
Fan Yongjun: How should the new energy logistics vehicle distribution operators touch the goods

From December 25 to 26, 2021, the 5th China New Energy Logistics Vehicle Green City Distribution Conference and the First China New Energy Heavy Truck Industry Ecological Conference, sponsored by Tram Resources and Chengdu New Energy Automobile Industry Promotion and Application Promotion Association, and co-organized by Yunnan Supply Chain Association and Ground Rail Car Rental (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., were successfully concluded in Kunming, Yunnan.

Fan Yongjun, Secretary-General of Chengdu New Energy Automobile Industry Promotion and Application Promotion Association, delivered a keynote speech on "How New Energy Logistics Vehicle Distribution Operators Should Touch Goods" at the opening ceremony plenary meeting held on 25 December 2021, and he mainly explained the importance of "goods" in urban distribution logistics from the circulation of goods. He put forward the concept of "bumping goods", and focused on the analysis of the three modes of distribution, collection and distribution, and joint distribution, calling on new energy logistics vehicle operators/dealers to pay attention to "goods", try to reduce costs and increase efficiency through the mode of joint distribution, and further accelerate the promotion and application of new energy logistics vehicles.

Fan Yongjun: How should the new energy logistics vehicle distribution operators touch the goods

The following is the content of Fan Yongjun's speech, which is sorted out by tram resources:

First, whether to touch the goods, new energy logistics vehicle operation dealers face a dilemma

The new energy logistics vehicle was market-oriented as early as 2014, but its growth rate, market share and penetration rate have been very low in the overall scope of new energy vehicles, far inferior to new energy passenger cars. At present, the penetration rate of new energy logistics vehicles is only 3.2%, at least to 5% will open up the space for rapid rise, this process will take a while, mainly the problem of unbalanced market development, the city market penetration rate of the right of way has exceeded 90%, such as Shenzhen and Chengdu. In cities without the right of way, the promotion of new energy logistics vehicles is still in its infancy. Fan Yongjun believes that the promotion and operation mode of new energy logistics vehicles really needs some changes.

A large closed loop of modern commerce involves the closed loop of information flow, business flow, capital flow and logistics in four aspects, of which the first three flows can be completed through the Internet, only logistics can not be transmitted through the Internet, but the flow of information, business flow and capital flow can be completed through the information transmission of the logistics process, so logistics is the basic link. Although urban distribution involves people, vehicles, goods, farms, and electricity (such as distribution with new energy logistics vehicles), urban distribution is the most core element, while others. The simplest requirement of logistics is to accurately, completely, timely and economically deliver the goods from the owner to the customer, and the other emphasis is false and unimportant. Therefore, the promotion of new energy logistics vehicles should be centered on goods, not on vehicles, who can solve the logistics, especially the accurate, complete, timely and economical distribution of goods in urban distribution, who has created value for the industry, should get corresponding returns.

Then the industry is also very conflicted about whether the distribution operator wants to "touch the goods" or touch the "transportation capacity". First, the distribution operator should not touch the goods, and when it touches the goods, it is robbing the customer's business. Second, don't touch the driver, the driver is difficult to manage, and the transportation capacity is not easy to do. At the same time, the industry has also appeared in the chaos of "selling cars with goods". Fan Yongjun pointed out that the reason for the chaos of selling cars with goods is that the source of fake goods, no supply or low quality of goods (cheap, no money, bad transportation, etc.) is actually fraud. But from another point of view, why can successfully scam, mainly there is a temptation factor, if there is a stable supply, the car buyer has a guaranteed income, the vehicle not only sells fast but also the price is sold high. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with selling cars with goods, but there must be a real source of goods. The scam of selling cars with goods on the market is that the false monk has distorted the true scriptures.

Therefore, the new energy logistics vehicle distribution operator can touch the goods, under the premise of real supply, whether it is sales or vehicle leasing, the car is fast, and the sales or lease profits are also guaranteed. At the same time, we say that in urban distribution, the goods are the core, and only when the distribution operators touch the goods, it is possible to grasp the characteristics of urban distribution and the pain points and needs of customers

Second, the best channel for new energy logistics vehicle distribution operators to touch goods is to participate in the construction of urban co-distribution system

Why is the cost of a single piece of urban distribution in China more than four times that of trunk line transportation, and what are the implications for the decline in the cost of urban distribution in the cost control of trunk line transportation? We found that although trunk line transportation is also land transportation, it has a large amount of single vehicle transportation and few delivery nodes, so the cost is low. However, urban distribution often has low single-vehicle transportation, many delivery nodes, and complex cargo inventory, resulting in high cost per piece. Therefore, the idea of reducing the cost of urban distribution is to increase the load of single vehicles, reduce the delivery node, especially simplify the node delivery inventory work, and greatly reduce the number of sections composed of the cost sugarcane chain, so as to compress the total cost and ensure the profit margin of the retention link. And co-distribution is the best way out.

