
After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?

After the end of World War II, Soviet society entered a period of intertwined contradictions, in which many Soviet citizens listened to the enemy "secretly", and Jews were an important subject. So why do Jews like to listen to foreign enemies?

To answer this question accurately, it is necessary to give a brief account of the actual situation of the Jews in the Soviet Union during and after the second and early post-war periods. Russia had a small number of Jews since the time of the Tsar, and the policy of national equality did not apply to the Jewish community. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, in order to encourage the Soviet people to resist the atrocities of the fascist army, the Soviet authorities established a legal Jewish organization, the Anti-Fascist Committee, during the course of the war.

After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?
After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?

Stalin believed that the organization intended to divide the country, so this was also the reason why the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was later suppressed. Shortly after the war, Mihoels, one of the commission's leaders, was assassinated in January 1948. Regarding the murder of Mikhoëes, the Russian Presidential Archives holds detailed records of the incident. In Beria's letter to Malenkov, it can be learned that Stalin, after learning that Mikhues would be going to Minsk, instructed to create a traffic accident in Minsk, thus achieving the goal of eliminating "separatists".

After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?

Later, the relevant scholars concluded that several unsuccessful attempts to cause a traffic accident were unsuccessful, so Abakumov invited Mihoels to visit the villa in Chanawatra. At about 10 p.m. that night, Mijoyles arrived at the villa accompanied by staff from the Ministry of State Security, after which the two were shot dead by ambushed killers. After the assassination, the Jewish movement in the Soviet Union rose and fell, which really caused quite a stir.

After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?

In the eyes of the Soviet leadership, war was inevitable as long as the capitalist economic system existed. As the contradictions between the Soviet Union and britain, the United States and other countries became more and more profound, the Soviet leaders' vigilance against Western countries also became deeper. That is why Stalin's reaction was so sensitive and strong when the leaders of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee proposed the establishment of an autonomous region in Crimea after the liberation of Ukraine. In addition to the above factors, the national problems that have always existed in the Soviet Union were also one of the triggers for the setbacks in Jewish autonomy.

After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?

The Soviet Union itself was a multi-ethnic state, and there have been historical exclusions of Jews. After the birth of the Soviet Union, some Soviet people's discrimination against Jews still existed, and Stalin was one of them. Once, there was a group brawl at the Thirtieth Aircraft Factory in the SOVIET Union, and the factory party committee reported to Stalin that it had been caused by Jews. When Khrushchev, the secretary of the Moscow Municipal Party Committee, exchanged views with Stalin, Stalin said in disgust: "Some strong workers should be organized and beaten up with wooden sticks." This shows the depth of Stalin's tendency toward national discrimination.

After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?

At the end of 1948, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was forced to dissolve, its participants were accused of "anti-Soviet activities", a large number of members were arrested, shot or exiled, and a large number of Jewish intellectuals were arrested. Because Jews mostly served in the Soviet Ministry of Culture, they were also particularly severely attacked and persecuted. In 1949, at Stalin's behest, The Soviet newspaper Pravda published an article criticizing Jewish artists, thus setting off a nationwide political critique movement against Jews.

After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?

In this political movement, not only did a large number of Jewish intellectuals be arrested, but all Jewish cultural institutions were shut down. Although the persecution of Jews was not widely publicized, the anti-Semitic sentiments of Stalin and his cronies were not a secret within the party. This movement has seriously distorted normal interpersonal relations between people and harmonious relations between peoples. In the anti-Semitic atmosphere at that time, false accusations and secret accusations prevailed, and Jews almost even became a problem to survive. But it also developed a strong character of Soviet Jews. For example, many of the large number of Russian billionaires who emerged during the collapse of the Soviet Union were Jews who had been bullied.

After World War II, why did soviet Jews "eavesdrop on the enemy"?

Against this backdrop, listening to foreign radio became one of the antidotes to the bitterness of the Soviet Jews, who were eager to return to their own country. But it was also because of listening to foreign radio that a large number of Jews were arrested, on the simple and clear grounds of "foreign countries".

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