
10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

author:Delicious and exclusive

Fujian cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China.

Fujian cuisine is famous for cooking mountain and sea flavors, on the basis of excellent color and flavor, especially "fragrant" and "taste", its fresh, mellow, meaty, non-greasy style characteristics, as well as the characteristics of a wide range of soup roads, is unique in the cooking altar garden.

Fuzhou cuisine is light and fresh, pay attention to soup and freshness, and are good at all kinds of mountain treasures and seafood; Minnan cuisine (Quanzhou, Xiamen, Zhangzhou area) pays attention to seasoning, heavy fresh and fragrant; Fujian Western cuisine (Changting, Ninghua area) is salty and spicy, cooking mostly mountain treasures, showing the flavor of mountains. Therefore, Fujian cuisine has formed three major characteristics, one is longer than the seasoning of red rotten, two is longer than the soup, and the third is longer than the use of sweet and sour.

10-course chef Fujian cuisine

1. Buddha jumps off the wall

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

The soup is thick brown, but thick but not greasy. When eating, the aroma of wine is mixed with various aromas, and the fragrance is floating in four seats, rotten but not rotten, and the taste is endless.


500 grams of shark fin soup, 250 grams of water hair ginseng, 1 net fat hen, 250 grams of water hair pig's trotter tendons, 1 large pork belly, 500 grams of lamb elbow, 150 grams of net ham tendon meat, 125 grams of cooked hair dried scallops, 500 grams of net winter shoots, 250 grams of water hair fish lips, 6 net duck gizzards, 12 pigeon eggs, 200 grams of water hair flower mushrooms, 95 grams of pork fat meat, 75 grams of ginger slices, 10 grams of cinnamon, 95 grams of green onion, 2500 grams of shaojiu, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate.


75 grams of rock sugar, 75 grams of fine soy sauce, 1,000 grams of pork bone broth, 1,000 grams of cooked lard, 1 net duck, 125 grams of bream belly, 1,000 grams of money abalone, 1,000 grams of pig's trotter tip.

Preparation Method:

1. Remove the shark's fin soup from the sand, cut the whole row on the bamboo grate, put it into the pot of boiling water and add 30 grams of shallots, 15 grams of ginger slices, and 100 grams of Shao wine and cook for 10 minutes, take out the fishy smell, pick off the green onions, ginger, the juice is not used, take the grate out and put it into the bowl, put the pork fat on the shark fin, add 50 grams of Shao wine, steam it for 2 hours on the basket drawer, pick out the fat meat, and decant the steamed juice.

2. Cut the fish lips into 2 cm long and 4.5 cm wide pieces, put them in a pot of boiling water, add 30 g of green onion, 100 g of rice wine, 15 g of ginger slices and cook for 10 minutes to fish out, pick off the green onion and ginger.

3. Put the money abalone into the cage drawer, steam it with a high fire, take it out, wash each piece into two pieces, cut it on the cross flower knife, put it into a small basin, add 250 grams of bone broth, 15 grams of shao wine, put it into the cage drawer and steam for 30 minutes to take out, decant the steaming juice. The eggs are cooked and shelled.

4. Chop off the head, neck and feet of the chicken and duck respectively. The tip of the pig's trotter is dehulled, plucked and washed. Scrape and wash the lamb's elbow. Cut 12 pieces of the above four ingredients, and rinse them in a pot of boiling water together with the net duck gizzard, remove the blood and water and fish it out. Pork belly washed inside and out, with boiling water twice, remove the turbidity, cut into 12 pieces, under the pot, add the same soup 250 grams to boil, Gassau wine 85 grams of a fish, soup sweat do not use.

5. Wash the watery ginseng and cut into two slices each. Wash the tendons and cut into 2-inch long segments. Add 150 grams of water to the tendon meat of the ham, steam it for 30 minutes on high heat, decant the steaming sauce and cut into slices about 1 cm thick. Put the winter shoots in a pot of boiling water and fish them out, cut each straight into four pieces, and gently pat them flat with force. When the pot is placed on high heat and the cooked lard is placed in the pot until it is 70% hot, fry the pigeon eggs and winter shoots for about 2 minutes. Then, fry the fish high fish belly into the pan, fry until the hand can be broken, pour into a colander to drain the oil, then soak in water and remove, cut into 4.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide chunks.

