
China's total exports of automobiles in the first 11 months reached 31.38 billion US dollars, and the era of electric vehicles will be more brilliant

China's auto exports have shown remarkable results. China is steadily moving towards an "automobile powerhouse". According to the data, from January to November 2021, China exported a total of 1.793 million vehicles, an increase of 1 times year-on-year, and the export amount was 31.38 billion US dollars. China's automobile export situation is very good. Today, let's talk about the eye-catching achievements of China's automobile exports this year.

According to Xinhua Net, as the overseas market gradually picks up in 2021, China's automobile exports have also ushered in a new peak. Chinese automobiles, relying on their good reputation, a large number of fans overseas.

According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the cumulative export volume of Chinese automobiles in the first 11 months of this year reached 1.793 million units, an increase of 1.1 times year-on-year. Many domestic car brands have achieved impressive results overseas. For example, SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicles has entered the markets of 66 countries and regions, and the penetration rate of products has been continuously improved. In the first 11 months of this year, Great Wall Motor sold 20,359 vehicles in Australia and New Zealand, an increase of 253% year-on-year, becoming the fastest growing Chinese brand in local sales. Geely Automobile has also ushered in an explosive period, and has achieved eye-catching sales results in the Philippines, Qatar, Israel and other countries.

Not only that, but we also broke into the European market. We know that Germany is the strongest exporter of cars in the world. Our ability to break into the European market speaks volumes about our strength. At the International Auto Show in Munich, Germany, held in September this year, the popular models such as the small electric vehicle Euler exhibited by Great Wall Motors have attracted widespread attention in the European market. Hongqi Pure Electric Smart SUV E-HS9 also announced exports to Europe. China's FAW has also launched car exports to Norway.

Among them, new energy vehicles are worth mentioning. The characteristics of "high-quality export" of our car companies have begun to appear. China's automobile exports have begun to move towards the high-end market. New energy vehicles are naturally the vanguard. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to November this year, China exported 291,000 new energy vehicles, an increase of 189.9% year-on-year. Favored by overseas consumers.

Industry insiders believe that the improvement of appearance, quality and intelligent network configuration has greatly enhanced the competitiveness of domestic automobiles. Especially in the field of new energy, China has also achieved a leading position. Therefore, it has won a lot of market opportunities.

For example, SAIC Motor plans to sell more than 300,000 vehicles in Europe in 2025. Moreover, new energy vehicles account for 70% to 80%. Chery Automobile's goal is to export 500,000 vehicles and achieve an export profit of 5 billion yuan, which means that a quarter of Chery Automobile's sales in 2025 will be contributed by overseas markets. Geely Motors that is also ambitious. The company plans to sell 600,000 units overseas by 2025.

China's total exports of automobiles in the first 11 months reached 31.38 billion US dollars, and the era of electric vehicles will be more brilliant

Our export is not only to see the quantity, but also to see the unit price. According to the previous impression, China's exports are often won by quantity. Often the profit is not high, go to the price war. However, our new energy vehicles are not a low price in exchange for the market. The price of exported cars is basically the same as the domestic price. That is to say, we are really working with foreign brands this time. No one fights a price war, we are better than strength. This is also the embodiment of confidence in China's manufacturing industry. In today's automotive industry, hardware barriers have weakened. More importantly, software development. In terms of software, in fact, China is not bad. In the face of consumption upgrades and consumers' individual needs, our Chinese intelligent vehicles have reached the world's leading level in many product performance.

According to China News Network, more than 130 EV50 new energy logistics vehicles produced by Guangxi Automobile Group were sent to North American countries by sea on October 4. As of September this year, a total of 608 new energy vehicles have been exported, including new energy logistics vehicles, golf carts, electric sightseeing vehicles, etc.

Since the beginning of this year, China's independent brand new energy vehicles Weilai, Xiaopeng, AIWAYS and Great Wall Euler have also accelerated their exploration of overseas markets. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, global sales of new energy vehicles will reach 11 million by 2025, and will continue to climb to 30 million by 2030. This is a huge market, and Among them, China has the strength to occupy a place.

Chinese automakers have always had a global dream. China, now the world's largest consumer market for automobiles. Many European countries are reluctant to cooperate with the anti-China policy of the United States because our automobile market demand is large, and people do not want to delay their own business. However, the export of our cars has not been recognized enough overseas. This year's sudden force is really a very good momentum.

