
Who is stronger in the FIRST three quarters of 2021 in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Xiangyang, Hubei?

Who is stronger in the FIRST three quarters of 2021 in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Xiangyang, Hubei?

Taiyuan City is the capital of Shanxi Province, here beautiful scenery, industry gathering, but also the largest city in Shanxi Province, traffic is also in all directions, once more famous for the coal industry in the country, do you think this is our Taiyuan most famous? wrong! We Taiyuan is still the ancient capital of the Nine Dynasties in history, from the Zhao State in the Warring States period, we have experienced several dynasties, in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, taiyuan is also called Beijing, and it is also the first city in China called Beijing, if you think this is our most famous city in Taiyuan? wrong! We Taiyuan is still a city that makes Song Taizong's soul haunted by dreams, it is said that Song Taizong nicknamed Gaoliang River Car God, is an old driver, not only likes to drive but also likes to experience it himself, according to the film and television drama "A River of Spring Water Flows Eastward", the brother of the car god Zhao Kuangyin caught a lady of Huarui, the car god said to let go of that lady, let me come, Zhao Kuangyin caught the Southern Tang Empress, the car god still let my brother let go of the queen let me come, and then the brother wanted to enter our then Northern Han capital Taiyuan City, dead or alive is not able to come, The god of the car still let go of the capital and let me come, so the god of the car really came in this time, directly burned Taiyuan for three days and three nights, three more midnights, and then ran from Taiyuan to the Gaoliang River in Hebei (a river in the Huairou District of present-day Beijing) without stopping, completing the first drift in history, the picture above is Taiyuan, and the picture below is Taiyuan

Who is stronger in the FIRST three quarters of 2021 in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Xiangyang, Hubei?

And Although Xiangyang in Hubei province has not been a capital city, but it is also a very long history of the ancient city, here since ancient times is China's military town, the Three Kingdoms period of Liu Biao made us Xiangyang into one of the five largest cities in the country at that time, and later Xiangyang has been one of the top two big cities in Hubei, it is said that Zhuge Liang's ploughing place Nanyang, are in our Xiangyang, so far we Xiangyang is still in the ancient Long as evidence, do you think this is our Xiangyang most famous? wrong! We Xiangyang in ancient times were xiangyang and Fancheng two cities, today merged into one, or the Three Kingdoms period, when the famous Wei general Pound De dreamed of entering our Xiangyang City, but Guan Yu is dead or alive do not let Pound come to Xiangyang, the story of the direct flooding of the Seven Armies happened here, do you think our Xiangyang is the most famous only these? wrong! Because of its easy defense and difficult to attack, xiangyang is also known as the first city in ancient times, and the picture below is Xiangyang

Who is stronger in the FIRST three quarters of 2021 in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Xiangyang, Hubei?

According to gdp data for the first three quarters of 2021, Xiangyang has a total GDP of up to 367.439 billion yuan, ranking first in Hubei Province, while The GDP of Taiyuan in Shanxi Province in the first three quarters of 2021 was 360.060 billion yuan, ranking first in Shanxi Province, and the figure below is Xiangyang

Who is stronger in the FIRST three quarters of 2021 in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Xiangyang, Hubei?

Judging from the data, the current GDP of Xiangyang is slightly higher than that of Taiyuan, and the comprehensive strength of the two cities is also different, so we Xiangyang people publicize the ancient long and medium scenic spots in our hometown, can we attract more people to Xiangyang to see Zhuge Liang's cultivated land, and give Xiangyang's GDP a higher view? Or Taiyuan people also publicize and publicize the characteristics of Chen vinegar and other characteristics in their hometown, can they attract more people to drink vinegar in Taiyuan and drink more brilliantly for Taiyuan GDP? Who are you optimistic about the prospects of the two cities? We see in the comment area, the following figure is the GDP ranking of each city in the first three quarters of 2021, the data comes from the network, if there is an error, please leave a message in the comment area

Who is stronger in the FIRST three quarters of 2021 in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Xiangyang, Hubei?
Who is stronger in the FIRST three quarters of 2021 in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Xiangyang, Hubei?

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