
Who is Ma Chao or Guan Yu? Ancient books subvert history, scholar: not a hierarchy at all

When Cao Cao and Ma Chao were fighting at Tongguan, Ma Chao tried to make an extremely bold move—to catch Cao Cao directly—although he was reckless and reckless, he could understand it in view of their deep hatred. At that time, Ma Chao and Cao Cao agreed to meet on a single horse, and Ma Chao decided to capture Cao Cao during the meeting.

Cao Cao and Han Sui and Ma Chao single horse will speak, Ma Chao bears his many strengths, and yin wants to catch Cao Cao in front of him.

But Ma Chao did not succeed, Cao Cao was bold, since he dared to speak a single horse, he naturally made sufficient preparations, this is not, huhou is itching on the side.

Cao Cao left and right Xu Chu's eyes widened, and Ma Chao did not dare to move.

In fact, I have some doubts about this record: how did the Wei State Historian know that Xu Chu was staring at Ma Chao with his eyes wide open, and how did he understand that Ma Chao did not dare to act rashly because he was jealous of Xu Chu? It seems that this historian must be a roundworm in Cao Cao's belly, in order to use the first person to record everything so accurately. But in any case, Chen Shou wrote so, let's accept it like this.

Who is Ma Chao or Guan Yu? Ancient books subvert history, scholar: not a hierarchy at all

This can be said to be beautifying Xu Chu, and it can also be said to beautify Cao Cao. The son of Tangtang Xiliang Ma Teng, the existence of the three armies of the Yongguan, was so stunned by the tiger fool that he was instigated; Cao Cao was not willing to show weakness, there was no Dianwei around him, and there was this god of war escort, why be afraid? Although there is no glorification of Ma Chao, both are fierce generals, which does not need to be mentioned.

Ma Chao's personal combat strength is not clearly stated in the history books, but some clues can still be seen from the side. For example, Ma Chao was once shot in the ankle by an arrow on the battlefield, and without saying a word, he directly pulled it out, bandaged it on the spot, fought again, and then hand-bladed Guo Yuan. What can be reflected in this matter is not that Ma Chaoduo can fight, but that fierceness--like Dianwei's body was seriously injured in dozens of places, and he could personally chop off the fierceness of more than a dozen enemy troops--in any era, if there is such a fierceness, it is not much weaker.

Ma Chao was born yongliang, must be very capable of fighting

。 And look at several monsters born in the same Yongliang: Dong Zhuo, whose strength is infinite, so great that few people in the world can compare, can ride on a horse and open a bow left and right; Lü Bu, without mentioning; Zhang Liao, eight hundred and one hundred thousand, pointed a gun at Sun Quan and scolded the existence; and even Ma Chao's father:

He was more than eight feet long, with a large body, a male face and nose, and the bravery of the prefecture and county, and was called to the army.

His father is like this, and he has a dog?

Who is Ma Chao or Guan Yu? Ancient books subvert history, scholar: not a hierarchy at all

To be more graphical: Yuan Shao sent more than thirty sword and axemen to assassinate Lü Bu that year. Today, you can think of thirty strong men, fully armed, armed with cold weapons, surrounding one man. As a result, Lü Bu escaped, and the soldiers did not dare to chase.

Ma Chao's courage is no less than that of people like Lü Bu. Naturally, such a fierce existence will surely be compared to generations. Compared with the yanyi, it is not interesting, after all, it is all the stuff in Luo Guanzhong's head; compared with the history, and the lack of records, after all, not everyone has the performance of an ancient monster like Dianwei. If you still want to compare, then you can only start with Xu Chu.

Ma Chao and Xu Chu blew their noses and stared, at least indicating that the aura of the two was balanced. Fortunately, Xu Chu's ability is still somewhat recorded. The first thing to mention is naturally this barbaric force.

Who is Ma Chao or Guan Yu? Ancient books subvert history, scholar: not a hierarchy at all

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Xu Chu had not yet followed Cao Cao, he took his family soldiers, defended the village, and later got involved with the thieves, the process was not mentioned, but there was one thing, very terrible:

Before Xu Chunai came out of the battle, he dragged the oxtail with one hand and walked more than 100 steps.