Originally, our exports were mainly in economically underdeveloped areas such as Southeast Asia, and now, we have also begun to enter Europe, the United States and other places. To say that in the field of traditional automobile manufacturing, we still have a distance from foreign countries. But I didn't expect that new energy vehicles have opened up new fields and directly given us the opportunity to overtake in curves, which is the development opportunity of China's automotive industry.

Of course, the new market for new energy vehicles is also in the eyes of Europe. Therefore, in the past two years, local car companies in Europe have accelerated the pace of electrification transformation. With such a big trend, Europe cannot sit still. For example, German auto giants, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, porsche, all announced that they want to electrify. In the future, a large number of electric models will be launched. These giant car companies with big businesses and thick foundations want to turn around gorgeously, which is a huge challenge for us. You can't stop people and let them build electric cars.

So, what will be the future of China's electric vehicles? Earlier we talked about the impressive results achieved this year, and now, we look forward to the future of Electric Vehicles in China. According to People's Daily News, from the perspective of market size, China has become the world's largest electric vehicle market. Cumulative sales of electric passenger cars account for 45% of the world's total. Electric buses and electric trucks account for more than 90% of the world's sales. One thing is for sure, China will first become the world's largest market for electric vehicles. This gives the company great confidence. Because the domestic market is enough. This domestic market is like our training base. The more troops are trained, the better, and when the soldiers are well fed, they are still worried that our products will not sweep the world? From this point of view, the old saying does make sense: the more national, the more worldly.

In addition, as we just said, software configuration, in the proportion of smart cars, is becoming more and more important. The new generation of information technology, artificial intelligence, 5G, Internet of Things, etc. in our country has also developed rapidly. This provides a good technical soil for the future of smart cars. Behind this is the manifestation of the strength of the entire country's intelligent technology. Supporting facilities, but also have to keep up.

Smart cars can also drive our country's energy revolution. After all, our country also has the need for "double carbon" emission reduction, and protecting the environment itself is a crucial thing. Therefore, smart cars are naturally strongly advocated. It is estimated that in 2035, new energy vehicles will reduce carbon emissions by about 200 million tons, with significant carbon reduction benefits.

The development of new energy vehicles is inseparable from the support of the government. Policy-driven and market mechanisms are double-blessed, and multiple departments collaborate to deal with collaborative management in development. In this favorable environment, China will attract a large amount of investment. According to forecasts, global investment in the new energy automobile industry is expected to be about $300 billion by 2025. Of these, 45 percent go to China. China will usher in a wave of trend dividends.

In the future, we may achieve zero emissions in vehicles. Moreover, with the development of science and technology, industrial competition has gradually focused on "electrification + intelligence". Whoever does these two things well will be able to win in the market competition. In addition, China must also establish a supply chain system for new energy vehicles. Ever since we were stuck in the neck with a chip in the United States, we have realized how important an independent supply chain system is. Therefore, in the process of the development of new energy vehicles, China should basically establish its own independent and controllable supply chain system. Let's take the initiative into our own hands. We can't let the United States pit it over there, and we can't learn this lesson anymore.

Therefore, like some core materials, chips, equipment, or resources, where they are still subject to people, we must vigorously develop. It is necessary to minimize the risk of supply interruption. We want to gradually become a real automobile power. China will become the world's most competitive new energy vehicle market. China will also become a new source of exports of new energy vehicles. It is the production end or the consumer end, and China will make efforts in the field of new energy vehicles. In short, new energy vehicles are inseparable from the existence of the word China.

The development of the times is the presentation of opportunities. The global dream of Chinese automakers is gradually getting closer to the dream. The good momentum this year has given us full confidence. Whether it is independent research and development or export to the world, China's good news is endless.

Of course, on the traditional car, we also have to narrow the gap with foreign countries. After all, if new energy vehicles want to be popularized, it still needs a certain number of years. Our traditional cars should also be applauded abroad, double-line upgrades, and each model should be upgraded industrially to enter the high-end market of others. China has long since ceased to compete in price wars. Our manufacturing industry can already be on an equal footing with foreign countries. Chinese auto enterprises, China's new energy automobile enterprises, the future can be expected. The times have given us the opportunity to overtake in curves, and we must seize this opportunity. I believe that by 2025, we will see the goals set now and will be achieved one by one.

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