6: Leave 50 grams of remaining oil in the pot, when the heat is 70% hot, stir-fry 35 grams of green onion and 45 grams of ginger slices into the pot to fry out the aroma, add chicken, duck, lamb knuckle, pig's trotter tip, duck gizzard, pork belly pieces and fry a few times, add 75 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate, 75 grams of rock sugar, 2150 grams of shao wine, 500 grams of bone broth, cinnamon, cover and cook for 20 minutes, pick up the green onion, ginger and cinnamon, fish out the ingredients in the pot, and set aside the soup.

7. Take a Shaoxing wine altar and wash, add 500 grams of water, put it on a low heat, pour water in the altar, put a small bamboo grate at the bottom of the altar, first put the boiled chicken, duck, sheep, elbow, pig's trotter tip, duck gizzard, pork belly block and flower mushrooms, winter shoots into the block, and then put the shark fin, ham slices, dried scallops, abalone slices wrapped in gauze rectangle, placed on the chicken, duck and other ingredients, and then poured into the soup of boiled chicken, duck and other ingredients, sealed on the altar with lotus leaves, and pressed upside down on a small bowl. After installation, put the wine altar on the charcoal stove, simmer it for 2 hours on a low heat, then open the lid, quickly put the ginseng, hoof tendons, fish lips, and fish belly into the altar, immediately seal the altar mouth, simmer for another hour to take out, when serving, pour the altar dish into a large basin, open the gauze package, and put the pigeon eggs on the top. At the same time, follow a dish of carrots, a dish of ham mixed with bean sprouts, a dish of fried bean sprouts of shiitake mushrooms, a dish of spicy mustard in oil, as well as silver wire rolls and sesame cakes.

2. Auspicious shrimp

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

Features: Butterfly bread shrimp taste delicious, shrimp meat smooth. Ingredients: shrimp. Accessories: egg, winter shoots, carrot, onion, breadcrumbs. Seasoning: green onion, garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, starch, peas, peanut oil, sugar, vinegar. Method: 1, wash the shrimp, shell and leave the tail, each shrimp meat is cut through from the back ridge 1 knife, remove the sand line, lift the shrimp tail through the cut gap, pull into a shrimp ball raw blank, with fine salt, monosodium glutamate, Shao wine syrup evenly marinated slightly. 2: Remove the stems and wash the seeds, and cut into strips with shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots, onions, carrots and shallots. Show the chopping of the flap. Bone broth, soy sauce, orange juice, monosodium glutamate, black vinegar, white vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, wet starch and evenly mix into a marinade, put the duck eggs in a bowl and beat. 3: Put the wok on high heat, add cooked lard, cook until it is 50% hot, dip the shrimp balls into flour first, then dip the egg mixture, and then roll the minced bread, fry until the color is golden, pour into a colander to drain the oil, and put it on the plate. 4, while frying is the ball, take another pot on the fire, cook the lard to heat, first put in the minced garlic and all the silk and stir-fry a few times, then pour in the marinade to boil the hook, add the cooked lard to push well, put the pot into the bowl, and the oil shrimp balls are served together, when eating, sprinkle the sauce on the shrimp balls. Tips: 1, fried shrimp balls and cooking sauce should be carried out at the same time, quickly serve, the sauce poured on the shrimp balls, while hot to eat. 2, fried shrimp balls, first use high heat oil, then turn to medium heat, turn well and fry thoroughly, consistent inside and out, crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.

3. Fujian lychee meat

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

Lychee meat is a traditional dish in Fuzhou, Putian and other places in Fujian Province, and belongs to Fujian cuisine. It has a history of 200 to 300 years. Because of the white water chestnut and pork cut into a cross knife, it is named after cooking because of its shape like a lychee. Ingredients: pork tenderloin, Tianhe frozen horseshoe seasoning: green onion, red lees, white vinegar, soy sauce, white sugar, garlic, starch (broad beans), monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, peanut oil. Directions: 1: Wash the fine meat, cut into 10×5×1 cm thick slices, then cut the cross flower knife, and then cut into 3 pieces. 2: Cut the horseshoe (water chestnut) into small pieces, 2 to 3 pieces per capsule. 3: Grasp the horseshoe pieces together with the meat slices with wet starch and finely chopped red rasp. 4: Remove the roots and whiskers of the green onion, wash and take the white onion and cut the horseshoe shallot. 5, soy sauce, white vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate, soup, wet starch marinade set aside 6, the pot on the high heat, under the peanut oil 80% heat pour into the sizing meat slices and horseshoe, with a spoon to scatter, when the meat into a lychee shape, with a colander scoop, drain the oil. 7: Leave the remaining oil in the pot, first add the minced garlic, green onion white, sauté it and then add the marinade to boil, then pour in the lychee meat and horseshoe pieces and stir-fry a few times.

