
After Japan's defeat in the war, where did the 100,000 Japanese women who remained in Tohoku? Why Japan is silent

From ancient times to the present, it is men who fight on the battlefield, and women at home watch their children farm. If a woman appears on the battlefield, there are only two main reasons. First, women became paramedics to treat the wounded on the battlefield. Second, most of the men of this country died on the battlefield, and the country had no choice but to let women carry long guns to defend the country.

After Japan's defeat in the war, where did the 100,000 Japanese women who remained in Tohoku? Why Japan is silent

Secondly, in addition to the above two situations, there is another situation on the modern battlefield. That is, under the influence of militarism, women also took up guns and participated in the war. During the eight years of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Japanese women also participated in the war because they were poisoned by militarism.

After Japan's defeat in the war, where did the 100,000 Japanese women who remained in Tohoku? Why Japan is silent

Later, after Japan's defeat, about 100,000 Japanese women stayed in tohoku, and where did these women go? Why doesn't Japan talk about it? In fact, Japan is just ashamed to talk about it. Because most of the 100,000 Japanese women are married to local Chinese men. There are two reasons for being ashamed to talk about it.

After Japan's defeat in the war, where did the 100,000 Japanese women who remained in Tohoku? Why Japan is silent

First of all, the Japanese soldiers during the War of Resistance despised Chinese the most, and their women were willing to marry Chinese, and they were very happy since they married Chinese. Secondly, after Japan's defeat, the Japanese soldiers who thought they were macho escaped faster than anyone else, and they did not even ask questions about weak women. It can be said that these Japanese soldiers abandoned the Japanese women. For these two reasons, Japan is so reluctant to talk about the 100,000 women who remain in China. What do you think about that?

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