
Beijing's 2022 development goals have been set: including promoting the start of xiaomi cars and the construction of ideal cars

IT House January 6 news, the 5th session of the 13th Beijing Municipal Cppcc Committee opened yesterday at the Beijing Convention Center, and the 5th Session of the 15th Beijing Municipal People's Congress also opened at the Beijing Convention Center today.

From the perspective of official policy interpretation, Beijing's 2022 development goals are mainly divided into: digital economy, Beijing-Tianjin wing coordination, scientific and technological innovation, urban governance, business environment, urban and rural development, capital culture, people's livelihood protection, safe Beijing and other major aspects. Among them, the field of scientific and technological innovation clearly pointed out that it is necessary to "promote the start of xiaomi cars and the construction of ideal cars", "comprehensively build national laboratories", "accelerate the construction of comprehensive national science centers", and "lay out a number of new research and development institutions in the frontier fields of future science".

In addition, Beijing will continue to implement the implementation plan for the construction of a benchmark city in the digital economy, carry out a high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, and fully support the innovative development of the Beijing Stock Exchange for digital potential, which has also promoted the progress of intelligent networked vehicles and automatic driving technology.

Beijing's 2022 development goals have been set: including promoting the start of xiaomi cars and the construction of ideal cars
Beijing's 2022 development goals have been set: including promoting the start of xiaomi cars and the construction of ideal cars

IT Home has reported that the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone has signed a cooperation agreement with Xiaomi in November last year, officially announcing the settlement of Xiaomi Cars in Beijing Economic development zone.

According to reports, Xiaomi Automobile will build a vehicle factory in two phases in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, with a cumulative annual output of 300,000 vehicles and a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles in the first and second phases. In 2024, Xiaomi's first car will roll off the production line and achieve mass production in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Beijing's 2022 development goals have been set: including promoting the start of xiaomi cars and the construction of ideal cars

IT Home learned that Lei Jun said on October 19 that Xiaomi Automobile was registered in Beijing on September 1, and the first factory would be settled in Beijing, and 20,000 resumes had been received, and 453 people had arrived in the research and development team.

Lei Jun also said on the investor day that the progress of Xiaomi's car manufacturing and team work has far exceeded his expectations, and it is expected that Xiaomi cars will be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

Xiaomi's financial report released on November 23 shows that the number of R& D personnel in Xiaomi has reached 13,919, accounting for more than 44% of the total number of employees; of which more than 500 members of Xiaomi Auto team members have been.

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