
In 2022, 10 tips for easy living

author:The cold plum blooms and the bitterness comes

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With the rapid development of social economy, people's living standards continue to improve, and the purchase of goods is more arbitrary.

But not all commodities can reflect their own value. Life is just right, just a good life.

At the beginning of the new year, give our lives a thorough cleanup, the following 10 small ways to make everyone's life wonderful and simple, and the mood is relaxed and happy.


Tidy up to remove excess garbage

Waste and miscellaneous items that have not been used for many years, clothes, shoes and hats that have not been worn for many years, plug boards, wires and other valuable small objects are all thrown away, leaving people with a larger living space.

It is better to cure the symptoms than to cure the root causes, and the best solution is to cut off from the source. Reduce the desire to buy, can sell or not sell things resolutely do not sell, can be reused reuse, low-carbon environmental protection, is the best choice.


Truly accept your ordinary self

"The ruler is shorter, the inch is longer." Don't always dwell on your own shortcomings and can't get along with yourself.

Thinking about yourself every day this is not okay, that is not okay, falling into deep internal friction.

Believe: "I am born to be useful." Everyone has their own style, and there are no two leaves that are exactly the same.

Reconcile with yourself and be the best version of yourself.


Learn to sculpt and improve yourself

Time is the fairest, and the time spent chasing dramas and brushing short videos is used to read some famous books.

Don't worry about what medicines or supplements to take to make your body strong, close to nature, and exercise more. Exercise can reduce diseases, strengthen the body, and increase happiness.


Pack up your mood and get moving

Action is the cure for everything. As the saying goes: easier said than done.

But in fact, when you start moving, it's not as complicated as you think.

Seemingly unattainable goals, as long as they are approached step by step, there are still unlimited expectations for the future.


Face everything that happens to you

Life can be perfect in everything, imperfect is life. Correctly deal with the uncertainty on the road of life, learn to digest pain, and move forward optimistically.

Their own disasters cannot be replaced by others. Everyone has their own suffering, they have to carry it on their own, and others can't help it.


Often get together with relatives and friends

Life is short, only more than 30,000 days; time is limited, and there is no need for gratuitous waste.

Spend time on the blade of the knife, the long road of life, there are not many people who can be invited into our lives.

"It is enough to know oneself in life, and si shi should look at it with the same heart."

It is enough to take time out to take care of your family and to comfort your good friends.


Concentrate on doing good

It's not about the many things, it's about the fine. A small thing, as long as it can be done to the extreme, is a big thing.

"There is a precedence in hearing the Tao, and there is a specialization in the art industry." Although "many skills do not press the body", "many skills do not support the family".

If you want to achieve something, you have to act specifically.


Don't expect too much from yourself

The goal is the driving force for us to move forward, but the goal must be realistic, the goal is too high will only make people daunted and lose self-confidence; the goal is smaller, it can increase the motivation, step by step closer to success.


Look down on all the gains and losses in life

Everything that has passed, let it pass! "Don't cry over spilled milk."

The main reason why people are tired in life is that they are tired. "If the mind has no place to dwell, it wanders everywhere it goes."

If a person walks in the next life, life does not bring, death does not bring, it is better to think of it as an inevitable, why bother, live well in the present, is the king's way.


I am the subject of life

Many times, we live in the eyes of others, always thinking about how others will see us, always thinking about others for the sake of others for no reason, pleasing others, but forgetting: "The world is ours, and it has nothing to do with them." ”

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