
A year after Japan's surrender, Emperor Hirohito revealed the real reason for the surrender: a remark that made people wary

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

A year after Japan's surrender, Emperor Hirohito revealed the real reason for the surrender: a remark that made people wary

As we all know, Japan is a country with a strong ability to learn, ancient Japan often came to our country to learn advanced culture and production technology, in modern history, the reason why Japan has developed so rapidly is because it has learned advanced technology from the West to reform the country, so that Japan's strength in the Period of World War II is far ahead of other countries.

However, japan, which became rich and strong, embarked on the road of foreign expansion, and even the United States at that time could not escape a disaster, Japan sneaked attack pearl harbor, so that the sea power of the United States was almost wiped out by Japan, and then the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, and Our country and the invaded countries around Asia began to fight back, and Japan was immediately defeated.

Many people thought that Japan's defeat had something to do with the nuclear strike by the United States, until 1946, a year after Japan's defeat, Emperor Hirohito's words caused quite a stir, and it turned out that they surrendered not just for fear of atomic bombs.

A year after Japan's surrender, Emperor Hirohito revealed the real reason for the surrender: a remark that made people wary

The year after Japan's defeat, Emperor Hirohito summed up history and delivered a speech: "Although Japan was defeated, this is not the first time it has been defeated, and throughout history, Japan has been reborn after each defeat and is stronger than ever." As soon as these words came out, the countries of the world at that time were full of doubts, but what followed was his last words: "When you think of this, you naturally know what kind of road Japan should take after this defeat." ”

At first glance, this statement does not make much sense, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that the nuclear strike launched by the United States was not the real reason for Japan's surrender, but seemed to be a cover for Japan. During the Tang Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty in our country, Japan fought wars with our country, and during the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, after each defeat in the war, Japan would sum up lessons and make efforts to develop, and its national strength had made great progress.

During the Qing Dynasty, our country was at war with Japan, and because the Qing government was corrupt at that time, it led to the defeat of the war, which led to the subsequent war of aggression against China, combined with the history of our country, the words spoken by Emperor Hirohito, which had a great significance hidden in it, which had to make us more vigilant, and we had to guard against the attempt to revive Japanese militarism, and we must redouble our vigilance and strike ruthlessly!

A year after Japan's surrender, Emperor Hirohito revealed the real reason for the surrender: a remark that made people wary

However, regardless of whether there is a nuclear strike by the United States or not, Japan will eventually surrender, because if it continues to fight, the nation will perish, and it is believed that Japan will not fail to understand the reason that Qingshan is not afraid of burning firewood.

First of all, from the perspective of the domestic war situation, the domestic War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945 had entered the stage of all-round counteroffensive attack, the Chinese military and people launched an attack with an unstoppable momentum, Japan could only retreat, unable to attack, and Japan's comprehensive rout was sooner or later. Knowing that you can't win a fight, surrender is the best choice. There was also the united states victory in the Pacific, the approaching Japanese mainland, and the explosion of two atomic bombs, which accelerated Japan's surrender, after all, a war like the end of the world was not something that Japan alone could bear and face.

What's more, after the two atomic bombs exploded, US President Harry S. Truman radioed: "The Japanese still do not accept our conditions, and what awaits them will be a devastating blow, and it is something that has never been seen on the earth..." The subtext is that Japan must accept surrender, otherwise it will be ruthlessly obliterated and disappear directly from the earth.

A year after Japan's surrender, Emperor Hirohito revealed the real reason for the surrender: a remark that made people wary

The threat destroyed Japan's self-confidence and dealt it a fatal blow. For Japan, the only way to avoid annihilation is to surrender. Therefore, the Japanese government pointed out that due to the "new" weapons used by the US military, Japan is no longer able to continue the war, and only by surrendering can it end the war as soon as possible and avoid an unacceptable outcome.

From August 9, the Soviet government declared a state of war with Japan, and the Soviet Red Army gave the Japanese Kwantung Army a fatal devastating blow with thunderous momentum, which was another straw that crushed Japan.

Therefore, in the second year after the war, the reason why the Japanese emperor chose to say this was to maximize the national sentiment and force the people's hearts to die and be reborn, and to hold on to this momentum and not be afraid of not being able to make a comeback, which is the most terrible thing about this nation!

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