
12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

author:Xiangxiang kitchen

12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

As we all know, Mr. Lu Xun is not only a great literary hero, but also a gourmet, and often praises the food of his hometown in his articles, such as writing in his novel "Wind Wave": "The woman brings out black steamed dried vegetables and pine yellow rice, and the hot fluff smokes." "The steamed dried vegetables mentioned here are the gastronomic undertakings in Zhejiang, plum dried vegetables.

12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

Plum dried vegetables, also known as black dried vegetables, moldy dried vegetables, is very common in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, most of them use snow as raw materials, the traditional production process is to prepare several large stone tanks, the snow red leaves are flattened in the tank, each layer is sprinkled with salt in the middle, and then, standing barefoot to step on the snow vegetables. The reason for using human feet is that the force is just enough to squeeze out the juice of the snow without destroying the integrity of the stem. After marinating for enough time, take it out and dry it.

The biggest feature of pickled plum vegetables is salty and fresh, very fresh, in the Qing Dynasty, plum dried vegetables are royal tributes, after sealing the altar, they are transported to Beijing for royal use. In order to eat an authentic bite of local plum vegetables, the Qianlong Emperor went to Jiangnan six times and had to go to Shaoxing every time. In fact, the emergence of plum vegetables, the earliest is closely related to hardships and hardships, because plum vegetables are stored for a long time, in the poor period, this is a life-saving thing, a bowl of rice, on a chopsticks of plum vegetables, you can full a meal.

12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

The first contact with plum vegetables, is the plum pot helmet, just out of the baked plum pot helmet, under the golden yellow skin, the black plum vegetable looming, bite, and the charred and tough skin is full of wheat aroma caramel, followed by the soft meat of the plum vegetables. After eating it once, I thought about it, and today I finally made it out at home, and taking a bite is the familiar taste.

【Prunes pork pot helmet, pie】

Ingredients required: flour, salt, oil, warm water, prunes, pork, minced ginger and shallots, soy sauce, soy sauce.

Detailed procedure steps:

The prunes need to be soaked in advance, preferably one night in advance, and after washing the next day, cut into small pieces.

12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious
12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

1. First come and noodles. Add 300g of flour, a small spoonful of salt, a little lard to the bread machine, then add 170g of warm water and noodles, a dough program for 15 minutes. It is also possible to directly start and face.

12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

2: Add minced pork and minced ginger and chopped green onion, sauté the oil, then add salt, soy sauce and soy sauce to taste, then pour the plum vegetables in and stir-fry for 2 minutes. It is best to sauté the plum vegetables in oil, the taste will be more fragrant.

12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious
12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

3: Take the dough out and knead it smoothly, divide it into 6 parts, roll out the dough into round slices by pressing the flat, and wrap the dried plum vegetable meat filling in. Put as much stuffing as you can, make your own, and put enough stuffing to eat it. After wrapping, wake up the noodles for about 5 minutes, it is easier to roll into a thin, force as evenly as possible, but if it is broken, it does not matter.

12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

Put it in the oven at 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes, turn over the dough in 10 minutes, bake it in the oven, the taste will be more crispy and crispy.

You can also use a pan directly to burn, put a little oil, each about 5 minutes to bake can be out of the pan. The pancakes are softer, and as long as the filling is good, the taste will certainly not be bad.

12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious
12 yuan a plum vegetable pork pot helmet, the cost is also 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious

"Plum vegetable pork pot helmet, sold outside 12 pieces, do it yourself cost 2 yuan, crispy and caramelized, really delicious" Above by "Xiangxiang kitchen" original. If you have a different opinion on this, please leave a message to share! Your sharing, liking, retweeting and commenting are all encouragement to me! ”

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