
Master Yu's sausages began to be filled, and the winter pickles in Maojiabu were pickled? The first stir-fried second winter will have to wait another month

author:Qianjiang Evening News

Qianjiang Evening News hourly news reporter Huang Weifen

Drinking a pot of longjing with the fragrance of osmanthus flowers that is about to go off the line is a scene in Hangzhou Maojiabu in late autumn and early winter.

At this time, tourists who come to Maojiabu still have more expectations, when can they eat the first fried second winter? Have the winter pickles in Maojiabu started to pickle? Sauce duck sauce meat began to smell, did it?

Hangzhou people remember that Master Yu sausages open on time every winter (foodies rush to tell each other!). Wenhui Farmers Market yu shifu sausage this year to promote two new flavors, do not try? In the coming winter, in addition to sausages, there are also winter pickles and sauce ducks.

Today (November 8), the hourly news reporter came to Maojiabu to taste the seasonal food, the scene to help everyone inquire clearly, winter pickles will wait for half a month to pickle, sauce is also.

However, it is not so picky about the weather, and some people have already arranged it.

Master Yu's sausages began to be filled, and the winter pickles in Maojiabu were pickled? The first stir-fried second winter will have to wait another month

"Winter pickles, that still has to wait for half a month." Chen Chuanqing opened a car repair shop at the entrance of the village, and when he heard about the winter pickles, he immediately said so.

Winter pickles have requirements for temperature, the weather is too hot pickled out of the dish is easy to sour, not easy to preserve, Chen Chuanqing said that generally after half a month of winter, the old bottom of every household will begin to pickle winter pickles.

"Now not every house is pickled, and many people don't pickle without a big vat." Every year, when the frost falls, Chen Chuanqing's family will start to prepare for the winter food.

In the past, when there was land in the family, when the frost brought the vegetables back from the field, now there will be people in Fuyang who drive to sell long-stemmed Cabbage, and the families who are ready to pickle winter pickles will buy dozens of hundreds of pounds.

Master Yu's sausages began to be filled, and the winter pickles in Maojiabu were pickled? The first stir-fried second winter will have to wait another month

Drying in the sun for a day to make the dishes "deflated", take advantage of this time to wash the large vat of pickles clean.

The next day is the right play for the pickled winter pickles, and the opening step is open.

Stepping on winter pickles is exquisite, to go barefoot, even if it is cold, you can not wear rubber shoes, "wearing rubber shoes will step on the stems of the vegetables, winter pickles are not good." A circle of standing in place, it is inevitable to sweat. ”

Chen Chuanqing's family annual meeting pickled more than 100 pounds of winter pickles, 100 pounds of Chinese cabbage and three pounds of salt, less salt is easy to become sour, more salt is too salty to eat. "Just step on the water, and you'll be able to eat it in a little over twenty days."

The pickled winter pickles are very delicious, whether it is fried for two winters or added to the shrimp skin to cook soup, they are very delicious.

Master Yu's sausages began to be filled, and the winter pickles in Maojiabu were pickled? The first stir-fried second winter will have to wait another month

Walking around the village, some people have some vegetables in front of their homes.

"This is snow cabbage, not a pickled winter pickle dish, the winter pickle dish is not so fine, oh, snow lee dried is just passing by the plum vegetables for sale." Uncle Ding and Aunt Huang, the owners of Xuelihong, explained with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you have to wait until the frost starts in winter. ”

Master Yu's sausages began to be filled, and the winter pickles in Maojiabu were pickled? The first stir-fried second winter will have to wait another month

These snow roots were collected by Uncle Ding from the tea field in the morning, and the family did not like to eat too yellow snow roots, so they only planned to dry for one day, "Some people will dry for three days, we will wash them under the sun at noon tomorrow, take the rope into small bundles, drain the water on the platform, and chop it." Aunt Huang said that she was in charge of logistics, and it was Uncle Ding's duty to knead vegetables.

Pickled snow in the salt by feeling, whether it is good or not depends on experience, Uncle Ding for decades to do it presumably the taste will not be bad. "This is more delicious than the snow vegetables bought in the supermarket, you can fry winter shoots, you can also put some meat slices under the rice cake, very delicious."

As for the winter pickles, Uncle Ding's family will also pickle hundreds of pounds every year, "keep some at home, relatives and friends share a point."

Sauce duck sauce meat also has to wait until the weather turns cold to make, "Recently it is the most idle time in the village, and the tea field does not need to be managed, just wait for the weather to get cold and prepare for the New Year." ”

In another month, Maojiabu should have a different taste, probably because the sauce is going to take over the osmanthus fragrance.

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