
Penny_Horoscope 2022 (Roundup)


The stars don't control us. They are merely silent witnesses to our struggles and triumphs, our stupidity and our shortcomings. But whenever we get lost on a cold, lonely night, they guide us – Penny Thornton

Welcome to a year of extremes, a year of significant and dramatic change on the planet.

Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus is dominant in Taurus, as they did in 2021, so we're still dealing with the same themes: freedom and growth — restriction and contraction, but for most of the year, Jupiter's proximity to Pisces' Neptune adds sweetness and sentimentality, care and compassion. Social services, health care, and the arts — especially the film industry — all seem to be injected with money and confidence, but the dark side of Jupiter can instead trigger inflation and escalate problems. Pluto's 14-year journey in Capricorn is coming to an end, bringing about radical changes, first and foremost to the United States. However, when the United States sneezes, the rest of the world will follow suit.

Let's start with Jupiter.

Jupiter spends about a year in each constellation, but occasionally it quickly travels through one constellation to the next. The same is true this year. Jupiter entered Pisces in the last week of December 2021, and it will enter Aries on May 10, returning to Pisces for a final farewell from late October to mid-December. This is good news for Pisces, who will experience growth and good luck, as well as good news for Aries born in March. All variable and basic signs have improved – Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius (variable), Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn (basic).

Jupiter last passed through Pisces in 2010, so looking back at the major events of that year will give you a feel for 2022. In 2010, with a full-blown global recession and swine flu coming and going, Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their engagement, and Jessica Wilson, 16, became the youngest circumnavigator. Therefore, major events in 2022 are likely to occur at sea or are water-related; Royal romances could be news, coronaviruses could eventually disappear, and the global economy could take a lot of effort and good luck to avoid getting bogged down.

More important, however, is the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction that took place in pisces on April 12, the first since 1856. While it has always been hoped that this combination of mystery and spirit will inspire humanity to make a huge leap forward in consciousness, such prospects may be limited to those who have already embarked on this path. Otherwise, intrigue and chaos will reign and we may face chemical spills, gas and oil conflicts, battles at sea or related to island territories.

The last time Jupiter passed through Pisces was in 2010, so a look back at the major events of that year will set the stage for your relevant field in 2022.

The Jupiter-Neptune combination has a lot to do with water, especially the ocean. Two major incidents at sea occurred in 1856: the ship Pacific never appeared again after leaving Liverpool Harbour, and john Rutledge sank into an iceberg. 1856 also saw the beginning of the Second Opium War – another reflection of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction: Neptune's escapist properties were exaggerated by Jupiter.

In 2022, whether in terms of the major secrets of the ocean, or in terms of accidents and conflicts at sea, the ocean is likely to become the focus, and the great feats and skills on the water will also become news. Pisces and Neptune are also associated with the pharmaceutical industry, so we may expect the development of new and powerful drugs, whether for the treatment of viruses and other medical conditions or for "recreational" purposes.

Speaking of viruses, since Neptune is the hallmark of viruses, the expansion and inflation of Jupiter's binding to Neptune may trigger a new variant or virus that would be more contagious and lethal. We have to wait until the end of March to April to relax a bit.

As mentioned above, there may be other reasons why the British royal family will be the focus of some of the major events of the year. The Queen will be celebrating her Platinum Jubilee in 2022, which is an explanation of all the important transitions to her astrolabe and those of senior royals, but I don't rule out some extremely difficult events that arise. On the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to the throne (6 February 1952), the crescent moon joins Saturn, which is hardly a symbol of joy and celebration, and Saturn connects Mars, Jupiter and Neptune, and the pressure on her health and happiness may overwhelm the planned celebrations.

In many ways, 2022 is more challenging than 2020 and 2021, and I don't like to say that. In 2020, we are stunned and obediently adapt to the ups and downs of 2021, but by 2022 we may feel that we have had enough, which is why there will be more conflicts in the coming year.

As I mentioned before, Pluto is passing through the final destination of Capricorn, and it seems to want to leave both the best and the worst at the end. The Pluto-dominated United States has been increasingly divided over the past few years and since the pandemic began. So we can at least expect these differences to worsen in the coming year.

The United States is ready for the return of Pluto and also faces opposition from Neptune, so I think that the United States is not only at a crossroads, but also completely confused about its future.

Then there's the global economy.

The union of Saturn and Pluto in 2020 was supposed to trigger a global financial crisis. However, the market did not collapse and since then, the market has been volatile, but has been rising. Even if you're not a financial genius, you can realize that the market has nothing to do with the real economy. In the real world, the industry has gradually shrunk. The national debt of many countries, especially the United States, has been increasing. This is a state of affairs that cannot be continued, and at some point there will be a crisis as severe or worse as the Wall Street crash of 1929.

Another reason for the likely market crash in 2022 is that Saturn is in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, plus the Taurus-Scorpio nodal axis. The northern intersection will enter Taurus on January 19, and for the next 18 months, all lunar eclipses will occur in Taurus or Scorpio. Taurus has a lot to do with finance and everything in the earth and the material world. The April 30 eclipse (Taurus) and the June 16 total lunar eclipse (Scorpio) may cause shocks, but the November 8 total lunar eclipse is supported by a series of Saturn-Uranus hedging phases, which is worth noting.

On a spiritual level.

Astrology may not have anything to do with numerology, but according to the law of numbers, 2022 is a year of extremes and transformations. The number 22 is a powerful number in itself. Its characteristics are considered magical and of course transformative. 2022 adds up to 6 and can be divided into three 2s or two 3s: the former is associated with division and union, and the latter is great good luck. The number 6 is associated with Venus, so 2022 will be a great year to meet the true love of your life and get married.

Of course, we should also pay close attention to the developments of February 2 (02-02-2022).

February 1 is the Chinese New Year, and 2022 is the Year of the Tiger.

The tiger is an elusive animal, but it also takes care of its family, especially its cubs. 2022 will be an extraordinary year, but it also highlights the importance of marriage and family.

The Year of the Tiger usually produces new and strong leadership, but caution is necessary, especially when it comes to finances: the Year of the Tiger is best known for making the poorest and the richest poor.

I'm not sure if we can put it in discussion with astrology here, but Jupiter in Aries is likely to bring brave and honest leaders who are never afraid of conflict.

Hopefully, because we also need vision, perseverance, courage and faith to make 2022 a year to remember.

As we move into 2022, there are high hopes that this year will not only be better than last year, but will be high. It's good to have optimism and positive emotions, but we also have to be realistic about what the world will be like on December 31, 2021, and what our world will be like on New Year's Eve, and that won't change overnight.

Everyone will want to go back to the good times of the past, but if we look back through the fog of time, those times will appear even better; In fact, there are difficult times in the best of times. We're not going back to the good old days. Saturn's current transit through Aquarius and the arrival of Pluto will create a very new and different world, and in 2022 and 2023, we are undergoing their respective tests to ensure that we can adapt to the new era of Aquarius. It won't be easy.

I have always emphasized that it is we who create our lives because the way we respond to challenges and opportunities determines the way forward. It's as if when we enter the world, we see a sketch of our future life, but through our choices, we can end up seeing a completely different picture. That's how we're making progress.

So as you head into 2022, instead of waiting for the stars to do the work, roll up your sleeves and go all out. Don't give up on your hopes and dreams, but you can also make your life meaningful while you wait. Hoping that your lucky star will help you do things will not work, and when you finish your work, your lucky star will appear!

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