
Once China's largest island: larger than the two Taiwans, it has abundant oil and gas reserves

As we all know, China's territory is very vast, with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers ranking third among many countries in the world, but in fact, do you know? In the past, the territory of our country was larger than it is now. And more than a hundred years ago, China's first big Taiwan is actually not Taiwan Island, but an island called Sakhalin Island, may be many small partners are not particularly aware of this island, the following is to follow the small editor to take a look.

Once China's largest island: larger than the two Taiwans, it has abundant oil and gas reserves

Sakhalin Island is located in the northeastern part of Eurasia and is now part of Russia. This island with an area of 76,400 km2 is even larger than the area of china's two Taiwans today. Many small partners may not dare to believe that this Sakhalin Island once belonged to Our country, but in history, Sakhalin Island is indeed china's territory.

Once China's largest island: larger than the two Taiwans, it has abundant oil and gas reserves

It is understood that in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, China's central plains had a rough understanding of the geography of Sakhalin Island, and the ethnic and cultural customs of the island's residents were very similar to those in the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River and east of the Ussuri River. And since the Sui and Tang dynasties, China has exercised administrative jurisdiction over Sakhalin Island, and it can be said that Sakhalin Island is completely China's.

Once China's largest island: larger than the two Taiwans, it has abundant oil and gas reserves

However, with the invasion of colonialism during the Qing Dynasty, China began the road of land cession and indemnity, and this Sakhalin Island was separated in 1858 and 1860, when Russia forced the Qing government to sign a series of unequal treaties such as the Treaty of Yaohun and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing. Since then, Sakhalin Island can be said to have completely separated from China in both legal and practical terms.

Once China's largest island: larger than the two Taiwans, it has abundant oil and gas reserves

However, after the separation, it was not only known that the area of 76,400km2 was cut off, but also the rich resources of Sakhalin Island. Sakhalin Island can be said to be a treasure island, the island's oil and natural gas resources are the most abundant, and its reserves are very high. The island is known to have oil reserves of about 14 billion barrels and nearly 280 million cubic meters of natural gas.

Once China's largest island: larger than the two Taiwans, it has abundant oil and gas reserves

In addition to oil and gas resources, there are also rich forest resources, and aquatic resources are not bad, is one of the main production areas of salmon. Finally, in a strategic sense, Sakhalin Island is very important for China, Russia and Japan, because Sakhalin Island is located in the southeast of the mouth of the Heilongjiang River, and its west is only separated from the mainland by the Tatar Strait, and the south is across the sea from Japan's Hokkaido.

Once China's largest island: larger than the two Taiwans, it has abundant oil and gas reserves

Nowadays, as the largest island in the Russian Federation, it is a treasure island for Russia, which can create a lot of economy and development for Russia, but for our country to regret it, it is almost impossible to recover this island.

Once China's largest island: larger than the two Taiwans, it has abundant oil and gas reserves

In this regard, some netizens said: How much land was cut off by China during the Qing Dynasty, if this land still belongs to China, perhaps the largest country in the world is China, and among the developed countries in the world, there is already a place for China. What do you think of this, welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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