
Li wants to talk about "VR can replace the in-car screen": lack of the most basic product common sense and awe

Sanyan Finance News on January 4, yesterday, the founder of Ideal Auto Li xiang posted an article on the statement that "with VR equipment, there is no need for a screen in the car", saying that a qualified product manager should ensure that he has the most basic VR theoretical knowledge and sufficient experience before product definition. At the same time, Li wanted to propose 5 scenes to prove that the screen was still needed in the car.

Finally, Li wants to express support for car companies' attempts and explorations of Vr, but misleading consumers about screen uselessness without any function is the lack of the most basic product common sense and awe.

Here is the full text:

Li wants to talk about "VR can replace the in-car screen": lack of the most basic product common sense and awe

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