
This country: Fuxi and Qin Shi Huang are the people of our country, and we often invade China!

In the history of the world, along with the progress of wars and regime changes, it often leads to the migration or integration of nationalities, especially the nomadic peoples in ancient history, however, up to now, some countries claim that "Fuxi" and "Qin Shi Huang" are people of their countries, and even claim that they often invade China.

This country: Fuxi and Qin Shi Huang are the people of our country, and we often invade China!


This country is Turkey, so why does Turkey arrogantly claim to often invade China? After inquiring into the history of Turkey, it is not difficult to find that in the 8th century AD, the Turks were integrated into Turkey, and it turned out that Turkey believed that it often invaded China on this basis.

Turkic, a group of nomadic peoples active in the Mongolian plateau and Central Asia from the 5th to the 8th century AD, is not a single ethnic group, but a general term for a Turkic-speaking people.

This country: Fuxi and Qin Shi Huang are the people of our country, and we often invade China!

A translated view of Turkish history

Especially during the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui Dynasty, the Turks did cause great trouble to China, they often rode south on horseback and looted the treasures of the Central Plains, but after the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, with the stability of the Li regime, the economic and military development of the Tang Dynasty, the Turkic Khaganate was eventually destroyed by the Tang army, and the Turks ran to Turkey and became part of the Turkish nation.

In Turkey's history books today, Turkey is silent about why its ancestors ran to Turkey, only mentioning that they "invaded" China many times. Some experts and scholars have translated Turkish history books.

This country: Fuxi and Qin Shi Huang are the people of our country, and we often invade China!

Not only that, turkey's history books also say that Fuxi and Qin Shi Huang are turks, and some scholars in Turkey have concluded that Fuxi looks different from the ancient Chinese, but looks similar to the ancient Turks just based on a portrait of Fuxi.

I don't know why some scholars in Turkey have made such a statement, and they have made such remarks in the history books, why is Turkey now bragging about itself so much? If we look at Turkey's recent history, it is not difficult to find some clues.

This country: Fuxi and Qin Shi Huang are the people of our country, and we often invade China!

Turkey's predecessor was the Ottoman Empire, in the 16th and 17th centuries, under the rule of Suleiman I, the Ottoman Empire was unprecedentedly prosperous and reached its peak, when the Ottoman Empire was a large empire spanning three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, and the monarchs of the Ottoman Empire even regarded themselves as the lords of the world.

But in the First Century War, the Ottoman Empire was defeated and the entire empire fell apart. Turkey, which then inherited the mantle of the Ottoman Empire, became a small country, and due to the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, a large part of the country was lost, and the glory of the past was no longer there.

This country: Fuxi and Qin Shi Huang are the people of our country, and we often invade China!

Today's Turkey has no voice in the international community, once comparable to Britain, France, Germany countries fell to such a point, presumably the heart is also very unwilling, so Turkish scholars have worked hard to seek the glory of the past in history, so it is not difficult for us to understand why the Turks are eager to say that the entire Asian civilization was created by them.

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