
"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

Zodiac Little Sister, a cute girl who is obsessed with studying constellations.

Little Master Sister wants to talk to you today about it, the twelve signs like your evidence! Let's take a look at the person you like, the person you have a crush on, or the person you have doubts about him, is there any clue? Let's take a look.~

(The full text is longer, it is recommended to jump to the constellation you want to see)

1. Aries, lions, shooters

First of all, the first group is our fire sign~

The baby of the fire sign is actually living in the present moment in the feelings, and if there is love, it will be spoken. Little Master Sister thinks that they are the easiest to see whether they are interested in you or not, and whether they have a good feeling!

But definitely lengthen this timeline, sometimes they feel that if they are coming, they may offer their hospitality.

But the feeling came and went quickly. It depends on how active he is with you.

The baby of the fire sign is usually that you give him a little bit of sunshine and he will give you a brilliant light.

"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

So basically they like you, and if they're interested in you, you'll find that they become very proactive and will connect with you very intensively.

Although sometimes they themselves will be embarrassed, or hinder the face of the relationship. Do you think it's annoying to keep looking for you like this? I will also suppress it and endure it.

But usually this patience ~ can not stand for long.

Want to know, does the fire sign mean anything to you? Just look at whether he has taken the initiative to contact you frequently, I think this is a very important indicator!

Also, if you broke up with the fire sign? Want to say is there a chance to save? See if you can re-fix the old ones?

There is a very important indicator that you have to find someone first, and this fire sign does not hide from you!

When you find that if you look for him, his phone is always not answered, and WeChat is always not returned, as if the world has evaporated. At this time, I have to touch my nose and recognize each other a little.

Fire signs are in love with a person, when they love a person. He interacted with the people he liked, the people he loved, and that interaction was absolutely very close.

Even if there is no topic to talk about, they will give birth to topics, talk to you from all over the world, share with you, even if it is a small thing.

"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

And they'll make a connection in the process of chatting and sharing! Find a way to approach you, find a way to ask you out.

Little Master Sister feels that the baby of the fire sign is really very obvious, you can see whether you like you, whether you love you.

Moreover, they usually can't hide when they like someone. He will want to introduce you to his friends and let you into his circle of friends, especially when he is most serious about your feelings!

Then if you find out that you may have been ambiguous for a while, he did not introduce you to his friends, or he did not enter your circle of friends.

Then you have to be careful yourself! He may not be that serious about you, or he may still be thinking about how to define the relationship between the two of you!

2. Taurus, Virgin, Capricorn

Next up is our earth sign

You have to know that our earth sign baby, many times he is very calculated!

If you are not his important person and he is not interested in you, he will not share his own resources with you.

He'll think it's mine! My stuff, why should I share it with you?

"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

However, they are very generous to the people they love and like, and they are very willing to share everything they have.

Many earth sign babies are the kind of person they like, and if you ask him to pick the moon for you, he will give the type of sun by the way.

However, if he is very careful with you, and everything is clearly distinguished, it means that you have not really entered his heart.

Although, they may not have too many sweet words on their mouths. But some essential actions can prove everything!

Another thing is that I think they are interested in a person. They will do research, do their homework, investigate the person's preferences.

So, if you find out in the process of chatting with him, he actually knows you quite well, and some small details of life, he also notices.

"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

Basically, this earth sign is definitely interesting to you!

So if you say, are you trying to save? Want to know if he still has any love for you? I think the earth sign, after the breakup, is not very connected.

And the performance will be more obvious, after the breakup may be based on politeness, you contact him, he will also politely reply to you.

But from the way back you feel, back to your speed, you can clearly perceive that they will become very polite!

And this courtesy, mixed with a little indifference, will also pull up a line. It is best not to get too close, not to cross the line Oh ~

3. Cancer, Scorpion, Pisces

Then there's our water sign

Little Master Sister feels that the self-defense of the water sign is very strong, and it belongs to the type of external cold and internal heat.

So, when he hasn't decided you yet, when he's sure he wants to develop a relationship with you, whether it's a friend or a lover. Basically it's easy to get frozen by him!

You don't look at Pisces as if it feels silly and cute.

"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

In fact, they will inadvertently reveal a sense of indifference to people who are strangers to themselves, or who do not want to go further.

But when they meet someone they are interested in. You will find that they may have a lot of concerns, and through these concerns, they can get closer to you and not appear so active!

If you ask him out and he doesn't reject you when you ask him, then that's giving you a chance, or he's starting to slowly rely on you and get to you for everything, I think that's a very important indicator.

Moreover, the faces of water signs are very thin, and they are very afraid of rejection.

In many cases, they may not speak directly, but they will convey his love for you through some small actions and small actions.

"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

Also, if you are ambiguous with him, although he has not confirmed the relationship with you, he will secretly observe you at this time!

You will slowly discover that he has some possessiveness in addition to his dependence on you. Gradually will start to eat some small vinegar, if there is the opposite sex close to you, the same sex close to you, our water sign baby will ask very clearly Oh.

Another point I think can not be deceived, water sign for the person he likes, his eyes will become particularly different, will be very gentle.

If you're not a piece of wood, I think you'll feel it!

4. Gemini, Libra, water bottle

The last group is our wind sign

Many people will have some confusion when they meet them. Because they care a lot about their friends! Many times, it is even better to be friends than to your own girlfriends.

So even if he's interested in you, sometimes you're silly and can't tell, are you his friend? Or is it someone he likes?

There is a very important indicator, that is, whether the baby of the wind sign is willing to let you know about him!

"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

You know, the wind sign may be giggling and joking with his friends, but it is difficult for you to hear his true words.

If you say, today's wind sign baby revealed some more private things to you, more private things. Then that's what he's throwing the ball at you, and he wants you to get to know him as a person!

For the wind sign, it is absolutely necessary to have considerable love, a considerable degree of liking, and he will be willing to do this.

Otherwise, they are very good at hiding their minds. Moreover, you see if he is willing to get to know you when he is with you. They really want to know more about the people they like and the people they love.

It is also very obvious that although these three constellations may usually be giggling, the chatting skills are first-class.

But when you meet someone you like, you become extremely shy and often speak incoherently. Sometimes you still feel like they're a little bit hot and cold.

"Zodiac Signs" like your evidence!

However, this sudden cold and hot was deliberately installed by themselves.

When they're not sure if you mean the same thing to him, he'll think about getting along again and seeing and observing.

At this time, you will also become more passive, but no matter how passive you are, or how shy you are. You're going to look for him today, and he'll definitely let you find someone!

Maybe you call him and send him a message, and you won't get back to you in seconds. But within a certain amount of time, he will definitely get back to you.

This group of zodiac signs doesn't like answering phone calls and doesn't like to reply to messages. So for something that doesn't matter, or something he doesn't want to go back to, he'll be left hanging out!

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