
Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations

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Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations

A world of light and shadow

Years of light and shadow Perceive the world

Typography: Humble

Photo/Text: People's Daily/Internet/HanQian


40 documentaries

Watching a documentary, you can experience the vicissitudes of life and see all the scenery in the world. "The Power of Nature" presents the diverse fates of creatures in china's vast land; "Polar" brings the perspective into the roof of the world and expresses a pure and tranquil spiritual experience; "The World on Earth" presents the concept of life and death in the form of life conception and end... 40 excellent documentary recommendations. Retweet, favorite!

Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations
Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations
Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations
Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations
Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations
Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations
Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations
Film list | People's Daily: 40 excellent documentary recommendations

Source: People's Daily Weibo


Photo: People's Daily

Text: People's Daily/ Han Qian

Lin Hanqian: Educator and researcher, psychological counselor, general learning enthusiast, amateur author. Busy educating people, talking and solving puzzles, idle to read and govern, write and cook, I hope to accompany you to discover the unknown beauty of this world.

P.S. The relevant material in this article comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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