
In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

In the modern period, under the aggression of the Western powers, China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the country and the nation were in a critical autumn of survival, and a tragic scene of broken mountains and rivers was wafting in the wind.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

People in the late Qing Dynasty

However, just when it is urgently needed for the people of all nationalities to unite against foreign enemies and defend their homeland, there are some lackeys who betray the motherland and betray the people because of their greed for glory and wealth, who are called "traitors, who fuel the aggression of the great powers and plunge the people of the motherland into a divided situation of being oppressed and deprived.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Wang Jingwei

Among all the traitors in modern times, the most notorious one is Wang Jingwei. However, the so-called good reincarnation of the heavenly path, since ancient times, traitors will not end up in a good end; in 1944, Wang Jingwei, who was hiding in Japan and living in a very miserable condition, died of multiple spinal tumors, ending his career as a traitor. It was only in 1946 that at the time of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Jingwei, as a lackey of Japan, was not easily spared because of death.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Nationalist soldiers

On January 17, 1946, the area around Meihua Mountain, located on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing, was suddenly surrounded by a large number of heavily armed Kuomintang soldiers, and the guards were tight. The Kuomintang claimed to the outside world: Arrest traitors. Subsequently, on January 21, Qiu Weida and Ma Chongliu, under the secret orders of Chiang Kai-shek, detonated 150 kilograms of German-made TNT here, and the tomb of Wang Jingwei in Meihua Mountain was suddenly razed to the ground.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Nanjing Meihua Mountain

Soon, the crowd carried out an open coffin autopsy, and surprisingly, Wang Jingwei's body was exceptionally well preserved. After careful inspection, it was found that there was a three-inch long note hidden in the pocket of his coat, on which were written four large characters, which greatly shocked the people present.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

So, why did Chiang Kai-shek secretly order Wang Jingwei's mausoleum to be blown up, and what kind of enmity did they have between them? What exactly was written on the three-inch note on Wang Jingwei's corpse? First of all, let's get closer to the life of Wang Jingwei, a well-known traitor.

As early as the beginning of the last century, Wang Jingwei had gone to Japan to study at official expenses, which exercised his indissoluble relationship with Japan. But at this time, he was still a warm-blooded patriotic young man, who began to follow Sun Yat-sen in 1905 and joined the League, and was deeply loved by Sun Yat-sen for his love for revolution and the Three People's Principles and his refutation of royalism.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

In 1910, he decided to assassinate zaifeng, the regent of the Qing Dynasty, but failed miserably and was imprisoned. At this time, Wang Jingwei, who was sentenced to life imprisonment, even thought of martyrdom and wrote down the bold words of "drawing the knife into a quick one, not living up to the head of the teenager", which formed a huge contrast with the later acts of treason, which made people wonder: How did such a patriot become a lackey of the aggressor and a traitor to the state?

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Yuan Shikai was proclaimed emperor

Wang Jingwei's life actually began to turn around from here: the Wuchang Uprising overthrew the feudal dynasty, and Yuan Shikai released the "patriotic hero" from prison.

It was precisely this move of Yuan Shikai that prompted Wang Jingwei to secretly give up his life for him, and even to help Yuan Shikai seize power for this purpose: he wanted to help Yuan Shikai smoothly sit in the position of grand president, encouraged the revolutionaries and constitutionalists to jointly support Yuan Shikai, and also vigorously advocated sun Yat-sen's relinquishment of power, and elected Yuan Shikai as the provisional president, completely disregarding the grace of Sun Yat-sen's knowledge at that time, and the meaning of "wall-head grass" was very clear.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Chiang Kai-shek

Previously, on the way to follow Sun Yat-sen, he was entrusted by Sun Yat-sen with heavy responsibilities because of his many revolutionary merits, from the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang to the Director of The Central Propaganda Department, all the way up the ladder, and with the convenience of his position, he attracted a lot of contacts.

After Sun Yat-sen's death, Wang Jingwei, who had been painstakingly managing for many years, immediately held a relevant meeting, renamed the highest administrative organ of the Kuomintang the National Government, and abolished the Grand Marshal's Office. Wang Jingwei's series of actions to expose his ambitions were looked at one by one by his equally ambitious rival Chiang Kai-shek. Subsequently, the struggle between Wang Jingwei and Chiang Kai-shek also officially began.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

The enmity struggle between Wang and Jiang

At first, in order to consolidate their dominance in the Kuomintang, both men temporarily reached an alliance with the other. In order to win the position of chairman of the National Government, Wang Jingwei needed to use the military power of the Whampoa Military Academy in Chiang Kai-shek's hands; and Chiang Kai-shek also needed to use Wang Jingwei's party and government position to open up his connections and roads in the Kuomintang for himself.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Chiang Kai-shek, who led the Whampoa Military Academy

Together, they tackled the other two competitors one by one: Hu Hanmin and Xu Chongzhi. Then it was time for the two of them to duel against each other. However, at this time, Chiang Kai-shek's competitiveness was far from enough compared with Wang Jingwei, who was highly regarded by everyone and whose prestige and seniority were very sophisticated.

Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek, who was not willing to live under the people for a long time, decided to fight Wang Jingwei to the death, launched the famous Zhongshan Ship Incident, borrowed the hands of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party, suppressed Wang Jingwei, who opposed the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and at the same time took the opportunity to win over Borodin, a communist representative who advocated military strength, and also alienated the internal unity of the Communist Party of China.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Zhongshan ship

After this innings operation, Chiang Kai-shek won a complete victory and Wang Jingwei lost. Defeated, Wang Jingwei took the opportunity to resign and flee to France in order to seek a comeback. In 1927, the Kuomintang split, and Chiang Kai-shek, who was bent on "one mountain and no two tigers," launched a vigorous anti-communist action against the Communists. At this time, Wang Jingwei, who also had anti-communist tendencies, was invited out of the mountain by Chiang Kai-shek, and the two reached a second cooperation agreement.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

The "scum hole" of the massacre of Communists

With the "help" of Wang Jingwei, the Kuomintang's massacre of the Communists once reached a climax, completely betraying the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation program. Until the September 18 Incident, when the Japanese army invaded China, Wang Jingwei completely embarked on the road of treason.

Wang Jingwei's path of treason

In the face of the japanese army's aggressive and evil deeds, Wang Jingwei was ridiculed by the sentiment of Japanese fear and succumbed to the obscenity of Japanese imperialism. And ignore China's vitality, believing that China's backwardness has become hopeless, even despised. As a literati, he was even more afraid of fighting a war and making a rough move, and went all out to make peace, which was very different from Chiang Kai-shek's policy of "hard-hitting" with Japan, so the contradictions between the two of them escalated in vain.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

The Japanese invaded China

Not only that, Wang Jingwei's passive tendency of resistance also led the Nationalist government to sign the "Songhu Armistice Agreement" with Japan, which humiliated the country. After that, Wang Jingwei successively signed the "Qin-Soil Agreement" with Japan, handing over sovereignty over North China to the aggressors; not only that, Wang Jingwei also suppressed other anti-Japanese forces in China under the guise of Sino-Japanese friendship, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among the people and patriots.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

As a result, many patriots who were trying to save their lives launched assassinations against Kuomintang leaders such as Wang Jingwei and Chiang Kai-shek, who passively resisted the anti-Japanese action. During a Kuomintang anti-Japanese congress, Wang Yaqiao, the "great king of assassination," sent a patriot Sun Fengming to infiltrate the Kuomintang conference hall as a reporter to assassinate Jiang Wang.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Wang Jingwei and Chiang Kai-shek

This time, Chiang Kai-shek, who had always been very suspicious and had been defensive, did not attend the meeting in person, but let his cronies attend the meeting instead of himself. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek was able to escape the disaster, and Wang Jingwei, who arrived as promised, unfortunately became a gunman and was shot three times.

Fortunately, Wang Jingwei survived because of the timely rescue, but due to the limitations of China's medical conditions at that time, in order to avoid aggravation of his injuries, Wang Jingwei went to Nagoya, Japan for treatment, but the bullet left in his body still caused multiple osteomatosis, and Wang Jingwei's condition became more and more serious, and the doctor even asserted that he would not live for ten years.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Wang Jingwei, who was shot

Wang Jingwei, who had been seriously injured and went abroad, was also more and more unwilling in the face of Chiang Kai-shek's kuomintang forces at home. As the Japanese army launched an all-out war of aggression against China, Wang Jingwei, who was bent on seizing power, also conspired with Japan and became a puppet under Japan, establishing a puppet government of Wang, buying and selling lives for the Japanese and cracking down on the anti-Japanese forces at home.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

However, as Wang Jingwei's condition continued to deteriorate, he had to go to Nagoya, Japan again for treatment. And because the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor caused a military counterattack by the United States, Wang Jingwei did not get a good rest in Japan, and he died after several turnovers. Before he died, he instructed his wife that he must be buried on Meihua Mountain in Nanjing, so that he could be closer to Mr. Zhongshan.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Wang Jingwei funeral

After Wang Jingwei's death, with the help of the Japanese, his body was transported to Nanjing, and in order to show the pomp and circumstance of the puppet government, the Yu Dang of the Wang puppet government arranged Wang Jingwei's funeral ceremony very luxuriously, which triggered the shameful laughter of the people in Nanjing: The traitor is finally dead!

Blowing up a grave

At this time, Japan had slowly withered away and announced its surrender. Wang Jingwei, as the number one traitor who collaborated with the enemy and treason, was naturally at the top of the trial, and was strongly demanded by the citizens of Nanjing to remove his grave in order to export his evil spirit. Chiang Kai-shek saw the situation and "pushed the boat along the water" and secretly entrusted the task of blowing up Wang Jingwei's grave to He Yingqin.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Tomb of Wang Jingwei

Ma Yingqin quickly dumped the matter on Ma Chongliu and Qiu Weida. After ma Chongliu and Qiu Weida's investigation, it was found that Wang Jingwei's tomb was extremely strong and thick, and it was difficult to shake. It took a hundred and fifty pounds of explosives to successfully blow up the mausoleum, revealing the golden silk nan wood coffin inside.

After the autopsy, it was found that Wang Jingwei's body had been treated with preservatives and was very well preserved, with only a few brown spots on his face and a blue sky and white sun flag on his body. In his coat pocket, there was a three-inch-long note with four words written: Return of the Soul. Below is his wife's signature, Chen Bijun.

In 1946, Wang Jingwei's tomb was blown open by Chiang Kai-shek, and the body of the coffin was not decomposed, and there was a 3-inch note in his pocket

Wang Jingwei and Chen Bijun

These four words also make people feel extremely ironic: the original intention of the return of the soul is to hope that the soul will return to its hometown, but as a traitor who treason and collaborating with the enemy, he should not have such a good end. Therefore, Ma Chongliu ordered Wang Jingwei to be cremated, and the remaining ashes were randomly sprinkled in the stinky ditch on the side of the road.

Traitors like Wang Jingwei who betray the country for their own selfish interests and seek glory are bound to suffer the consequences of their own evil deeds and be condemned by heaven.

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