dark and difficult to read, and the long memories of the end of the world are similar.

Wanli Cloud Mountain is troubled and sickly, and the two shoulders of the stars and moons are the end of the residence.

Spring from the homeland plum first, the wind with green shirt fragrance more than enough.

There is no need to reunite to increase emotion, and the petals before the rain are clear.

Stacked before the rhyme is given to Dongfang Fan Meng Shigong

The north and south careers are lazy to write books, and the world's feelings are really like that.

Sorrowful wine often stays with guests, and happens to meet HanMei to try to live in Buju.

Linshui can see the clouds and can be learned, and there is no room for idleness.

The red dust outside the door is absolutely troublesome, and it is too vain to cultivate this meditation.

Mr. Wen Wang Weizhong was re-elected as the president of the Handan Poetry Society

What is the most difficult to write in the past few years, the letter is more than enough from Cong Taiqing.

The sons gradually passed away from the world, and they still lived in the old world.

For a while, the wind was pitiful, and the Guanhe River remembered the beginning of the past ten years.

Ink for writing hearts long sent north, Mingzhou Yan Zhao each anru.

Heavy snow in the north

Last night the long wind scattered jade dust, all rich and poor.

The mountains are full of greenery, and the four wilds are not true,

Talk about the return of the rivers and lakes to Su Jin, and the years will be idle.

The surrounding lonely village is thinly smoked, and the sound outside the door answers the old neighbor.

【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume


The work is drafted by the Yunfan Poetry Friends Association, the copyright belongs to the author, the appreciation is not returned to the author, some pictures are transferred from the network, only for appreciation, exchange, sharing and use, the copyright of the pictures belongs to the original author, if the copyright owner has objections, please contact the editor to delete.

【Poetry Yearbook】Zi Yu Xin Ugly Volume

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