
Britain proposed to divide China equally with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan responded domineeringly with 24 words!

The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement was the largest and most far-reaching peasant uprising in the late Qing Dynasty, sweeping through most of China and threatening to unify the world. The civil strife of the Qing Dynasty also gave the great powers an attempt to destroy China. In 1861, the British sent envoys to Tianjing, the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom at that time, to negotiate, and offered to help the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to destroy the Qing Dynasty together, but after the victory, the world would be divided equally! But Hong Xiuquan only replied with these 24 words! Finally the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom perished!

Britain proposed to divide China equally with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan responded domineeringly with 24 words!

In fact, from beginning to end of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the voices and shadows of the Western powers were active. In 1853, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom captured Nanjing, renamed Tianjing, and established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. The power is like the sun in the sky, showing strong staying power! Become another force in China that cannot be ignored. And the Western powers saw this.

Britain proposed to divide China equally with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan responded domineeringly with 24 words!

Since the beginning of the Opium War, Britain, France and other countries have wanted to destroy China and make China their colonies. However, at that time, the Qing Dynasty was also a camel that was thin and dead, and its power was still very large, so although some benefits could be gained in each war, it could not really destroy China. So they wanted to do this with the help of civil unrest in the Qing Dynasty.

Britain proposed to divide China equally with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan responded domineeringly with 24 words!

In 1853, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom had just established the capital of Tianjing, when the British envoy to the Qing Dynasty, Wen Han (translated name), came to Tianjing and tested Hong Xiuquan and asked him to recognize all unequal treaties such as the Treaty of Nanjing, but Hong Xiuquan strictly refused! Later, French, American and other envoys also came to Tianjing and asked the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to recognize the unequal treaties, but they were all rejected one by one.

Britain proposed to divide China equally with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan responded domineeringly with 24 words!

At that time, the taiping heavenly kingdom gave the answer that it was possible to trade freely, but it was necessary to pay tribute to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and not to sell opium! This is still a posture of a great power in the heavenly dynasty, so the great powers are all taken away. However, they are still thieves who do not die! After the Tianjing Incident in 1856, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's power declined greatly, began to decline, and by 1861 it was even more difficult, the territory was getting smaller and smaller, it was more and more difficult to survive, and it was possible to be eaten at any time.

Britain proposed to divide China equally with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan responded domineeringly with 24 words!

At this moment of crisis, the great powers felt that the time was ripe, when the British admiral He Bo and counselor Pasha Li came directly to Tianjing, met Hong Xiuquan, and proposed that britain could send troops to help the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom destroy the Qing Dynasty, but after success, it was hoped that Hong Xiuquan would divide China equally with Britain. In the face of this extreme temptation, Hong Xiuquan, who was alive and dead, was furious after hearing it.

Britain proposed to divide China equally with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan responded domineeringly with 24 words!

Said 24 words "I fight for China, want to think of the whole picture." Things are divided equally, and the world is laughing. After not succeeding, lead the ghost into the state. "This means that I want all of it, even if I succeed, if I divide the world equally, it will make the world shameless, laugh and be generous, this is also to attract ghosts into the country!" Sternly rejected the British.

Britain proposed to divide China equally with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan responded domineeringly with 24 words!

The British ran to negotiate with the Qing government in a fit of rage, and the Qing government was very happy to sacrifice its interests in exchange for the participation of the British foreign gun brigade, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom finally failed under the joint strangulation of Chinese and foreign forces and perished!

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