
How strong is AMD's next-generation 5nm Zen4 Full-core 5GHz Operation Halo

At CES2022, AMD showcased the 5nm Zen4 processor, named the Ryzen™ 7000 Series, released in the second half of this year.

How strong is AMD's next-generation 5nm Zen4 Full-core 5GHz Operation Halo

For 5nm Zen 4, everyone is most concerned about how strong its performance is, AMD's official performance information is only one point - in halo games latest Halo Infinite, 5nm Zen4 can run at full core 5GHz.

How strong is AMD's next-generation 5nm Zen4 Full-core 5GHz Operation Halo

However, AMD did not disclose exactly how many cores, but with the capabilities of 5nm Zen4, 4-core 5GHz is meaningless to it, 8-core 5GHz is possible, 12-core 5GHz or even 16-core 5GHz is beyond expectations. In addition, playing games at full-core 5GHz means that the single-core acceleration frequency will be higher than 5GHz.


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