
Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

author:Reliable foodie

As the last de facto ruler of China's last feudal dynasty, Cixi can be said to be the last creator, enjoyer and terminator of Chinese court cuisine. After Cixi, Chinese court cuisine entered a period of imitation, imitation, and popularization. Chinese court cuisine has a long history, from the differentiation of rich and poor to the establishment of a powerful class, to the emergence of a slave society to form a slave state of the royal family to the feudal society of the emergence of feudal state royal family. In order to satisfy the appetite of the royal family and the royal family, better rule the country, with power and wealth, in their kitchens gather the world's famous chefs, treasures from all over the world, forming a luxurious court cuisine.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

Many of the dishes we eat now are recreated and flowed to the folk from the basis of court cuisine, and the court dish that has the greatest influence on the present is the Qing Dynasty court cuisine. In addition, Chinese court cuisine also affects many surrounding countries, for example, Korean food culture was greatly influenced by the Ming Dynasty, and many Korean eating habits are now recorded in the Ming court food system. Japanese food culture is greatly influenced by the tang and Song dynasties, and he is not a Japanese sencha.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

Court cuisine Chrysanthemum into the hot pot to the literati moke more love chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum hot pot, also known as chrysanthemum pot, comes from the court of the Qing Dynasty, and is especially loved by Empress Dowager Cixi, the first foodie of the late Qing Dynasty, so it is passed down to the people. As the ruler of the late Qing Dynasty, Cixi held a high position of power, and eating was only a small thing in her daily life, but such a small matter should also pay attention to pomp and etiquette for the rulers of the court. For the rulers living in the court, pay attention to dietary care, dietary health and dietary structure. Cixi's obsession with chrysanthemums is that the imperial medical use of chrysanthemums to make a "chrysanthemum trilling cream" has the effect of clearing the liver and eyes, clearing heat and removing fire, Cixi feels refreshed after eating, and plays a role in nourishing the face of black hair, since then, chrysanthemums have become Cixi's favorite flower.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

The chrysanthemums that make chrysanthemum hot pot are very exquisite, first, boiling soup. With chicken soup, many people like to use old hens to boil soup, in fact, as long as the umami taste of chicken is enough, chai chicken, three yellow chicken, Qingyuan chicken are good varieties. Put the whole chicken into the soup pot, add the green onion, ginger, goji berries and ginseng to the pot for 3-4 hours, then add salt and cooking wine to cook. Finally, all the ingredients of the stew are fished out, and the chicken mushroom is added, so that the chicken mushroom absorbs all the impurities in the soup into the chicken mushroom, and the soup base of the chrysanthemum hot pot is boiled.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste
Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

The second level is to select the ingredients. Chrysanthemum hot pot requires fresh taste and no peculiar taste for the ingredients of shabu-shabu. Chicken, duck, fish, shrimp and pigeon are the first choice for meat dishes, and green shoot slices, bamboo shoot slices, cabbage, vermicelli and soy products are the first choice for vegetarian dishes.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

The third level is to choose chrysanthemums. There are many varieties of chrysanthemums, and the only fresh chrysanthemums that can be used to make chrysanthemum hot pot are "snowballs". There are many varieties of chrysanthemums, and chrysanthemums are widely distributed, except for deserts and glaciers, chrysanthemums can be seen almost everywhere. Chrysanthemum flowers can be made into tea, snacks, desserts and so on. There are many types of chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums, hang chrysanthemums, huai chrysanthemums, gong chrysanthemums, wild chrysanthemums, etc., with about 30,000 kinds. Chrysanthemums are deeply loved by ancient and modern literati and inkers.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

Su Dongpo went to see Wang Anshi, but Wang Anshi was not there, and there was a piece of poetry on the table, and his poem said: "The west wind passed through the garden last night, blowing down yellow flowers all over the land." Su Dongpo thought, Wang Anshi is erudite and talented, how unreasonable, who has ever seen a chrysanthemum fall petal? So he made himself clever, and continued to write: "Autumn flowers are no better than spring flowers, and say and the poet carefully chants." Later, Wang Anshi presided over the change of law, and because of political disagreements, he demoted Su Shi to Huangzhou, and he did see Qiu Ju fall petals. Chrysanthemums are the object of chanting favored by the literati, and the poet Yuan Chan has the sentence "Chrysanthemums are not preferred among flowers, and this flower is more flowerless". Chairman Mao Zedong's former residence in Zhongnanhai from 1949 to 1966 was called "Juxiang Bookstore". Chrysanthemums are a symbol of elegance, and many poems have been written by literati throughout our country.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

What is the difference between chrysanthemum hot pot and Chongqing hot pot and old Beijing hot pot?

Chrysanthemum hot pot has more stringent ingredient requirements than other hot pots. The ingredients of the old oil hot pot in Chongqing should be accompanied by the offal of livestock, which is the essence of the spicy hot pot; the Chengdu spicy hot pot is the paradise of omnivores; the old Beijing shabu shabu hot pot is only accompanied by tender fresh lamb to make you feel the aroma of shabu-shabu; the chrysanthemum hot pot can only be accompanied by fish, shrimp, chicken and duck to eat the fragrance of the hot pot. Eating different hot pots has different exquisite, not like most people eat hot pot now, throwing the ingredients into the pot to cook, which is the roughest way to eat, but also disrespectful to the ingredients.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste
Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste
Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste
Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

Eat chrysanthemum hot pot can not be dipped in small ingredients. Chrysanthemum hot pot is a soup base that has been prepared, as long as the ingredients are put into the hot pot and cooked, you can eat it directly. Chrysanthemum pot is not like the old Beijing shabu-shabu has high requirements for small ingredients, sesame sauce, coriander, sesame, garlic paste, chili oil, leek flowers, red tofu milk, peanut crumbles, shrimp oil, chopped chives, etc. There are about twenty kinds, according to their own tastes and ingredients to match individually.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

Imperial court chrysanthemum hot pot and Jiangsu and Zhejiang chrysanthemum hot pot

Cixi's favorite court chrysanthemum hot pot is more elaborate than the Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine chrysanthemum hot pot, and the ingredients are more reasonable, but it is too particular about the pomp and circumstance of the diet, which is more conducive to home-style eating and drinking.

Have you ever eaten the chrysanthemum hot pot that Empress Dowager Cixi liked? The difference between court cuisine and folk taste

In the choice of ingredients, the two kinds of chrysanthemum hot pot will not choose the ingredients with heavier beef and mutton. The chrysanthemum hot pot, which is then boiled on the court dish, is made of chicken hanging soup, while the chrysanthemum hot pot in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions uses oysters and mushrooms as ingredients for soup. Seafood and mountain delicacies are fused together with pheasant and fish balls, sprinkled with chrysanthemums, and the meat is fresh and fragrant.

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