4. Light incense screw

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

The snail slices are very flavorful, fresh and not old. Ingredients: pure fragrant snail meat, net winter shoots, water hair flower mushroom accessories: white onion, minced garlic, white soy sauce, minced ginger, monosodium glutamate, wet starch, soup, red lees, sesame oil, rice wine, peanut oil, sugar. Directions: 1: Cut off the tail of the snail, brush it with bamboo 2, marinate slightly. The winter shoots and mushrooms are cut into slices commensurate with the snails. Sliced horseshoe with white onion, monosodium glutamate, sugar, white soy sauce, sesame oil and wet starch are mixed into a marinade. 3: When the wok is on high heat, when the peanut oil is 70% hot, fry the winter shoot slices in the pan for about 1 minute, pour into a colander and drain the oil. Leave the remaining oil in the wok, put it back on the high heat, first sauté the minced garlic in the pot to bring out the aroma, then put in the red raspour slightly sautéed, then add the mushrooms and the oiled winter shoot slices, to the marinade to boil the boiling and evenly, quickly put in the good screws, stir-fry evenly, and plate it.

5, drunken chicken

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

The chicken is tender and the wine is mellow. Ingredients: fat and tender hen accessories: white radish, pepper, red raspberry, five-spice powder, sugar, rice wine, sorghum wine, salt, white vinegar 5, monosodium glutamate, chicken broth. Method: 1, wash the chicken, remove the feet and claws, pat it with a knife at the knee, put it into the pot, add 1500 grams of water, heat it with a low heat for ten minutes, turn the chicken over and cook for another 10 minutes - when the water is not boiling, when the knees are exposed, fish it out and let it cool. Finely chop the red mash, steam through the basket drawer, take out and put in the chicken broth, filter it with clean gauze, and take the bad juice and set aside. 2, the cool chicken body cut into four pieces, leaving the chicken feet, chicken head split into two pieces, wings are cut into two pieces, and then put into a small basin, add MSG, fine salt, sorghum wine to mix well, seal and marinate for one hour, put the lid, turn the chicken over, and then add MSG, salt, sugar, bing juice, five-spice powder, shao wine, stir well, seal and marinate for another hour and then take it out. Cut the chicken nuggets into 0, 8 cm long, 0 and 4 cm wide wicker slices, arrange them on a plate, put the heads together, and form the feet and wings into the shape of a chicken. 3, while drunkenly marinating chicken, wash the white radish, cut into 0.5 cm long strips of width and height, on each side opposite the two sides, one side of the slash knife, the other side of the horizontal knife into a turnip, put in salt water for ten minutes to remove the bitter juice, wash and knead dry, and pepper (cut into thin wires) in the same bowl, add sugar, white vinegar to mix well, marinate for twenty minutes, take out the negan juice, put on both sides of the chicken.

6. Sweet and sour chicken meatballs

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

Chicken meatballs into vegetables are fragrant and elastic, shrimp are fresh and sweet, sweet and sour, appetizing. Ingredients: Thai river prawns, St. He chicken breast accessories: egg, ginger rice, garlic rice, fish eye shallots, salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, pepper, fresh soup, water bean powder, refined oil. Method: 1: Chop the chicken breast into a mushroom, add water, salt, egg liquid, pepper, water bean powder and beat together, then add finely chopped shrimp granules, stir well and set aside. 2: Put the pot on the high heat, burn the oil to 60% heat, squeeze the chicken filling into chicken balls by hand, fry the pan and set the shape, then fish out and set aside. When the oil temperature rises to 70% hot, return the chicken balls to the pan to fry crisp and brown, remove and put on the plate. 3, leave a little oil in the pot, oil temperature of 30%, under the ginger garlic rice, stir-fry fragrant, cook with soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt, fresh soup, water bean powder mixed into the sauce, put the juice up the pot into the fish eye shallots, drizzle on the chicken balls.

