
Everyone reads The Analects 1.1| Zi Yue: Learn and learn from time to time

Everyone reads The Analects 1.1| Zi Yue: Learn and learn from time to time

Zi Yue: "Learn and learn from time to time, don't you say anything?" Have friends from afar, are you happy? People don't know and don't care, aren't they gentlemen? ”


Confucius said, "Isn't it nice to learn knowledge and skills, and to consolidate and master it on time?" Isn't it very happy that there are students who come from afar to study? Others don't understand themselves, but they are not unhappy, are they not very gentlemanly? ”


People progress through learning, and the results of progress will take on different levels. Generally speaking, it is divided into four levels: fools, ordinary people, sages, and saints.

Human nature is good and bad, and learning itself is a boring thing. The boredom of learning can be constantly changed through the process of learning, and the opportunity for change is to recognize the value of learning, so as to stimulate interest in learning. Learning can acquire knowledge and skills, and knowledge and skills can change the content of people's lives and satisfy people's material and spiritual desires. When people see the prospect of learning and get the reward of learning, their boredom with learning will gradually be overcome and become active.

Material desires are the most common and primary desires of human beings, while spiritual desires are the higher desires of human beings. The distinction between fools, ordinary people, sages, and saints is the difference in their values, and the higher the level of human beings, the stronger their spiritual pursuits, and the higher their enthusiasm for learning.

Learning is a touchstone, and the lower the level of people, the more passive their learning is. Confucius is a person who has advanced to the level of a saint through study, so he can have the experience of "learning and learning from time to time, not to mention it". However, sainthood and foolishness are relative, and the pleasure of learning is not exclusive to the sages, and ordinary people can sometimes get such feelings, but relatively few.

Generally speaking, anyone assumes the dual role of teacher and student for life. Confucius has been learning all his life and teaching people all his life. Whether a teacher is good or not can use the student as a yardstick for testing. The more students you have, the better the quality, which means that the higher the level of this teacher. Confucius ran a private school, and the students had the right to choose from him, all of which were automatically defected. His students were both local and from distant princely states, and even fathers and sons of two generations had taken him as their teacher. The number and quality of Confucius's students are impressive, proving that he was a successful teacher.

It's not easy to be a happy student, and it's even harder to be a happy teacher. Some abusive teachers often have a potential fear of knowledge, the classroom, and students, and it is rare to get pleasure from teaching activities.

"Friends from afar" means that there are students from far and wide who come to study, which is of course the highest affirmation and reward for a teacher, and it is also a verification of success. The luck of the teacher is to be taught by the world's talents, and it is often gratifying to have children to teach. The misfortune of teachers is that they often feel that the students have the feeling that the wood cannot be carved. Confucius saw his social response of "learning to be a teacher and behaving in the world", and he was of course "happy".

All those who have talent and learning will often have a different degree of nostalgia and lack of encounter, and Confucius is not exempt from the vulgarity. The social situation is complex, and it is impossible for people to make the best use of their talents and materials. It's normal for people to complain and complain, and there's nothing wrong with that. But if a person is always indulging in such emotions, he will often be paranoid, psychologically depressed, and even develop into a mental illness.

In the face of the phenomenon of "people do not know", Confucius's response plan has three points: one is to be generous and not to care, one is to find ways to make people understand themselves, and the other is to increase their talents, so as to finally gain recognition.

"People don't know but don't feel ashamed" is not something that ordinary people can do. This kind of literacy is the result of long-term tempering, the accumulation of knowledge, and the sublimation of insights. The so-called gentlemanly attitude of "accommodating things that are difficult to tolerate in the world" must be supported by corresponding knowledge and insights to be realized. When a person advances to the upper level, the incomprehension of others will naturally show tolerance, understanding and sympathy. The so-called "adults do not count the little people, the prime minister can hold the boat in his belly", this is the truth.

These three sentences in the first chapter of the Analects seem to be plain and common sense, but they are the life experiences spoken by Confucius from the height of the saints, which is not something that ordinary people can do. If someone can enjoy learning all his life and worry about not learning, what will he be in? In fact, most people often stop learning in the true sense as soon as they leave school. If someone is practicing morality and teaching, and others come from all directions to worship him as a teacher, then the level that this person has reached can be imagined. If someone has reached the cultivation realm of being lenient and strict with others, and truly regards everyone as a pure son from the heart, is this not a gentleman worthy of respect? How many people can people see in the eyes of such a noble person?

Everyone reads The Analects 1.1| Zi Yue: Learn and learn from time to time

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