
The most notorious traitor in history was sewn to death by the people with sewing needles, and he is still worshipped by future generations

Traitors have always been despised by the world, especially in the case of the sons and daughters of China whose liver and gallbladder can be broken, so what happened to those who treasoned for self-preservation or because of interests? Today brings you the most cruel punishment in history, it is said that this punishment has only been used once in history, and the user is even more gritted teeth and heartbroken.

The most notorious traitor in history was sewn to death by the people with sewing needles, and he is still worshipped by future generations

Sun Zhixian was born in 1591 in Dazhuang Village, Baita Town, Boshan District, Zibo City, he entered high school in 1622 AD, and served as an examiner in Hanlin Yuan, when Wei Zhongxian controlled the imperial court behind his back, and soon the power fell to the opposition, Sun Zhixian followed Wei Zhongxian's ass and had a good life for a few days, but after Wei Zhongxian fell, Sun Zhixian soon betrayed Wei Zhongxian, but still could not escape the fate of being dismissed.

The most notorious traitor in history was sewn to death by the people with sewing needles, and he is still worshipped by future generations

In the last year of the Yuan Dynasty, it was the time when the Manchu Qing entered the customs, when the Yuan Dynasty was discussing how to deal with the upcoming Manchu Qing, Sun Zhizhu found the official at that time, claiming that he could offer good advice, so Sun Zhizhu immediately received the solicitation and became the right attendant of the Qing Dynasty, but in fact, where sun Zhizhuo had any good strategy, what he did was just to make a fortune for the country.

Later, the Qing Dynasty completely subverted the Ming Dynasty, but in order to reflect its magnanimity, the Qing Dynasty hired civil and military officials who had once been officials in the Ming Dynasty. And these widows and elders are also figures who have put their hearts and minds into the Yuan Dynasty, plus the former Yuan Dynasty did not treat them thinly, and naturally did not have any good feelings for the newly arrived Qing Dynasty rulers, which is also the backbone of the sons and daughters of China, and they are very guilty and remembered for the Yuan Dynasty.

The most notorious traitor in history was sewn to death by the people with sewing needles, and he is still worshipped by future generations

Only Sun Zhizhuo is different, the most helpful posture in the imperial court, as a Yuan Dynasty widow actually attached to the Qing Dynasty at that time, like a villainous face, it was also for this reason, many people at that time had a mustard about Sun Zhizhuo, and then Dolgun ordered that "the military and civilians who surrendered to the government all shaved their hair, and the clothes were all in accordance with the system of the dynasty", originally Dolgun was just to consolidate the situation at that time, who had thought that Sun Zhihu would wear a clear suit the next day, and his hair would be fully shaved. The entire face of the wen and military officials and even the former Yuan Dynasty was completely lost to Sun Zhizhuo.

For this reason, at that time, everyone except the Manchu Qing personnel disdained to be in the company of the Traitors, and expelled Sun Zhihuo from han nationality, and what is more interesting is that the Manchu Qing did not accept Sun Zhihuo in order to appease the people's anger, and Sun Zhizhuo, who was not a person before and after, eventually went directly to Dorgon and said: "Your Majesty pacifies China, everything is new, and the system of clothes and hair is only han and old, this is His Majesty from China, not China from His Majesty."

The most notorious traitor in history was sewn to death by the people with sewing needles, and he is still worshipped by future generations

However, it reminds Dolgun that since then, the land of China has begun to cut their hair and change their clothes, and those who have backbones uphold the spirit of "body hair and skin, parents who receive it" would rather keep their hair than head rather than let outsiders laugh at the children of Huaxia and die in anger.

The most notorious traitor in history was sewn to death by the people with sewing needles, and he is still worshipped by future generations

It is precisely because the future of Sun Zhizhuo alone has caused the entire sons and daughters of China to die for it, and he is like the biggest traitor in history, and the deeds he has done have not been released by officials, the people, and the nobles, just as the so-called good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the heavens will be reincarnated. Finally, in 1646 AD, the Shandong rebel army marched bravely toward the Qing court, and on the way, it encountered Sun Zhihuo, the initiator of all this, who returned to his hometown, captured him alive and tortured him, and finally died in the street.

At that time, the news reached the Qing court, and Sun Zhizhu was not commended and commended, but considering that Sun Zhizhu was an official of the imperial court, Sun Zhihuo was eventually buried in Sun's mausoleum, and some people still go to worship.

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