7. Grilled salmon with grapes

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

The meat of the adult fish is crisp on the outside and fresh on the inside, and it is very popular with the sweetness of the raisins. Ingredients: raisins, salmon meat accessories: fine asparagus, olive oil, sugar juice, white vinegar, basil pesto sauce, fresh basil, pine nuts, lettuce leaves. Directions: 1: Wash and cut salmon into 4 portions. 2: Blanch the fine asparagus with water and cut into long segments of about 2.5 cm. 3: Fresh basil chopped; pine nuts roasted and crushed; palm leaves taken from canned and rinsed with water. 4: Take a large bowl, pour in white vinegar, olive oil, sugar juice and pesto sauce, stir well, put out two tablespoons and spread on the salmon cubes, marinate for 30 minutes, put in the oven and cook. 5: Put the asparagus into the remaining juice in the bowl, then add the raisins and crushed basil leaves, stir well and cover the lid to cool. 6: Spread the four lettuce leaves on four plates and wait for the previous step to be ready and cooled on top. 7: Spread the grilled salmon and sprinkle with pine nuts and you're done.

8. Yuxi Bu Duck

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

The duck has a toothy yellow body, shiny oil, fragrant aroma, dipped in garlic vinegar (garlic paste, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, MONOSG ratio mixture) to accompany the wine, full of flavor. Ingredients: fat duck. Excipients: fine salt, monosodium glutamate, lard, rice, tea leaves. Method: 1: Put the fine salt into the abdominal cavity of the duck, cook it in a white water pot, and evenly smear about 15 grams of refined salt on the duck while it is hot. 2: Sprinkle rice and tea leaves in the middle of the dry iron pot, pour lard, put on a round wire mesh plate (about 15 cm from the bottom of the pot), put the duck on the wire mesh plate, cover the pot lid, and the gap between the lid edges is tightly surrounded by a damp cloth. 3: Heat the middle of the bottom of the pot to slow down the rice and tea leaves in the pot into smoke and smoke the whole duck. This step is a key step, how to judge the color of the smoke is just right? The method of observation is: when the smoke coming out of the gap in the lid of the pot turns from white to yellow, the lid can be lifted out of the pot and placed in a large basin. 4: Use hot duck broth, add salt and MSG to mix well, pour into the belly of the duck and macerate for about 2 hours. 5: Pour off the soup in the duck belly, cut into pieces and plate, bring garlic vinegar to the table.

9. Drunken ribs

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

The color is golden, and the taste is sweet and sour. Ingredients: Shuanghui ribs, garlic top accessories: egg white, curry powder, mustard, pepper, rice wine, sugar, soy sauce, spicy soy sauce, salt, sesame paste, tomato sauce, vinegar, diamond powder, sesame oil. Directions: 1: Cut the ribs into long cubes. 2: Mix the flour, wine, salt and egg white in a small bowl; then mix the sesame paste, tomato sauce, spicy soy sauce, curry powder, mustard, sugar, wine, salt, pepper, sesame oil, soy sauce and vinegar in another bowl. 3: Heat the lard pot, put the ribs into the diamond powder, protein paste and scratch it, then put it into the oil pot to cook, then take out the ribs, filter out the oil, and put it on the plate. The oil in the pan is also poured out at the same time. 4: Crush the garlic, sauté the garlic in a pan of heat, pour it into a small bowl with tahini, ketchup and other spices, and pour it on the ribs together. The color is golden, and the taste is sweet and sour.

10: Sea oyster frying

10 star chef classic Fujian cuisine!

Ingredients: oysters to taste

Accessories: garlic to taste, 2 eggs, sweet potato powder to taste

Seasoning: salad oil, salt, vinegar, a little cooking wine, five-spice powder, pepper, hot sauce


1. Pick the old leaves and wash the garlic and cut into small pieces

2. Sweet potato powder is mixed with an appropriate amount of water, as well as an appropriate amount of salt and five-spice powder to mix into a uniform and thinner powder

3. Beat the eggs with salt

4. The oysters are washed several times with clean water to remove impurities and then drained to remove excess water

5. Drain the oysters in a bowl and mix gently with an appropriate amount of cooking wine, pepper, five-spice powder and a little vinegar

6. Pour the right amount of oil into the pan and heat the oil

7. After the oil is hot, first add the garlic part of the garlic and sauté until fragrant

8. Add the seasoned oysters and chopped garlic leaves over high heat and fry until the oysters are seven or eight minutes cooked

9. Pour the mixed powder evenly into the pot

10. Turn the bottom of the slurry slightly after solidifying, without waiting until the slurry is completely solidified

11. Wait until the slurry has solidified into a frozen state and mixed with sea oysters and pour in the egg mixture

12. After the egg liquid has solidified, turn the oysters and fry, if you feel that the pan is too dry during the frying process, you can pour some oil along the edge of the pan. When eating, pour Xiamen sweet and spicy sauce on it.

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