
The real "devils entering the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore

Introduction: The real "devils entering the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore

When it comes to Japan's war of aggression against China, we think of the act of burning and looting by the Japanese army that invaded China, and I believe that every Chinese person will be angry about this, which is an indelible mark on China's history. In recent years, film and television dramas depicting the War of Resistance Against Japan can be said to be endless, and some illogical plots that appear in them have been repeatedly complained about by the audience. For example, "the devil enters the village", the real scene is not as simple as the scene interpreted in the film and television drama. So, what is the historical "devil entering the village"?

The real "devils entering the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore

During the war, the brutality of the Japanese army can be imagined, and no village will be spared at all. Do you think they will be like the plot in the TV series, a large number of Japanese troops will stupidly rush into the village without any preparation? In fact, they are well-deployed, and they will not act rashly until they have really investigated the situation in the village.

The real "devils entering the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore

Usually, before determining a target, the Commander of the Japanese Army would first select a few soldiers to enter the village to inquire about the situation, get a general understanding of the situation in the village, and check whether there were suspicious people. After the inspection, report to the commander in turn, who will issue an order to enter the village to sweep. After giving the order, the Japanese army would attack the village on a large scale and loot the villagers' food. If anyone resisted during this period, the Japanese army would carry out a large-scale massacre, which can be said to be extremely brutal.

The real "devils entering the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore

According to the routine of the TV series, when the Japanese army carried out a sweep, it was time for the villagers to exert their wisdom, and the Japanese army was completely wiped out by three times and five divisions, and the protagonist's light was inevitably too bright. Historically, when the villagers faced the unbridled occupation of the Japanese army, they were very afraid, how could they easily kill all the invaders? After all, the common people are unarmed, but the Japanese army is well-equipped and experienced in combat.

The real "devils entering the village" in history is like this, don't be deceived by TV dramas anymore

The only way the villagers thought of was to often send the young adults in the village to patrol in shifts, and as soon as the wind blew, they immediately informed the people in the village to prepare in advance, and the things that should be hidden were hidden in advance to avoid unnecessary losses. So, don't be fooled by the TV series.

This article is edited by Cuihua

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