
The inner amount of heart determines whether your heart is strong or not, how to open the heart, remember two mental methods

The inner amount of heart determines whether your heart is strong or not, how to open the heart, remember two mental methods

Text/Tang Ruo

Tang Ruoxin learns original works, and those who violate them will be investigated

In life, if we want to make our hearts stronger, remember to learn to open our hearts, and when you open your hearts, your heart will become stronger.

Measuring whether a person is strong or not is the inner volume of the heart, when your inner heart is getting bigger and bigger, the more you can understand the facts and truths of things, so as to come out of narrowness, naturally your heart will be strong.

The inner amount of heart determines whether your heart is strong or not, how to open the heart, remember two mental methods

The larger the inner amount of mind, the more it is able to dissolve the defilements

In the process of growing up in life, you will find that many people like to complain and prefer to tell their troubles to others.

Man's troubles are essentially our inner gratitude that does not arise, so we are troubled. We are always staring at what we don't have, but we can't see what we have, which is the root cause of our inner scarcity.

And the opening of the inner mind is to look at our own troubles from a broader perspective, to examine our own troubles with a higher consciousness, and when we develop a broad perspective and a high consciousness to examine our own life troubles, you will find that many of the troubles may not be as big as we think.

People are easy because of the anxiety and pressure of life, so that we lack real vision and insight, but also because the understanding of the future is not clear enough, so they will be confused and uneasy, these anxiety and uneasiness, it is easy because of the current predicament, can not fully see hope, so will let themselves incomparable anxiety and depression.

The inner amount of heart determines whether your heart is strong or not, how to open the heart, remember two mental methods

And the real growth comes from opening our hearts, seeing the essence of growth, and the universal laws of the development of the world, when you can examine your life from a new perspective, our inner will become incomparably powerful.

True strength is to know how to see everything that happens in life from the heights of the system, so that we can come out of the troubles of the ego.

For example, many people suffer in their original families, we think that our parents hurt us too much, we become resentful of our parents, and even do not have contact with our parents.

If we open our hearts and look at the parents' upbringing from the parents' original families, we may understand that our parents are also the bearers of suffering, and their harm to us is only based on too generational patterns.

We live in our own small world, we can't really see our parents, and opening our hearts can allow us to see things happening again, so that we can let go of resentment and make continuous growth and progress of ourselves.

The inner amount of heart determines whether your heart is strong or not, how to open the heart, remember two mental methods

The best way to open the heart is to go back to square one

So how do we open the mind, in fact, the best way to open the heart is to go back to the origin, from the origin to examine all the occurrence of life.

If everyone wants to liberate their lives, release their potential, and make their hearts stronger, they must learn to return to the origin of life.

The same is true of De Beauvoir as the enlightener of female growth, she told women that women are shaped by social culture, and once we understand our own definition and are no longer bound by social culture, our inner growth space will be completely opened, and naturally your life will have more possibilities.

Human growth is essentially a process of constantly liberating yourself, and the best way to liberate yourself is to go back to the original point and see the process of everything happening and developing, and we will know what you need to do most.

The inner amount of heart determines whether your heart is strong or not, how to open the heart, remember two mental methods

Returning to the original point means that when something happens, we are no longer in a hurry to make judgments, nor are we anxious to limit ourselves, but to think about why this thing happened, the logic and path behind its occurrence, and what are the behavior and thinking characteristics.

We know how to break things apart, and we know exactly how anything is going. For example, when faced with something that has not been done successfully, when we do not know how to return to the original point of the matter, we will begin to be self-critical, self-pitying, thinking that we have no talent, or that we have no resources, and so on.

When we get caught up in this kind of self-criticism there is no way for us to see what things are and what the truth is. And when you learn to return to the analysis of the reasons why one thing has not been done, to think about the optimization of the whole process and the space that needs to be improved, our inner mental volume will be infinitely opened, and naturally you will not be delayed by superficial failures, but understand that we need to continue to grow further.

The inner amount of heart determines whether your heart is strong or not, how to open the heart, remember two mental methods

The most powerful way to open your heart is to accept and surrender

If we want to open our hearts, the most powerful way is to learn to accept and surrender. If a person lives a painful life, it is often that we are unwilling to accept what happens to us.

Li Zhongying once said that most of the pain comes from the fact that we either live in the past or live in the future, but we do not live in the present.

For those sufferings that have already occurred, the most important thing for us is to learn to accept them. Accept the growth challenges that life gives us. Of course, pain doesn't make us numb, as if avoiding.

Rather, it is the subject of our own growth through pain, which is the greatest meaning of our face of pain, and it is also the basis for our conquest of pain.

For example, in the face of lost love, if we always live in pain and use wine to dispel our sorrows, our world will become smaller and smaller. And acceptance and surrender is to accept the occurrence of lost love, know how to summarize the growth of each other's relationship, bravely dissect themselves, and see the lessons they need to face, which is the most critical.

The inner amount of heart determines whether your heart is strong or not, how to open the heart, remember two mental methods

For example, some people lose love because they have too much control over their other half, and some people lose love because they don't give each other space and are too insecure.

It may seem that falling out of love is a bad thing, but when our inner mind is open, our inner life space will also open infinitely, and we will see our own growth problems.

Therefore, opening one's own mind is essentially no longer living in one's own single subjective feeling, but increasing the perspective of more diversity to connect and tolerate others, and the mind of our lives will be opened up one step at a time.

When what happens every day in life can become the process of you seeing yourself, seeing heaven and earth, and seeing sentient beings, then your inner small universe will become more and more abundant.

People who are really strong in their hearts know how to open their hearts, and the fundamental way to open their hearts is to return to the origin of things and see the development of things, on the other hand, we need to accept any problem that happens in our lives, know how to surrender and accept, you can become the best version of yourself.

Today's topic: How do you think you can open your heart, welcome to discuss and communicate.

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