
The two armies fought fiercely for 3 days and 3 nights, and the Japanese army felt that our army had a division of troops, and only after the battle did they learn the truth

The two armies fought fiercely for 3 days and 3 nights, and the Japanese army felt that our army had a division of troops, and only after the battle did they learn the truth

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was the most dangerous moment for our Chinese nation, when the invaders brought war, poisoned our beautiful land, seized our great rivers and mountains, and made the people feel helpless and seemed to have no hope. However, the moment of the survival of the nation of the War of Resistance is also the moment when our nation has aroused its great potential, and in order to defend our country, countless martyrs have erupted with great strength, turned into steel bodies with firm will, and driven out the aggressors. Although that era is far away, every Chinese should not forget the humiliation and heroism of the past. What Xiaobian brought today is a heroic battle in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in which we won more with less, and five hundred Chinese soldiers interpreted with their flesh and blood what was the indomitable soul of the Chinese army, and the Japanese and kosovars had to be solemnly respected.

The two armies fought fiercely for 3 days and 3 nights, and the Japanese army felt that our army had a division of troops, and only after the battle did they learn the truth

The background of the Battle of Changsha was that the Japanese army at that time decided to gather a large number of troops to attack Changsha according to the strategic deployment. Changsha is a strategic place, not only our important granary, but also a railway hub, which is extremely critical. If Changsha falls, then we will lose a key transportation artery area, and the Japanese army will rely on the resources of Changsha to make a good supplement, and we will lose a lot in this or another. On the other hand, from the perspective of the geographical war situation, Changsha is the key point of our army's defensive line, and once it is lost, the areas where we can be active will be driven to the southwest by the Japanese army backlog, and the overall situation will be very unfavorable.

The Japanese army understood the importance of Changsha very well, and they dispatched troops and generals, gathered 100,000 combat strength, and divided into three roads to encircle the Changsha area, intending to win a single blow. However, before attacking Changsha, there was a place that the Japanese army had to pass through, and this area also became the only opportunity for our people's army to buy time by blocking the attack first. This area is called the New Wall River, and there is a place on the banks of the river. At that time, our army arranged for The Commander of The Enhua Battalion to lead his subordinate troops to block the enemy at Grass Shoe Ridge to buy time for the dispatch of large troops. Shi Enhua's men were a reinforced battalion of five hundred men, all of whom set out for Grass Shoe Ridge.

The two armies fought fiercely for 3 days and 3 nights, and the Japanese army felt that our army had a division of troops, and only after the battle did they learn the truth

Although the grass shoe ridge is critical, it actually has no advantage in our ambush and resistance, and even the disadvantage is not small. As the name suggests, the Grass Shoe Ridge is full of wild grass, and the mountains are bare without complicated environment, which leads to the fact that as an ambush defensive position, our army has no geographical advantage to rely on and then defend. However, the military orders were like mountains, and the defense of the motherland was indomitable, and these five hundred troops knew that they were facing an enemy dozens of times that of themselves, and they did not shrink back and heroically resisted the enemy. The Japanese army was well-equipped at that time, and in the face of the obstruction of the grass shoe ridge, all kinds of cannons were pulled out for indiscriminate bombardment.

The two armies fought fiercely for 3 days and 3 nights, and the Japanese army felt that our army had a division of troops, and only after the battle did they learn the truth

The artillery fire not only caused great damage directly, but also ignited the barren grass scattered throughout the grass shoe ridge, and the fire burned all over the mountain. However, in the face of these difficulties and obstacles, none of our soldiers flinched, and as long as one of the Japanese troops entered the firing range, they would be violently attacked. Such a counterattack was unexpected by the Japanese, and they had to reorganize and launch a new offensive. In this way, the battle was fought for three days and three nights in the back and forth attack and defense of the enemy and us, and finally ended with the total sacrifice of our entire battalion. The two companies of the Japanese army participated in the battle, and our army still insisted for three days, making it difficult for the other side to move.

The two armies fought fiercely for 3 days and 3 nights, and the Japanese army felt that our army had a division of troops, and only after the battle did they learn the truth

At that time, in the course of the battle, the generals of the Japanese army felt very strange, and the real combat strength of our army could not be estimated, on the one hand, they felt that there were not many troops, but on the other hand, their own large number of men and horses could not attack at all. When the battle was finally over, the Japanese found themselves facing a fierce attack that was only unleashed by five hundred steel bodies. The Japanese major general could not believe his eyes in the face of the scene in front of him, but he had to accept the great courage of the Chinese soldiers to defend the motherland. As fellow soldiers, they took off their hats and paid tribute, and buried the bodies of these five hundred brave soldiers. Presumably, the Japanese who have gone through this battle will not only feel awe in their hearts, but also feel that China has such brave fighters, how can the whole war be won?

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