
What did the real ghosts in history look like when they entered the village? These photos have silenced countless Chinese people

What did the real ghosts in history look like when they entered the village? These photos have silenced countless Chinese people

Since the September 18 Incident, the Japanese began to invade our country on a large scale, and after Japan's delusion of destroying our country in three months was shattered, they began to adjust their tactics and practice war to feed the war, so the Japanese army began to openly burn and loot, wantonly occupy our territory and resources, and implement the three-light policy in every village, and their atrocities are too numerous to describe.

What did the real ghosts in history look like when they entered the village? These photos have silenced countless Chinese people

I believe that everyone has seen the plot of the devil entering the village in the TV series, but many of them do not conform to history, the real devils enter the village in the photo, they are riding high horses, driving tanks, holding the most advanced weapons and equipment, the villagers can not avoid it and have no ability to fight the devils, they were extremely desperate and afraid at that time.

What did the real ghosts in history look like when they entered the village? These photos have silenced countless Chinese people

After the Japanese army's war-based war caused them to enter the village, as long as they saw the previous property, they all looted it, and if they could not take it away, they would burn it, and the cattle, sheep, and livestock of the common people at that time, as well as the vegetables, melons and fruits in the field, were all snatched away by the Japanese army for their own use, not only that, they would also force the Japanese army to do cool labor for them, and after using it, they would be wiped out.

What did the real ghosts in history look like when they entered the village? These photos have silenced countless Chinese people

Due to the brainwashing of militarist ideas, these Japanese troops are very crazy on the battlefield, there is no bottom line, if they see young and beautiful women in the village, they will never let go, so the fate of many women at that time was very tragic, this history is full of suffering and blood and tears, we must firmly remember the national shame, angry and strong.

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