
Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

The great man of our country once said that women can stand up to half of the sky, and in various years, many legendary women have emerged in our country, although they have not made meritorious achievements on the battlefield, but they have influenced many things in their own way, the most typical of which is Song Meiling at that time.

At that time, the Kuomintang was able to obtain so much financial support and equipment support precisely because song Meiling was good at dancing in the United States, but in the Shanxi region, there was a person with the same name as Song Meiling, she was Yan Huiqing, who was known as the first beautiful woman in Shanxi.

Speaking of Yan Huiqing, everyone may not know, but when you see her surname, you can understand that she must be inextricably linked to Yan Xishan, the king of Shanxi at that time.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

Yes, when Yan Xishan was the governor of Shanxi Province and other positions, Yan Huiqing not only had to take care of Yan Xishan's life and living, but also participated in some important political decisions, so many people said that she was Song Meiling, who was yan Xishan's side.

However, the pattern of her and Song Meiling can be very different, when she went to Taiwan, Yan Xishan did not take her away in time, but let her stay in Shanxi, so what happened to Yan Huiqing' ending?

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

The rise of Yan Xishan

Speaking of Yan Huiqing, then we must talk about Yan Xishan. Yan Xishan was born in the late Qing Dynasty, as early as the 28th year of Guangxu was admitted to the Shanxi Wubei Academy, and in the 29th year of Guangxu was sent to Japan to study, it can be said that it was a rare person who was both literate and martial, when studying abroad, Yan Xishan naturally accepted various forms of new ideas, so he later joined the League after returning to China.

After returning from Japan, Yan Xishan successively served as the superintendent and instructor of the Shanxi Army, and since then Yan Xishan has begun his political career and military career.

In the blink of an eye, the Xinhai Revolution arrived, and Yan Xishan, with his military ability and personal connections, quickly gained the trust of the Shanxi government and became the commander-in-chief of the warlords of the whole of Shanxi.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

And at that time, under the leadership of Yan Xishan, Shanxi did live a peaceful and prosperous life, especially in education, Yan Xishan was very supportive of Shanxi's education, and Shanxi's education also developed rapidly, that is, at this time, Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing appeared.

In fact, Yan Huiqing is not Yan Xishan's sister, but the daughter of Yan Xishan's uncle's family, because Yan Xishan's family is a famous family in Shanxi, so his distant relatives can also live a well-off life and enjoy various benefits, but that's all.

Yan Huiqing, as a daughter, did not receive a good education, only two years of school dropped out, although at that time the idea of equality between men and women has long been introduced to China, but the idea of male preference is still deeply rooted in the local area, especially in the marriage matter, Yan Huiqing is also powerless to change her marriage fate, was married to the merchant Qu Peihuan at that time.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

According to Yan Huiqing's father's vision, this is a very good marriage, Qu Peihuan not only has a very good family, but also Qu Peihuan also studied in Japan and is a proper returnee.

However, it was not until Yan Huiqing married that she did not know that Qu Peihuan was actually a big smoker, not only did not care about Yan Huiqing at all, but also had a very poor physical condition, and died only two years after marrying Yan Huiqing.

According to the old traditional thinking, Yan Huiqing must be widowed for a lifetime, and at that time, Yan Huiqing was indeed prepared to live a life alone, but because Yan Huiqing was Yan Xishan's sister, there were still many people who wanted to marry her, and after Yan Huiqing's husband died, the people who asked for relatives were endless, and at this time Yan Huiqing still did not have the freedom to choose.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

Then, Yan Huiqing's brother Yan Xishan chose a second husband for Yan Huiqing, and this was destined to be a marriage with interests in it.

After getting married, she and her husband soon made a gentleman's covenant, the two people did not interfere with each other, only to preserve the name of husband and wife, but it was precisely because of this that Yan Huiqing had the opportunity to come to Yan Xishan's side.

