
The wisdom of life is between one breath and one inhalation

The wisdom of life is between one breath and one inhalation

Please say "ah" with me,

Please say "ha" with me,

"Ah" is an inhalation, "ha" is an exhalation,

Life is between breathing and inhaling,

Aha, life is wonderful.


Inhale the air,

Done, more than that

Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Give away a part of you,

Take back a part of the world,

Between this Give & Take,

What you achieve is your connection to the world.

the flow of emotions,

the interaction of ideas,

The new life of value,

It's all between inhalations and inhalations.

All this,


No need to exert force,

Don't use your brain.

Because people use their brains,

It's easy to think only of your own benefits,

Just want to get Take,

And don't want to pay Give.

Oh, yes

Too many people just want to get,

Don't want to give;

In the end, you don't get anything

the relationship between people,

Also Give & Take,

In a two-way flow,

Nourished by each other,

Create all kinds of beauty.

Only Give,

No Take,

The energy of life will also be exhausted,

In the end nothing could be given.

Only Take,

No Give,

Everyone will leave you.

No matter how much you have, there is no point.

What was the most important step in God's creation of man?

Through the nostrils, breathing is injected;

What is the greatest pain to describe people?

It was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

What's more important than breathing?


Because without breathing, there is no life;

Without life, there is nothing.

Observe your breathing,

Feel your life;

Using the wisdom of the breath,

Create life-to-life interactions.

Please come with me and say ha,

Please come with me,

Give happily, accept happily,

Create and enjoy the beauty of life.

The wisdom of life,

Just between inhalations,

Have a good experience,


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