
Good Book Recommendation | "Love Letters"

author:Zao a little bit of content

"We have nurtured death at the same time through birth, but this is only a small part of the philosophy that we must understand, and Naoko's death has made me understand that no matter what philosophy we are familiar with, there is no way to eliminate the sorrow of the death of the loved one, no matter what philosophy, how sincere, how tenacious, how tender, and there is no way to dispel this sorrow, the only thing we can do is to break free from this sorrow and understand a certain philosophy from it, and any philosophy after understanding is so weak in the face of the accident that follows I listened to the sound of the waves and the wind in the dark night, day after day, so dark and miserable, I was disheveled, carrying a travel backpack, and walking westward and westward on the coast of early autumn..."

Norwegian Forest, Haruki Murakami

Good Book Recommendation | "Love Letters"

Also in Japan, Hiroko Watanabe (played by Miho Nakayama) lies on the snow, letting the snowflakes scatter on her face, feeling the bone-chilling ice, longing for time to stand still, but the snowflakes keep reminding that time has always existed. Hiroko suddenly opened her eyes and realized that her fiancé Fujii had died three years after the disaster. What about three years? The sorrow has always existed, the hole in the heart has been bleeding, usually just pasted with tape, and lived. Hiroko is like Naoko of "The Forest of Weiwei", and there will always be a deceased Wooden Moon in her heart.

Hiroko is like Haruki Murakami's tenderness, tough, but failed, trapped in eternal sorrow. The beautiful Hiroko has an admirer - the artist Akiba, Akiba was the first person to fall in love with Hiroko, he did not think that his best friend Fujii Would confess to Hiroko faster than him, he has always loved and waited for three years, hoping that Hiroko can let go of the departure of Hiroko.

The reaction of each person facing death is also different, not their own death, and many times the death of the beloved is also exhausted and burned with trauma. Hiroko misses her fiancé too much, and secretly copies the address of Fujii Shu in Otaru in the middle school journal, she plans to send a letter to the old site, pre-no reply, but the process of writing is her own self-redemption of taking the first step. Sometimes talking to yourself is like yelling at the top of a mountain, like singing to a tree hole, like a drawer diary, a blog on the Internet, at the beginning, I didn't expect to hear a cockroach, I didn't want to hear back. Words are the language of salvation, and faith is the instrument. Hiroko sent it out.

It turned out that fujii tree's old site was the site of another female classmate of the same school, also known as Fujii tree, the female Fujii tree (Played by Miho Nakayama) replied to the letter, originally thought that it was just a strong launch of a tennis ball into the air, and someone returned the ball, so Hiroko fired again, the female Fujii tree bounced back, the letter came and went, coincidentally, the 2 girls who wrote the letter, the name is different, the background is different, but the appearance is exactly the same. Hiroko recognizes the side of the teenage fiancé from the letter, and she finally understands his "love at first sight" for himself, it turns out that the teenage fiancé's love for the female Fujii tree, Hiroko is just a shadow of his true love, so when the male Fujii tree wants to propose to Hiroko, he stands in place for 2 hours and can't say it, because he loves the female Fujii tree.

Through the letters, Hiroko realized that he had arrived, but the thoughts were still there. In the letter, the female Fujii tree rewinds the middle school era once. There is also a gap in each person's heart, and her gap is the departure of her father. Knowing that the male Fujii tree had been dead for three years, the death bell sounded from her ears again, and she fell down with a cold. Grandpa and mom are also afraid of history repeating itself, afraid of losing their daughters/grandchildren like losing their husbands/sons. Grandpa and Mom argue about not waiting in the ambulance, reminiscing about that time. Mom said, "You took 60 minutes to carry him to the hospital" Grandpa said, "It's 40 minutes" Everyone is also flowing, everyone has not forgotten, the memory is always there. The 76-year-old grandfather carried his twenty-year-old granddaughter on his back and ran in the snow, "Even if I lose my old life and save her, it will be worth it" Mom blocked the snow for her grandson, and she cried. In the hospital, her grandson was pushed into the operating room, she cried, and quietly told her uncle who helped her find a new building that she was not going to move, and she finally understood why the grandfather had always opposed moving, because the old house had memories of grandpa, husband, daughter, and life.

"Life is just a series of isolated moments, and by memory and fantasy, many meanings emerge, then disappear, disappear and then emerge again." "Reminiscing like water"

Good Book Recommendation | "Love Letters"

In her coma, the female Fujii remembers her father's funeral day when she saw a frozen dragonfly in the snow. Dad is dead, existing in the atrium in a different way. "Death is not the opposite of life, but eternal life as a part of life." Norwegian Forest, Haruki Murakami

"How are you, Dad, I'm fine," the next sentence", "You must be good," said in the atrium

Akiba takes Hiroko to see the snowy mountain, and Hiroko yells at the male Fujii tree buried on the snowy mountain, "How are you, I'm fine?" and then yells " Hello, I'm fine "

Loving death is an irreparable sorrow, the eternal gap in life, as if we can only break free from sorrow and understand something from death, but no matter what we understand, the next time grief strikes, we must still be caught off guard and cry defeated.

Master Shengyan said, "If you want to cry, cry."

"That is the last place of the past years, the essence of it, and after our tears have dried up, we will be able to weep again." "Reminiscences of a Time Like Water" by Marcel Proust

Master Shengyan also said, "Face it, accept it, deal with it, let it go."

After the female Fujii tree recovered, she learned from the student sister that the male Fujii tree had the book "Reminiscences like water years" that the female Fujii tree helped him return, and behind the borrowed book card was a scan of the female Fujii tree. Fujii learns that he likes her, and she wants to tell Hiroko, but the letter is not sent.

Don't cry for the regrets of youth, because there are no regrets, how can you be romantic, is the skill of Shunji Iwai.

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