Accompanied by Yan Xishan

Yan Huiqing is a person who is good at observing words and colors, although she looks extremely gentle on the outside, she acts decisively and is very pleasing to Yan Xishan, so when she came to Yan Xishan's side, she began to take care of Yan Xishan's life.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

Especially in terms of diet, because Yan Huiqing's cooking skills are very good, she often changes her tricks to make all kinds of delicious food for Yan Xishan, which makes Yan Xishan very happy, and most importantly, after Yan Xishan falls asleep, she will often help Yan Xishan beat his back and massage.

Because of the careful care of life, Yan Xishan not only quickly accepted Yan Huiqing, but also arranged Yan Huiqing to his side and let her become his life secretary, because Yan Huiqing was a woman, at first Yan Xishan did not want her to be exposed to some political and military issues, but as the relationship between the two became closer, Yan Huiqing began to participate in decision-making.

The reason why Yan Xishan arranged for Yan Huiqing to come to his side was partly because she would indeed take care of people, and on the other hand, Yan Xishan needed a chess piece that could sometimes perform tasks for him.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

After the Battle of Pingjin, Yan Xishan was actually ready to go to Taiwan, but in order to save his life, he decided to let Yan Huiqing stay in Taiyuan for himself, so that he could escape to Taiwan unconsciously.

So he secretly told Yan Huiqing that he was going to Nanning for a meeting and asked Yan Huiqing to wait for him at home, but soon after Yan Xishan left, Taiyuan was captured, and Yan Huiqing did not wait for Yan Xishan to come and pick him up.

When Taiyuan was surrounded, Yan Huiqing could only shout the slogan of coexistence and death with Taiyuan instead of Yan Xishan, and at this time Yan Huiqing understood that she was just a pawn left in Taiyuan by Yan Xishan.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

Yan Huiqing's tragic end

When the city of Taiyuan was captured, Yan Huiqing could only send a telegram to Yan Xishan, who had fled to Taiyuan, and then committed suicide at home.

In fact, after arriving in Taiwan, Yan Xishan also had a grudge against Yan Huiqing, and also sent a plane to Shanxi to pick up Yan Huiqing, but at that time, Taiyuan was already controlled by the People's Liberation Army, and the pilots could not land in Shanxi, could not pick up Yan Huiqing, and could only return.

Although Yan Huiqing was abandoned by Yan Xishan, she still had Yan Xishan's good in mind, and when Yan Xishan went to Taiwan, Yan Huiqing also specially copied a list of 500 martyrs in Taiyuan, and this list also became a major capital in the later period of Yan Xishan.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

Many people say that if a man wants to succeed, there must be a woman with extremely strong ability behind him, behind Yan Xishan is Yan Huiqing, in the later stage of Yan Huiqing's life, she has gained a high prestige, and can even issue some orders instead of Yan Xishan.

Therefore, in the end, Yan Xishan would choose Yan Huiqing to stay in Taiyuan instead of him, because if he left early, then Taiyuan would definitely be a mess, and he could not leave smoothly, and Yan Huiqing grew step by step, precisely because Yan Xishan had already thought of this.

However, after going to Taiwan, Yan Xishan understood that Yan Huiqing was no longer a simple pawn, but had a higher value, if Yan Huiqing followed Yan Xishan to Taiwan, then it would definitely produce a higher value, but unfortunately Yan Xishan understood that it was too late.

Yan Xishan's sister Yan Huiqing, her brother fled to Taiwan alone, and what happened to her when she stayed in Shanxi?

Yan Huiqing as a woman in the old era, she could not change her fate, from being arranged by people to arrange her own life, even the people she believed in the most, the people she admired the most, were just treating her as a pawn, of course, in that era, people like Yan Huiqing abounded.


The ancients often said that a furious crown for a red face, Yan Xishan obviously did not have such courage, but Yan Huiqing did not live up to Yan Xishan, even if he knew Yan Xishan's plan, Yan Huiqing finally chose to persist until the last moment, not only desperately resisted and committed suicide, but also sent a telegram to Yan Xishan at the last moment, far away in Taiwan's Yan Xishan, because of this telegram, the status has been highly promoted, but unfortunately such a hero was at Yan Xishan's side, if she was in the Communist Party at the time, Then she must be able to exert greater energy, and such a first beauty in Shanxi also ended her life early.

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