Fan Yongjun pointed out that at present, the domestic urban distribution model is mainly based on dispersion and collection, and the co-allocation is the most ideal but the implementation is very unsatisfactory. Distribution is many-to-many, there is no scale, there are many links, the cost is high and each link does not make money. The collection is mainly suitable for chain supermarkets, a supermarket to build its own distribution center, all suppliers to the collection and distribution center supply, and then by the collection center to their own stores. Although it is a many-to-one, then one-to-many problem. However, because each store distribution has a certain distance, the problem that can be handled nearby by the original co-distribution often needs to be handled by the collection center at a distance.

Urban co-allocation is to build a social co-allocation warehouse according to the distribution of urban geographical areas, and the manufacturer or general distributor will send the goods directly from the manufacturer to the nearest co-allocation warehouse according to its terminal distribution, and then the co-allocation warehouse organization will complete the terminal distribution. In addition to the co-allocation warehouse, there is no longer an intermediate warehouse allocation, which greatly reduces the urban distribution link, thereby reducing the distribution cost.

Urban co-allocation can be divided into co-allocation centered on the cargo owner and carrier-centered co-matching. Among them, the co-matching centered on the cargo owner is divided into two types: co-matching in the same industry and co-matching in different industries. Urban common distribution is actually the LTL business in the urban distribution business, the concept is very good, why it is difficult to implement it, the main problems are as follows: First, the characteristics of different commodities are different, and the requirements for distribution are different. Second, there are also gaps in the scale, business circle, customer, and business awareness of various enterprises, and it is often difficult to coordinate. The third is the cost of sharing and leakage of trade secrets of concerns, especially with the cargo owner as the center of the same industry co-distribution, and the reality of the co-allocation is often the same industry co-distribution centered on the cargo owner, the carrier will not participate in the problem of the same industry competition with the cargo owner, and the most conducive to dominating the same city co-allocation, but most of the carriers are not familiar with the warehouse management business and rarely participate in the construction of the co-allocation warehouse, so it is suitable for the co-matching of not participating, the participation is not suitable, so the current urban co-matching is difficult to implement on a large scale.

Third, how to use co-allocation by new energy logistics distribution operators

The problem of how to develop the business of new energy logistics distribution operators after 2022 is relatively simple for national distribution operators: the overall market penetration rate of new energy logistics vehicles in the country is not high, but the regional development structure is seriously unbalanced, and urban urban distribution vehicles with road rights have basically achieved full electrification, such as Shenzhen and Chengdu. Some of the Ministry of Transport's green distribution pilot demonstration cities have also recently announced the right of way policy for new energy vehicles, and it can be said that the biggest driving force for new energy logistics vehicles comes from the right of way rather than various financial subsidies. Nationwide distribution operators only need to increase their promotion efforts in cities with right-of-way policies or cities with market penetration of more than 5%. Other cities can observe the reserves and not invest too many resources. And even the promotion of these cities, through the establishment of urban co-matching system promotion will be more effective. At present, there are problems in the field of urban co-allocation, on the contrary, it represents opportunities.

Fourth, the operation and distribution operators to transform into urban distribution integrated service providers

Fan Yongjun believes that the difficulty of common distribution provides opportunities for new energy logistics vehicle operation dealers. New energy logistics vehicle distribution operators can choose a certain type of commodity or a certain type of customer or a certain regional customer joint distribution according to their own ability and scale; the cargo owner is not worried about the new energy logistics vehicle distribution operator using its trade secrets to carry out competition in the same industry.

So, how do new energy logistics vehicle operation dealers bump into goods through joint distribution? Fan Yongjun suggested: If the new energy logistics vehicle operation dealer has the strength to build a co-allocation warehouse; if there is not enough strength, it can be established by cooperating with professional warehousing logistics providers or carriers, but in order to ensure a stable supply, the new energy logistics vehicle operation dealers need to occupy a dominant position in the urban co-allocation system to ensure the authenticity and stability of the source of goods, in order to provide supply guarantee for its customers who buy cars with goods, and also provide stable and reliable power for the distribution of the co-allocation warehouse organization.

For new energy logistics vehicle operation dealers, the construction of urban co-distribution system can quickly sell the logistics vehicles distributed by them; can accurately grasp and grasp the pain points and needs of customers; is conducive to achieving the balance of benefits and costs of the whole chain; and realizes the transformation from a distribution operator who simply sells cars or rents a car to an urban distribution integrated service provider.

However, Fan Yongjun also said that the self-built co-allocation business has no previous experience, so the new energy logistics vehicle distribution operators should be built in a combination of cooperation and long board. Second, do not defraud customers and make commitments to the actual source of goods, and treat every customer and every partner with sincerity. Next, it is necessary to balance the relationship between the customer with the goods and the non-customer with the goods. When serving customers who need a source of goods, we must make practical guarantees according to the actual situation.

Finally, he called on new energy logistics vehicle operators/dealers to pay attention to "goods", try to reduce costs and increase efficiency through the mode of common distribution, and further accelerate the promotion and application of new energy logistics vehicles.

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