
Why were Japanese soldiers, who were not afraid of death, afraid of Soviet female nurses after their defeat? The reason is funny

Why were Japanese soldiers, who were not afraid of death, afraid of Soviet female nurses after their defeat? The reason is funny

The destructiveness of war is unquestionable, and for the lower classes of the common people, this kind of thing is only harmful, not beneficial. This event will not only put a country in a very difficult situation, but also allow the people of this country to fall into a very cruel war. In the last century. There have been two large-scale wars in the world, and whether the first war was a worldwide war is debatable, but the second war really involved almost all the countries of the world. Although there are many sayings that the war was a just war, there is nothing wrong with the war. Our country is a victorious country, standing on the stage of a world power. But the fate of those defeated countries was not so good

Why were Japanese soldiers, who were not afraid of death, afraid of Soviet female nurses after their defeat? The reason is funny

We are going to talk about Japan here, when Japan first launched the war, it can be said that it was full of spirit, a small country, launched a war against the whole of East Asia and even the countries around the Pacific. In the early days, it was true that many countries suffered losses, but with the deepening of the war, many countries withdrew his attack and began to enter the stage of stalemate. In the end, he didn't know what he thought, a bomb blew up the United States. Immediately, the United States was enraged, from neutrality to war, and he wanted to retaliate against the country, naturally it was Japan. Two atomic bombs were dropped directly on the Japanese city, and the Soviet Union on the other end also pressed in and attacked the Japanese mainland, so their emperor was forced to surrender.

Why were Japanese soldiers, who were not afraid of death, afraid of Soviet female nurses after their defeat? The reason is funny

But his announcement of surrender did not mean that the matter was over, and many of the Japanese soldiers who were sent out to participate in the war returned, but a large part of them did not re-assemble and remained in their original places. The point we want to mention here is that the Japanese soldiers in China, China did not mistreat them, but gave them good food and drink, and gave them some money and grain when they were sent back, which can also be regarded as doing a good job, although the practice at that time was not recognized by many people, but from a historical point of view, this really made China set a good impression in the hearts of the countries of the world.

Why were Japanese soldiers, who were not afraid of death, afraid of Soviet female nurses after their defeat? The reason is funny

But the life of Japanese soldiers in other countries was not so good, such as the Japanese soldiers in the Soviet Union, when 700,000 Japanese soldiers remained in the Soviet Union. The Soviets did not let them go back so comfortably, but sent them to Siberia to reclaim the wasteland there. In that part of Siberia, it was freezing cold and the japanese were defeated prisoners, so the Japanese at that time had a very bad time. But what they feared most was not the Soviet soldiers there, but the Soviet female nurses there.

Why were Japanese soldiers, who were not afraid of death, afraid of Soviet female nurses after their defeat? The reason is funny

Why? It turned out that in the Soviet Union there was a rule that if the Japanese who were seriously ill and could not work, they would be sent back to Japan. Because they didn't want to waste extra money to treat the Japanese, if they all died in the Soviet Union, it would have a certain impact on their reputation. So, they chose to send them back. So who can judge whether he is sick or not, naturally it is the female nurse there. Because life in the Soviet Union was very hard and there was constant labor, many Japanese people pretended to be sick.

Why were Japanese soldiers, who were not afraid of death, afraid of Soviet female nurses after their defeat? The reason is funny

They want to return to their hometown by feigning illness. So they were very afraid of the female nurse who diagnosed whether they were sick or not, afraid that if he said that he was still healthy, then the Soviet Union would not let them go back. According to statistics, only 30,000 Japanese people who were forced to work in the Soviet Union at that time eventually returned to Japan. Many more worked in the Siberian land until they died and were buried there. War is a very cruel thing for both victorious and defeated countries, and the only thing to do now is to maintain peace and not forget the sacrifices made in the first place.

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