
Does Eastern Wu really have no first-class fierce generals, and the strength of these two is not inferior to that of the Five Tigers

Speaking of the fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms period, everyone will think of the five tiger generals in the Shu kingdom: Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong. There are also other famous generals such as Wei Yan and Jiang Wei. The State of Wei also had five sons: Yu Ban, Zhang Liao, Zhang Gao, Le Jin, and Xu Huang. In addition, there were Cao Ren, Xiahou Huan, Xiahou Yuan and other clan generals, as well as Cao Cao's personal guards Xu Chu and Dianwei. These are all first-class fierce generals during the Three Kingdoms period. When it comes to the State of Wu, it may be more embarrassing, except for a few wise generals such as Zhou Yu Lu Meng Lu Xun, and a few veteran generals such as Cheng Pu and Huang Gai, who are more famous, the rest of the martial generals seem to feel that they are worse, so does Eastern Wu really have no first-class fierce generals? In the next thought, at least these two people are not weaker than the five tigers.

Does Eastern Wu really have no first-class fierce generals, and the strength of these two is not inferior to that of the Five Tigers

Too Shi Ci

Tai Shi Ci, Zi Yi, a native of Huang County, Donglai. Tai Shi Ci was a member of the Eastern Wu generals during the Three Kingdoms period, and Tai Shi Ci's martial arts were very high. The most wonderful battle of Tai Shi Ci was the great battle between Zeng and the little bully Sun Ce, regardless of victory or defeat. At that time, Tai Shi Ci only had one cavalry around him, known as Qu A's young general, and Sun Ce had thirteen generals around him, all of whom were generals such as Han Dang and Huang Gai. However, Tai Shi Ci was not afraid and fought a draw with Sun Ce. Sun Ce's strength was very strong during the Three Kingdoms period, otherwise he would not have the title of Little Overlord.

Does Eastern Wu really have no first-class fierce generals, and the strength of these two is not inferior to that of the Five Tigers


Gan Ning, Zi Xingba, a native of Linjiang, Ba County, Sun Quan believed that he was a general who could resist Zhang Liao. Gan Ning has a very good record in his life, ranking in the top five in the Three Kingdoms. When he was young, he once led a group of people to plunder merchant ships on the river, and his fleet used the stolen brocade as sails, so he was called "Jinfan Thief". Later, he entered Huang Zu's command, and Huang Zu took Gan Ning to guard Xiakou, mainly to guard against the attack of Eastern Wu, and Gan Ning began a lifelong conquest.

In the Battle of Xiakou, Gan Ning shot Ling Cao, that is, Ling Tong's father, which was also the reason why Ling Tong later hated Gan Ning. Later, under the persuasion of Lü Meng, Gan Ning joined the State of Wu. In the Battle of Qiukou, Gan Ning beheaded Huang Zu's general Deng Long. The Battle of the Three Rivers, shooting Cai Yu. The Battle of Chibi killed Cai Zhong, Ma Yan, and Zhang Yan. In the Battle of Anhui City, Zhu Guang was smashed with an iron chain. Later, he led a hundred horsemen to attack Cao's camp at night, and Cao Cao who beat him exclaimed. During Guan Yu's defense of Jingzhou, Gan Ning accompanied Lu Su to guard Yiyang and resist Guan Yu. At that time, Guan Yu personally selected 5,000 elite soldiers to cross the river at night, and Gan Ning rushed upstream to fortify overnight. Guan Yu heard that Gan Ning was coming, so he gave up the plan to cross the river. It can be seen that Guan Yu is still very jealous of Gan Ning.

Does Eastern Wu really have no first-class fierce generals, and the strength of these two is not inferior to that of the Five Tigers


Too Shi Ci, Gan Ning force into the first class is absolutely no problem. Although the Five Tigers are strong in martial arts, if these two people do not retreat from the battle, there will definitely be no victory or defeat within Lily.

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