
For the rest of your life, live up to the years and do not embarrass yourself

For the rest of your life, live up to the years and do not embarrass yourself

Text/Wei Chen

Sometimes we live very tired, not because life is too sad, but because we are kidnapped by inner pressure and emotional weakness.

Walking in the crowd, it is inevitable that you will be confused by the surrounding environment. Some people, with the increase of experience, become more and more mature and calm, and some people, but in the accumulated burden, live a mess of life.

One truth we always have to understand is that life is our own and has nothing to do with others.

Whether others give suggestions or give opinions, they don't have to pay too much attention. Reasonable things, we can accept with an open mind after self-examination, unreasonable thoughts, can be completely laughed over, forgotten, there is no need to make the mood become heavy.

If people live only to show others, no matter how wonderful, it is meaningless.

For the rest of your life, live up to the years and do not embarrass yourself

Mr. Yang Dai wrote in "Walking to the Edge of Life": "We once longed so much for the waves of fate, and in the end we found that the most beautiful scenery of life is the calm and calm in the heart. ”

A life of calm is the best life. Most people have lost their original selves in panic.

Regarding speed and efficiency, the ancients had a hard truth, that is, "if you want to be fast, you can't reach it", which tells us that the more hurried we are, the more difficult it is to harvest the scene we want to achieve.

When we are young, we are always full of expectations for the outside world, and as we get older, we slowly realize that the world is our own, and we have little to do with others, or even have nothing to do with it.

After all, this road of life has to be walked alone, how you want to live this life, it is entirely up to you to decide, the answers given by others are just reference answers, there is really no need to repeat it step by step.

For the rest of your life, live up to the years and do not embarrass yourself

The most heart-wrenching regret in life is not that there is no chance at all, but that I have the opportunity to do something wrong because I listen to others.

Be a person who has an opinion. Other people's words, whether sincere or hypocritical, do not have to pay too much attention.

The life that is swayed by others is doomed to reach the peak of one's own heart.

Life is never smooth sailing, and everyone grows up in pain.

Experience is the catalyst for growth, people can only grow a wisdom if they eat a trench, it is not terrible to make mistakes, what is terrible is to face mistakes and cling to it.

We must always learn to forget and accept. Cherish what you already have, give up what you are about to lose, and look forward to what has not yet come. To feel in renunciation and to taste it when you have it is not to waste this life.

For the rest of your life, live up to the years and do not embarrass yourself

Life is not easy, there is no need to embarrass yourself, live a little freely, relax a little, in order to make you happy a little more.

Life is in the world, just a few decades, you have to believe that life will eventually come to an end.

Only when a person's heart is free can he feel the happiness and joy of life. Don't tie your heart up because of other people's actions and choices, the path taken by others is not necessarily suitable for you.

Everyone is unique, don't care about the so-called strengths and weaknesses, in the end they are just characteristics. Using it right is an advantage, and using it wrong is a disaster.

There is never absolute right and absolute wrong in this world, let alone absolute superiority and absolute inferiority, everything has two sides, and blessings and misfortunes depend on each other.

For the rest of your life, live up to the years and do not embarrass yourself

Many of the troubles and troubles in life are caused by thinking too much.

As the saying goes, there is nothing in the world, and the mediocre disturb themselves. Most of the suffering stems from self-seeking, and more dissatisfaction comes from the greed in the heart.

For the rest of your life, cherish the people around you in your limited time. Curb your temper, banish your resentment, laugh at life, and you will find that any small thing that is inconspicuous actually makes sense.

Meeting and separating have never been things that you and I can control. Some things are beautiful because they exist in memories, and one day you will understand that living up to the years can reduce regrets.

Don't love too much when you love, otherwise you may end up exhausted. Don't ignore yourself at any time, your life will only be perfect because of you.

For the rest of your life, live up to the years and do not embarrass yourself

In the days to come, please do not waste time, let yourself calm down, be down-to-earth, do not worry about rotten people, get entangled in different bad things, live yourself, confident and hardworking.

Heaven never allows happiness to be concentrated on one person, and everyone will have their own happiness, so we don't have to take other people's standards to frame our own lives.

Take advantage of being young, do what you want to do, take advantage of the time is not old, to pursue the person you like, do not live up to the years, do not live up to yourself.

Be grateful for every encounter in life, cherish the person who accompanies you, you have to believe that everything is the best arrangement, if you always look at the mountain high, there is no other effect except to make the mood wrestle.

Don't let the future you blame your present self, in this ordinary time, you can not work hard enough, but you can not fail to cherish.

Content source public number: Wei Chen [ID: weichenip]

About author: Wei Chen, freelance writer. He loves literature and has a certain understanding of poetry and literary works.

I hope that through words to bring you spiritual relaxation, may your life be more beautiful after encountering my words.