
Morning habits determine blood sugar and longevity throughout the day, morning 4 habits, diabetes complications do not come to the door

With the rise of living standards and changes in eating habits, the incidence of diabetes has reached 10.4%, and there are more than 425 million diabetic patients in the world, and the number of patients is still rising every year, and the age of disease is getting younger and younger.

Morning habits determine blood sugar and longevity throughout the day, morning 4 habits, diabetes complications do not come to the door

In general, diabetics control blood sugar well, if there are no complications, it will not affect the quality of life, let alone affect life, but if it causes complications, it will not only affect the quality of life, but also affect life.

Therefore, diabetics want to live a long life, control blood sugar, keep blood sugar stable, and do not have complications is the key.

The 4 habits of the morning determine blood sugar and longevity throughout the day


A nutritious breakfast

After a night of fasting, breakfast in the morning becomes very important, not only to provide the energy needed by the human body, but also to maintain the body's functions.

Especially for diabetics, the control of blood sugar throughout the day is very important, and it is the key to maintaining blood sugar balance and avoiding complications.

Morning habits determine blood sugar and longevity throughout the day, morning 4 habits, diabetes complications do not come to the door

Share a nutritious and healthy breakfast: egg soup, add shiitake mushrooms, fungus, white fungus, rotten bamboo, kelp, etc. to make a mushroom soup, full of nutrition at the same time, how to eat will not raise blood sugar.


Have a glass of warm boiled water before breakfast

Many sugar friends will measure their blood sugar in the morning, which is a very good habit, you can always monitor your blood sugar, know your blood sugar control.

Morning habits determine blood sugar and longevity throughout the day, morning 4 habits, diabetes complications do not come to the door

However, we must not forget to drink a cup of warm boiled water in time after measuring blood glucose, promote human metabolism, prevent blood viscosity, and can well prevent complications of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. And drinking a glass of water in the morning can also pass through the stomach and stomach and prevent constipation.


Regular bowel movements in the morning

If diabetics can maintain regular bowel movements every day, it is a very good thing for diabetics, because diabetes first appears in poor intestinal function, slower bowel movements, and constipation.

According to the data, more than 50% of diabetic patients develop complications of constipation.

Constipation can lead to a large number of toxins accumulating in the body, and when defecating forcefully, it will also lead to a rise in blood pressure, and in severe cases, it will also lead to the bursting of fragile blood vessels caused by diabetes, which is life-threatening.

Morning habits determine blood sugar and longevity throughout the day, morning 4 habits, diabetes complications do not come to the door

Therefore, diabetic patients adjust the function of the gastrointestinal tract well, which is the key to ensuring good health.

Teach sugar friends a way to prevent constipation: massage the navel clockwise in the morning and evening, massage from the middle to the surrounding areas, massage for 5 minutes each time, can well promote intestinal peristalsis and maintain the smoothness of stool.


Exercise half an hour after breakfast

Exercise is also very important for diabetics, especially in the morning, which can improve the problem of slow blood flow and blood viscosity for a long time.

And exercising in the morning has good benefits for the body's metabolism and maintaining blood sugar balance.

Therefore, after half an hour of breakfast, exercise more, but it is not advisable to exercise strenuously, and some gentle exercises can be carried out, such as tai chi, jogging, aerobics, etc.

Morning habits determine blood sugar and longevity throughout the day, morning 4 habits, diabetes complications do not come to the door

Sugar friends want to prevent complications, prolong life, the morning 4 habits must be formed, that is the key to life.

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