
Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure whether anyone around you is having a crush on you

Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure whether anyone around you is having a crush on you


Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure whether anyone around you is having a crush on you


Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure whether anyone around you is having a crush on you


Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure whether anyone around you is having a crush on you


Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure whether anyone around you is having a crush on you

A: You don't have a crush on you yet. You are a more introverted personality, behavior is very low-key people, usually your friends are not much, you always like to stay quiet alone, your sullen personality, it is easy to be ignored by friends of the opposite sex. Your personality, the chance of being crushed by someone is relatively low.

B: There is currently a person who is having a crush on you. You are a person with high taste and style, and you are very romantic, very affectionate, very dedicated in love. You look noble and elegant, with a sense of mystery, at the same time you are a perfectionist, you pay attention to the appearance of the opposite sex, your opposite sex is very good, but the person who has a crush on you does not have the confidence to confess to you, so he can only silently guard you.

C: Someone is currently having a crush on you. You are smart and clever, lively and cheerful, you are gentle and kind, sunny and optimistic, very good with people, you are empathetic, sincere to people, you are deeply liked by friends, your opposite sex is very good, you are not short of friends of the opposite sex around you, and the people who have a crush on you are actually around you.

D: There is a person who is currently infatuated with you. You have a cheerful personality, full of enthusiasm, quick thinking, free personality, you are very special in the eyes of friends of the opposite sex, very attractive, you are not short of excellent friends around, but you are busy with your studies or career all day, it is always easy to ignore the people who fall in love with you, in fact, the person who has a crush on you is in your circle of friends, you still open your eyes to see, there is no one who is infatuated with you.

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