
At the same price, the configuration of the domestic car is higher than that of the joint venture car, and what is the doorway inside

In the early years, most of the market share of the domestic automobile market was seized by joint venture cars and imported cars, and domestic cars could only survive in the cracks due to late start and poor technology. Many car owners feel that domestic cars are low in configuration and poor quality, and can only rely on price wars to attract some people who have no money to buy.

At the same price, the configuration of the domestic car is higher than that of the joint venture car, and what is the doorway inside

However, with the rapid development of the domestic automobile industry, domestic cars have gradually got rid of the negative impressions given by people in the past, and have begun to establish their own reputation, which is recognized by more and more car owners. Many car owners have found that compared with the joint venture car, the price of domestic cars is clearly lower, but the configuration is much higher than that of the joint venture car. At the same price, the joint venture car provides owners with very few choices, and basically entry-level or low-end models, but domestic cars can find many fully equipped mid-to-high-end models.

At the same price, the configuration of the domestic car is higher than that of the joint venture car, and what is the doorway inside

However, it is precisely because the price of domestic cars is cheap and the configuration is relatively high, so that many car owners have doubts about the way domestic cars are sold. These car owners believe that the reason why domestic cars give such a luxurious configuration is still playing a price war, the fundamental reason is that the technology of domestic cars is not good, and it is impossible to compete with joint venture cars. After all, at the beginning of China, all the streets were Volkswagen, and due to the lack of technical strength of independent brands, many auto parts can only be obtained by imports, and even at the beginning, many domestic cars were equipped with foreign engines.

At the same price, the configuration of the domestic car is higher than that of the joint venture car, and what is the doorway inside

But in fact, the reason why domestic cars can give such a heartwarming price is obviously not because the technical strength of domestic cars cannot compete with joint venture cars. After all, in recent years, the achievements of domestic cars are easy for discerning people to see, for a car, no matter what kind of fancy configuration is carried, as long as the sales volume does not go up, it is all in vain. Although the technical strength of domestic cars does have some room for improvement compared with joint venture cars, this gap is not an insurmountable barrier.

At the same price, the configuration of the domestic car is higher than that of the joint venture car, and what is the doorway inside

Under the same configuration conditions, the price of domestic cars is low

First, the brand effect

The joint venture cars entered the Chinese market very early, and the first Volkswagens to enter China were already officially selling cars in China as early as the 1980s. Therefore, the joint venture car also successfully seized the opportunity with its excellent technical strength, laid a solid audience foundation in China, and the brand influence is great.

At the same price, the configuration of the domestic car is higher than that of the joint venture car, and what is the doorway inside

However, due to the unsatisfactory quality of domestic cars in the early years, the performance is relatively crotch-pulling, so many car owners have left a very poor impression, and even think that those who buy domestic cars are either without money or tasteless. Although domestic cars have begun to gradually exert strength in recent years, it will take a while to completely change people's prejudices against domestic cars.

At the same price, the configuration of the domestic car is higher than that of the joint venture car, and what is the doorway inside

Second, the cost of production

Compared with joint venture cars that often need to import parts and even imported models from abroad, domestic cars have obvious local advantages, so car manufacturers can greatly save costs when producing a car, so the price is naturally lower than that of joint venture cars. Because the production of cars depends on imports, joint venture cars need to pay a large amount of tariffs every year, and the increase in cost will definitely bring about an increase in price.

At the same price, the configuration of the domestic car is higher than that of the joint venture car, and what is the doorway inside


At present, the domestic market has formed a three-legged form of Japanese cars, German cars and domestic cars, but in general, most of the market share is still occupied by joint venture cars. Domestic cars still have a long way to go to expand their brand influence, but as long as domestic cars can play their own advantages, it is not difficult to win more audiences.

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