
How much money does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz C-Class? Netizen: Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor"

With the development of the economy and the continuous improvement of consumption level, most consumers have also begun to pursue a higher quality of travel life. If you want a deck, it's a good choice in the BBA. Especially the new Mercedes-Benz C-Class, not only do girls look at it and can't move, but many boys also favor it. But after all, it is a luxury brand, not only is the price expensive, but the maintenance cost is also specified to be cheap. Today Xiaobian will take the entry-level 2022 C 200 L Sport Edition (325,200 yuan) as an example, to calculate the account for everyone, to see how much it costs to raise a Mercedes-Benz every month?

How much money does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz C-Class? Netizen: Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor"

1. Fuel costs

How much money does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz C-Class? Netizen: Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor"

The WLTC comprehensive fuel consumption of the Mercedes-Benz C-Class model is 6.1L, but this is only the ideal state, and everyone knows that the fuel consumption is basically unattainable. After actual measurement, the actual fuel consumption of the vehicle is about 8.6L-9L, and here Xiaobian will first calculate it based on 8.6L/100km. This car is added to the 95 gasoline, the current small editor of the location of the oil price of 7.59 yuan / L, if according to the daily driving distance of 60km to calculate, that year is 21900km, that year's fuel cost is about 14295 yuan, the average monthly fuel cost is 1191 yuan.

Second, maintenance costs

How much money does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz C-Class? Netizen: Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor"

According to the manufacturer's suggestion, the maintenance cycle of mercedes-benz C-class is every 10,000 km, and the large maintenance cycle is 20,000 km. 10000km need to be replaced: oil + oil filter element = 958 yuan; 20000km need to be replaced: oil + oil filter element + air filter element + air conditioning filter element + brake oil + spark plug = 3305 yuan, so the maintenance cost of the first year is about: 958 + 3305 = 4263 yuan, the average monthly cost of about 355.25 yuan. It has to be said that the zero ratio of Mercedes-Benz cars (the ratio of the sum of the price of accessories to the sales price of the whole vehicle) is indeed high, and the price of replacement accessories is relatively high.

3. Insurance costs

How much money does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz C-Class? Netizen: Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor"

In addition to the fuel fee, buying car insurance is also an important must.. After all, it is also a luxury car, or it is more appropriate to buy an insurance preparation. The official guidance price of mercedes-benz C-class is 30.78-47.48 million yuan. Insurance costs vary according to regions and car prices, taking Xiamen as an example, the first year is generally paid is compulsory traffic insurance + third party one million + car damage insurance, a year's insurance cost of about 7750 yuan, the average month is 646 yuan.

4. High-speed fee, car wash fee, parking fee

How much money does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz C-Class? Netizen: Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor"

After a year, there are still some miscellaneous expenses that are certainly indispensable. A year's high-speed cost is calculated according to 700 yuan, an average of 58 yuan a month; a month to wash the car twice a week, the car wash fee is 50 yuan, a month is 100 yuan; if there is no parking space, if you rent it every month, the average monthly rent of the xiaobian is about 400 yuan, then the average monthly cost of all miscellaneous items is: 58 + 100 + 400 = 558 yuan.

How much money does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz C-Class? Netizen: Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor"

If the car does not scratch and there is no fine for violations, all the above expenses add up to: fuel costs of 1191 yuan + maintenance costs of 355.25 yuan + insurance costs of 646 yuan + miscellaneous expenses of 558 yuan = 2750.25 yuan.

How much money does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz C-Class? Netizen: Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor"

If it is a full purchase of a car, then the average monthly maintenance cost of the car is not high; if it is a loan to buy a car, calculated by two years, in addition to the down payment, the monthly repayment amount is about 9485 yuan, counting the average monthly maintenance cost, the monthly cost is about 12235.25 yuan, and the overall cost is still relatively large. If you buy a car in full, it is still possible to raise a new C-class with a monthly salary of 7,000, but if it is a loan to buy, the monthly salary must be 20,000-25,000 yuan to be able to afford it, after all, life also has to be spent. Can't help but sigh, Mercedes-Benz is indeed not pit "poor". So if it's you, does your wallet allow you to raise an entry-level new C-class?

Edit = Jian Linlin

Producer = Luo Zuxing

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