Xu Chu dragged a cow's tail with one hand and dragged it for a hundred or so steps. Well, it's that perverted. And another thing that Cao Cao did to fight Ma Overtime: Ma Chao led his troops to chase Cao Cao to the riverside, Cao Cao and Xu Chu got on the boat, Xu Chu rowed the boat with one hand, held the saddle in the other hand, protected Cao Cao, Ma Chao fired all the arrows, and finally did not hurt Cao Cao. In the end, Xu Chu was naturally not afraid of Cao Cao's first fierce general: Cao Ren. To say that Cao Ren is fierce, I am afraid that it is no less than Xu Chu, and the "existence of Ben and YuFujia" in "Fu Zi" is not in vain. But Xu Chu was not afraid of him, and could say to Cao Ren: "You are a foreign domain, I am an internal minister", and cao ren, who is angry, has no temper.

This is Xu Chu's ability, and perhaps Ma Chao's ability.

Naturally, Ma Chao's fame is indispensable to compare with the two top beings of the Three Kingdoms, after all, the ten thousand enemies in Cheng Yu's mouth are well-founded. Ma Chao and Guan Yu, who can fight in the end, this is more confusing and tempting, but there is no solution, because these two seem to have only been compared in Zhuge Liang's letters. After Ma Chao surrendered to Liu Bei, Guan Yu wrote a letter to Zhuge Liang, asking who was strong, and Zhuge Liang said:

Ma Chao is also a man of culture and martial arts, a heroic and outstanding, a master of the first life, a disciple of Tuo and Peng, when he competes with Yi De and drives the first, he has not yet reached the absolute yiqun of hair.

Zhuge Liang first lifted Ma Chao into the sky, then fixed Ma Chao in the sky with Tuobu, Peng Yue, and Zhang Fei, and then said to Guan Yu: You are stronger than them.

Who is Ma Chao or Guan Yu? Ancient books subvert history, scholar: not a hierarchy at all

Guan Yu's combat strength is rarely recorded in the history books, but the five words of The Ten Thousand Armies have already explained everything. Yan Liang's tens of thousands of troops, standing in a hegemonic position, Guan Yu alone and one horse, killed yan Liang, cut off Yan Liang, dismounted, shook his head, got on his horse, and returned to the camp. End the battle at the same time. As well as the existence of ten thousand enemies that could be recognized by the Three Kingdoms at the same time at that time, and the god-like figures who were worshipped for a thousand years in the future, at that time, I am afraid that it was really, very remarkable.

Ma Chao and Guan Yu, who is more capable of fighting, thousands of years of chattering debate, but there is no clue, can only guess. However, an ancient book of the Jin Dynasty can glimpse the general outline. The Jin Dynasty scholar Le Zi once wrote a "Record of the Duke of Shanyang", in which he said:

Ma Chao, seeing Liu Bei's kindness, and Liu Beiyan often called Liu Beizi, Guan Yu was angry, please kill him. ...... Tomorrow's meeting, please Ma Chaojin, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and the staff knife upright, Ma Chao Gu sat in the seat, did not see Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, saw his Zhiye, is a big surprise, so he did not call Liu Bei again.

In guan yu's life, he asked for instructions to kill people, twice, once was to kill Cao Cao, Liu Bei considered the consequences and stopped Guan Yu; and this time, this time Liu Bei naturally would not agree. But this can be seen that if Liu Bei is relaxed, Guan Yu can split Ma Chao in minutes.

Who is Ma Chao or Guan Yu? Ancient books subvert history, scholar: not a hierarchy at all

If you fight head-on, Ma Chao will never be Guan Yu's opponent, after all, Guan Yu's aura of the God of War is not a vain name. Of course, if the posture is set up, Guan Yu cannot easily kill Ma Chao - just like when Lü Bu and Li Dai were single-handed, although Lü Bu was stronger than Li Dai, he only stabbed Li Dai and did not pick out a single shot.

Afterwards, Ma Chao himself said, "I now know why he lost." For the main character of the caller, several were killed by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. ”

In fact, from a small matter in the later life, it can also be seen that the combat strength of Ma Chao and Guan Yu is not at one level. After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, but every fierce general, must mention Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, this is just like the Three Kingdoms of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but every fierce general, must mention Fan Duo: Guan Yu, has become synonymous with bravery in later generations, this position, Ma Chao is beyond reach.

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